Sunday, January 1, 2012

Does Charlie Sheen have an addictive personality?

Some personality characteristics have been associated with substance abusers, many of which (experts say) are inherited. I thought it would be interesting to see if Charlie Sheen’s hands showed any of these characteristics and whether they were inherited. According to research, these are some of the personality traits
often associated with addicts.
Charlie Sheen

  • Sensation seeking, or wanting to try new experiences
  • Hostility or aggressiveness
  • Impulsiveness
  • Disinhibition (poor control over one's behavior)
  • Low self-esteem
  • Being very emotional or consistently having negative emotions

Charlie’s hands show significant differences between his left (click here for left hand pic) and right (click here for right hand pic) hands and this tells us that he changed, and unfortunately, not all is good. One significant change in Charlie Sheen’s hand is in his headline. The headline on his left passive hand (the passive hand tells us of the inherited or subconscious qualities) is unbroken and fairly level, and the one on the right active hand is broken. Broken headlines are not by themselves bad, but the manner of the break matters.

The first phalange of the thumb on both hands is too long, and the head and lifelines are joined together too. The Apollo (ring) finger is prominent. The Moon mount is heavily developed and the fingers are not straight.

His hand shows stubbornness and a wilful nature. He is also aggressive and pushy and he lacks finesse. He can be quite crude and blunt and he must have always been like this. The way he is today, his hands do not show logical thinking so the above two characteristics would make him do things that would harm his own interests. Mental clarity and common sense is not shown on his hand today.

When it comes to the characteristics of an addictive personality, some extreme cautiousness and inner shyness can be seen. Moodiness and a brooding nature is shown on his hands.

When it comes to “sensation seeking, or wanting to try new experiences”, Charlie Sheen’s hands do not show this particular quality, but they do show that he likes to be in the limelight. He wants fame, and he wants to be noticed. This trait is seen in many famous people's hands but it needs to be tempered with common sense. With the right type of will, this desire can be channelled into something productive, but this was not so in Charlie’s case.

When it comes to “impulsiveness,” Charlie Sheen’s hands do not show excessive impulsiveness or even an excessive go. His waterloo was faulty thinking. In fact, his hands show him to be a master manipulator! He plots, and often what may across as “impulsive” could well be planned for some grandiose plan that he has in mind but it may not be logical.

The “disinhibition (poor control over behaviour)” is present. And he has the stubbornness to push through with the wrong actions.

His hand certainly shows “Negative emotions” which can come under moodiness. This part of his personality is inherited. Emotions of melancholy are not a good combination with a latent inner diffidence (left over from childhood.)

And yes, as Sheen is more than averagely aggressive, he can rub people the wrong way.

In conclusion, one can say that while Charlie Sheen’s hands show some of the traits of an addictive personality, the most harmful traits are his difficulty with logical reasoning and also his stubborn will. Neither of these traits is inherited. There was something in his upbringing which made him like this.

(Charlie Sheen, is an American film and television actor,  He is the youngest son of actor Martin Sheen who is of mixed Spanish (father) and Irish (mother) parentage.)

More personality readings of TV actors like Jennifer Aniston from Friends; Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki from the television series Supernatural; Ashton Kutcher from the 70's Show; Wentworth Miller from Prison Break.

Or check out the hand readings of other famous actors and celebrities from Hollywood


  1. Thronging the limelight, getting addicted to fame and glitz. Don't you think addiction is a basic trait with humans? Anyone gets addicted to fame, money, etc. I guess if we attain his position, we might get addicted as well. In that sense, is it the circumstances that decide our actions or our inner traits? I don't know many film personalities who are modest. Of course, some are.

    Destination Infinity

  2. I know what you mean, it's a natural human tendency but the final thing is how we handle it. Whether we get carried away or whether we let common sense dictate. People are often somewhere inbetween but some get completely blinded. And whether they do or not depends a lot on their basic common sense and logic or lack of it.

  3. Nita, why don't you write an article on 2012? I know its not directly related to palmistry, bit since you have seen many lines in many hands, is there a common trait/ change that these lines show at a certain age (which coincides with 2012)?

  4. DI, I am not sure what you mean. But if you suggesting a write-up relating to the new years, I wanted to do something too, but right now cannot think of what!

  5. mam....with ur interest in human psychology being quite evident in ur taking up of palmistry...what other forms of psychological studies for example face reading ,hand writing annalysis..have u considered at par with palmistry if u ever explored these subjects in my opinion these subjects still vary on the technicality for example ..the indian school of thought(on face reading) determines certain features to mean something entirely different to the chinese school of thought...with so many contradictions on a subject so significant in its own only leaves palmistry to guide us to the truth of we are ..and why...

  6. and my second question to with another aspect of palmistry perhaps less explored...called dermatoglyphics..ridges..on our fingers much significance do u give to this part of the hand...i ask u this because a whole lot of researchers in europe have branched out this subject as a completely different form of study altogether...

  7. ..while i am at it more questions come to the surface..see i am a mystique..nothing gives me more pleasure than reading about it researching about here's another study that i want ur opinion on..which deals reading forehead lines...a concept..explored in india as u know ..and also conceptualised by a italian mathematician..called girolamo cardano...if uve not heard of him..then here's a link...
    even though i know ur a rational person believing only on proof...but one cannot help but wonder the sense of deeper truth which thanks to science and modern day research we have ignored...about these mystical sciences...i for one believe cardano..might have had this intuitional sense about these things like cheiro..himself

  8. Altantis, I have read a little about face reading and other similar things but as you know there is not authentic body of work available on the subject.
    About fingerprints - I do fingerprint analysis as well. It is part of hand reading and very accurate.
    About forehead lines, I have never heard of it and neither would I give any credence to it because there is not extensive body of work on this.


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