Freddie's lifeline was good (clear and long) but as you can see from this example, the lifeline cannot show the length of life. It can however show the natural lifespan if one is not attacked by disease or killed by accident. Of course, it is likely that some changes in the hand happened later (and not just with the lifeline) but when the photograph was taken, in the seventies, Freddie Mercury’s natural health is shown to be excellent. There are more details on why palmistry cannot predict death, in this post on Death and Hand Reading.
Freddie Mercury's heartline is the best line on his hand. It is gently curving and well-etched. However, his hand shows that the three main lines on his hand, (Heart, Head and Life) were a little weak at their start.
You can check out a hand photograph of his hands here. (The photo above is a free photo.)
You can check out a hand photograph of his hands here. (The photo above is a free photo.)
Freddie's left (passive) and right (active) hands are quite different. The passive hand shows the inherited or subconscious qualities and the right hand reveals the current state of mind. Freddie's lines seem deeper and darker on his right hand, but most importantly, his Moon mount is enhanced considerably. The Venus mount seems smaller. There is a girdle of Venus on the left passive hand (a broken one) but it is hardly visible on the right active hand. The fingers are less conic and the thumb is more supple on the right hand and on the left, the fateline is not distinct after the thirties, and the Sunline is not significant. There are also those little pads on the tips of his fingers, called sensitive pads. He has well-shaped fingers of normal length.
From this, it seems unlikely that Freddie Mercury would have reached his true potential (despite his innate musical talent) if his parents had returned to India. Britain gave him the opportunities he needed and allowed him to enhance and develop his talents.
We know he spent his childhood in India, his musical birthplace. It is very likely that he wasn’t happy or emotionally engaged with his life at the time. Perhaps he didn’t know who he was. He embraced his true identity much later, when he changed his name. Freddie Mercury (born Farrokh Balsara) is said to have played down his Indian heritage.
True, Freddie was born British, but his parents were Parsis. And Parsis are not Persian as some people falsely claim – they are Indians as they have lived in India for centuries and absorbed Indian culture and practices and also speak an Indian language - Gujarati. But Freddie Mercury never wanted to think of himself as Indian or even someone with Indian roots, despite spending his childhood here, and despite his Indian heritage. Perhaps he didn't have too many happy memories of his childhood. Perhaps he wasn't that close to his parents either, parents who had Indian roots. He may have loved them but he was just too different.
Do his hands show that he wasn’t born musical? Well, he was born with extraordinary emotional sensitivity, high intelligence and a creative mindset. This creative mindset increased manifold due to his environment. By this, I do not necessarily mean a positive environment. It is believed that his early environment, at a school in Panchgani was hard. He was teased in school for his buck teeth and was painfully shy. His sensitivity must have made it very difficult to bear. He must have turned to music, found he was really good at it, and concentrated on it – an escape into an inner world? The seed sprouted right there. Later, in England, he came into his own.
It was lucky that his school provided him with the opportunities he needed to start off his musical career. But if he didn’t acknowledge his roots, why blame him? He grew up in the fifties and sixties, a time when racism was well and alive in Britain. An Indian rock star? Forget it! He would have had no chance!
His sensitivity was probably the reason why he kept his sexual orientation under wraps for a long time. It was the seventies, after all. His hand do not show that he was secretive. Secretive people are secretive about everything. Freddie just kept those things to himself which he probably thought would come back to bite him.
Despite his sensitivity and shyness (which he overcame), there is nothing on Freddie Mercury's hands to show that he was under-confident. Self-esteem wasn't an issue. That is perhaps why he never stopped striving to become better. He knew he had it in him to become great. And he did.
Note: This reading was done using the hand photos available on the internet by Koh Hasebe. I take them to be authentic because of the photographer, who is famous for taking photos of rock stars. However, this is the first time I have read the hands of anyone without actually seeing who the hand is attached to. Unfortunately, there are no other photos of Freddie Mercury on the net which can either verify (or not) whether these are actually Freddie Mercury's hands.
Check out the personality of another Brit singer: Adele, or that of American music star Madonna, Indian Zakir Hussain and Kishore Kumar, Sri Lanka's M.I.A Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam or South Korea's Jeon Jung-kook!
We know he spent his childhood in India, his musical birthplace. It is very likely that he wasn’t happy or emotionally engaged with his life at the time. Perhaps he didn’t know who he was. He embraced his true identity much later, when he changed his name. Freddie Mercury (born Farrokh Balsara) is said to have played down his Indian heritage.
