Saturday, February 26, 2011

Muammar Gaddafi – Hand Reading

Muamma Gaddafi

One assumes that dictators are cruel and inhuman without a good side to them, but Colonel Gaddafi has some good personality traits.

His hand is one of the most powerful ones I have seen, showing a

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The character of an unfortunate street urchin

The little boy in the sketch is not famous and never will be, in stark contrast to those who have found a place on this blog because of their celebrity status. This boy has little chance of becoming famous because he was born in poverty, and without inherited wealth, with no access to education or the caring environment of a family who could nurture his hidden talents and help him control his weaknesses, his life is probably doomed from the start.

He was on the streets, begging. Either his parents pushed him into it or he is an orphan – just one kid amongst thousands of street urchins, and reading his hand does not mean that the others on the street are like him. 

This boy has one of the saddest hands I've seen. His right hand tells us what his character is likely to be when he becomes an adult, based on his status and circumstances today. Sure, he could change, although

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Beyoncé Knowles - hand reading

Beyonce’s hand looks beautiful from an aesthetic point of view. However, a beautiful hand does not necessarily translate into a great personality. The positive aspects of Beyonce’s hand are that she has fine lines, a good palmar texture and mounts which are not heavily developed. What this shows is that she is a refined, dignified, sensitive, diplomatic and sophisticated person who is

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Raj Thackeray's hand analysis

Raj Thackeray’s hands were a surprise. I was expecting someone with narrow views but his hands do not show this, unlike that of his mentor, Balasaheb Thackeray. As Raj is known for his narrow politics, one wonders why it's not evident on his hands? My reading after studying his complete hand is that, unlike Bal Thackeray, Raj is perfectly able to see