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I request some clients to allow me to use their feedback on this page. Here are some of their comments/testimonials posted with their permission. Their real names are not given for privacy reasons. Either first names/nicknames/initials have been used.

There are 7 other testimonial pages and the links to them are given at the bottom of this post.

Continued from previous pages:-

97) MT from France wrote this to me on 8 Feb 2023:

First of all, thank you very much for the reading. I really appreciate the thoughtfulness of your analysis. I read the reading and didn't skip a word. I read it a second time because I believed a second reading would help me zoom better into what lay behind the visual cognition of language. What came across my mind is that every word had been chosen in a way that the authenticity of the native's character would be revealed as truthful as possible, and the phrases were charmingly phrased. I was not surprised at what you said about me, as it was said in the reading that I had good sense of self. What blew me away being your capacity as a hand reader. The reading was done with both analytical skills and logical reasonings. 

98) ND from India, wrote this on 23rd May 2024: 

Thank you again. Thank you ma’am for the observations and reading. It helps me get a better understanding of myself. Also you have rightly pointed to many things. The life lesson regarding management of feelings is indeed on point. I suppress my emotions a lot, though I have a lot going on inside me. This is because of the fear of being abandoned or left heartbroken due to my past experiences (like you pointed out in my heart line). I know I have trust issues and very low tolerance, and this also makes me overly cautious in choosing a partner, for fear that something may go wrong (which has happened multiple times). That’s why I generally remain single and committed to my career. But I do need an understanding partner, who I can connect with. 
I hesitate to express a lot, but show care in practical ways, and need someone who can relate to it. Success indeed makes me feel fulfilled (which you mentioned is my life path). That’s the base of my happiness. 
I was doubtful about wanting a long term commitment but thanks to your observations, I am assured now that love and relationships indeed matter to me. Also my career focus keeps changing every few years and I set small targets, like you pointed in my luck line. 
Thank you ma’am for the reading and insight about who I actually am. It helps me understand myself, my needs, and life path on a deeper level. I shall work towards the lessons esp the emotional management and expression part, also going after what I want by being fully invested in it. Have a great day! 
Best regards  
Yours sincerely,



Related Reading: Find out How To Read Hands (the methodology used) and remember, your hand reflects your own opinion of yourself. And find out What to expect from a private hand reading

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