True, Freddie was born British, but his parents were Parsis. And Parsis are not Persian as some people falsely claim – they are Indians as they have lived in India for centuries and absorbed Indian culture and practices and also speak an Indian language - Gujarati. But Freddie Mercury never wanted to think of himself as Indian or even someone with Indian roots, despite spending his childhood here, and despite his Indian heritage. Perhaps he didn't have too many happy memories of his childhood. Perhaps he wasn't that close to his parents either, parents who had Indian roots. He may have loved them but he was just too different.
Do his hands show that he wasn’t born musical? Well, he was born with extraordinary emotional sensitivity, high intelligence and a creative mindset. This creative mindset increased manifold due to his environment. By this, I do not necessarily mean a positive environment. It is believed that his early environment, at a school in Panchgani was hard. He was teased in school for his buck teeth and was painfully shy. His sensitivity must have made it very difficult to bear. He must have turned to music, found he was really good at it, and concentrated on it – an escape into an inner world? The seed sprouted right there. Later, in England, he came into his own.
It was lucky that his school provided him with the opportunities he needed to start off his musical career. But if he didn’t acknowledge his roots, why blame him? He grew up in the fifties and sixties, a time when racism was well and alive in Britain. An Indian rock star? Forget it! He would have had no chance!
His sensitivity was probably the reason why he kept his sexual orientation under wraps for a long time. It was the seventies, after all. His hand do not show that he was secretive. Secretive people are secretive about everything. Freddie just kept those things to himself which he probably thought would come back to bite him.
Despite his sensitivity and shyness (which he overcame), there is nothing on Freddie Mercury's hands to show that he was under-confident. Self-esteem wasn't an issue. That is perhaps why he never stopped striving to become better. He knew he had it in him to become great. And he did.
Note: This reading was done using the hand photos available on the internet by Koh Hasebe. I take them to be authentic because of the photographer, who is famous for taking photos of rock stars. However, this is the first time I have read the hands of anyone without actually seeing who the hand is attached to. Unfortunately, there are no other photos of Freddie Mercury on the net which can either verify (or not) whether these are actually Freddie Mercury's hands.
Check out the personality of another Brit singer: Adele, or that of American music star Madonna, Indian Zakir Hussain and Kishore Kumar, Sri Lanka's M.I.A Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam or South Korea's Jeon Jung-kook!
More personality readings of famous musicians and singers like Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, and Michael Jackson or check out all the hand readings of Music Stars on this blog!
Oh My God thanks! I'm such a huge fan of this guy and I am so intrigued with him! He is THE most interesting rockstar we've ever had and I'm so glad there's a resurgence of that interest in our generation!
ReplyDeleteI was a teenager in the seventies and Mercury was one of our favourites. Yes, it's a wonderful feeling that people remember him with such reverence.
DeleteHe was very unique. After watching the movie a few times, I got the feeling he was always really different. I don't think he was ashamed to be indian, but there was nothing for him to relate to over there? I think England was his home in his heart. Maybe if he lived longer he'd explored his roots once again. Like you said times were different then and it wasn't so easy to be a minority.
DeleteI'm not a fan of Freddie Mercury but I'm well aware of his iconic status. I was also not aware of spending time in India!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to ask about the life line. My question is suppose the life line is strong compared to the rest of the lines on the active hand then besides health does this line also show success and fame in any way if it is strong? Deepak Chopra whose hand you read also had a very strong life line.
P.S. Please do read the palms of Bruce Willis if you are able to obtain proper photos.
The lifeline plays a big part in success. Even if one does not have very good fate and sun lines, a good lifeline compensates because it shows energy and to some extent, drive. But the most important line on the hand is the headline. If this line is not good, then a good lifeline will not help in achieving success.
DeleteAbout Bruce Willis, he is on my list. Let's see.
Thanks as always Nita for your palmistry insights.
DeleteCan you do Adele?
ReplyDeleteI will keep her in mind. Need to check if there are good photos of her hands available.
DeleteHi Nita, Yes, I think those are his hands because I've seen that braclet on pics of him in the 70s like this one: https://queenpoland.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/freddie-in-early-70s.jpg?w=492&h=615 and https://i.pinimg.com/originals/26/3d/aa/263daa59be4fee25fc08634b67bf1b91.jpg
ReplyDeleteThank you Terri.