It's hard to read the hand of someone like Hitler because invariably one has strong feelings when it comes to him and this can influence the reading however hard one tries to be objective. He is the greatest villain in history!
His hand reveals to a great degree who Hitler was.
His hand reveals to a great degree who Hitler was.
The lower part of his hand is developed, as well as his lower phalanges. The other signs on his hand are a reddish and developed lower mount of Moon which I have not seen on any other hand. And the mount of Mars is developed and the third phalanges are thick, particularly of the Apollo (ring) and the Saturn (middle) finger. The thumb is a good length but not too long and its second phalange is thick which seems to go with the general thickness of the lower part of the hand. The Saturn finger seems to be quite bent but the other fingers seem fairly straight. The finger of Jupiter (index) seems a little short with the tip pointed. The lines on his hand are of medium length, thin, and there seems to be a Girdle of Venus, the line above the heartline. The headline is the clearer line, although uneven and islanded at the end, and the heartline is of very poor quality. The line of Fate or Saturn is the strongest line.
This combination of hand features is something that I have not observed on any hand. It shows that he lived on a low, sensual plane. Such people enjoy their own pleasures above all else. And he lacked true leadership qualities and self-control. And he had a vivid imagination, out of control – a morbid, self-absorbed kind of thinking usually would consume him. And despite this, he was idealistic to an extreme and he had some kind of goal in his life and the drive to reach that goal!
No doubt Adolf Hitler was a complex person. A man who felt strongly about his destiny, a man who saw this path clearly. A man with a focus and with strong ideals and beliefs. But he didn't have the personality to go with it. With these characteristics it is possible to achieve much but Hitler's thinking was warped by his sick imagination. And that's just one aspect of his personality. He was also very moody, extremely cynical and bitter and didn't like people much, and was cold at heart. He was in fact incapable of feeling positively about anyone, and it is doubtful that he ever cared for anyone in his life. Sure, he could be sentimental and sensitive, even demonstrative but the capacity for deep love is not seen on his hand. In fact, his sensitivity would make others feel his emotions were fake. They weren't, because Hitler was insecure about himself and likely had an inferiority complex. But he also had a huge ego and status symbols probably bolstered his low self-esteem. Status mattered to him a lot.
One knows that Adolf Hitler had a troubled childhood because it has been reported that his father used to beat him on a regular basis. Even if at the time, parents beating up their children was the norm rather than the exception, maybe in Hitler's case he didn't receive love. Besides, not all kids who are beaten by their parents become mass murderers. In the case of Hitler, it was probably a unique combination of an imbibed violence throughout childhood, the lack of love (his mother did not protect him), and an emotionally sensitive nature which could make him wallow in his misery and probably give more importance to small slights. Worse, it was the average intelligence, lack of self-esteem, inability to care for people, maybe even a dislike of people, a morbid imagination, a pushy, aggressive nature and a great desire to believe in something all combined to make him who he was.
The coarse nature of one's disposition colours all aspects of personality, just as refinement softens one's weakness of character. In Hitler's case, the coarseness, which he probably inherited enhanced all his bad qualities. It is very difficult for such people to appreciate anything elevating like art or literature, and if they do so, it is superficial. In Hitler's case, his emotional sensitivity could make him react to a piece of art, but this did not extend to any deep understanding or love of art.
Every person is driven by a goal or need. In Hitler's case, this is true; he was driven. Power was one of his needs and then there was his extreme belligerence which made his evil actions possible.
Why exactly he latched on to the cause he did, was likely because of his surroundings and the opportunities he got, the people he met. He could have latched on to any cause. It is interesting that at one time in his life he wanted to become a minister...perhaps if he had been guided in that direction he would have become one, even if a fanatical one who would have done evil in that position. Maybe in that role, he may not have turned out to be a mass murderer. The role he finally chose gave him the chance to act out his aggression and this would be the preferred route because of the physical aggression and coarseness of his personality.
Hitler's hand does not show deviousness, oddly enough. He had a tendency to be upfront and blunt. He was the type who could lay all his cards on the table and in some ways could even be unaware of how people actually perceived him, self-absorbed as he was. Self-awareness was low.
It is interesting to note that he has several well-marked crosses on his hand. They are perfectly marked, and not part of the main lines. Such crosses are usually very signs and their meaning depends on where they are found. Hitler's hand is indeed a rare specimen.
In an earlier post, I referred to an Indian politician called Bal Thackeray who had likened himself to Hitler. I had said that Thackeray did have something in common with Hitler, but now after reading Hitler's hand, I take those words back.
Related Reading: The hands of Dictators!
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Or check out how Adolf Hitler compares with other Heads of State.
Or read about the personalities of other international politicians.
Or African leaders like Muammar Gaddafi or Robert Mugabe or Jacob Zuma.
Or check out how Adolf Hitler compares with other Heads of State.
Or read about the personalities of other international politicians.
and yet in whatever little I have read of his book, he does make sense..and is very observant..
ReplyDeleteWell, you can't be sure he himself wrote the book. I have my doubts. He must have had help, a lot of help. However his hand does not say that he is stupid or unintelligent. When it comes to his book, I highly doubt that he actually wrote it, although the ideas must be his. He is certainly a man of ideas and imagination and probably, intelligence.
ReplyDeleteThe problem lies with his temperament.
Very interesting post Nita, it extinguishes this fake idea that has built up around Hitler over the years, that he is some sort of super-intellectual who decided to massacre people. Clearly he is no thinker, and this aura of myth probably comes from the fact that he is the most famous and talked about mass murderer in history. Mass killing have happened very often since then, in Serbia and Rwanda etc. but nobody claims that the generals responsible were intellectuals or even knows their names.
ReplyDeletepurpler, yeah, clearly he is no intellectual, although he could be intelligent. One cannot say unless one looks at his Headline. However he does have a very strong imagination, and this imagination would give him ideas and creativity. However the imagination is extreme and often such extreme imagination leads to mental disturbance. Only people with strong thumbs can control such a strong imagination. Unfortunately Hitler does not have a strong thumb.
ReplyDelete"Hitler was not human" - that's a no brainer.Such people don't really have ideals - that's a joke when paired with him. I agree that it was his murderous nature that was the driving force behind everything he did.Anthony Hopkins in "Silence of the Lambs" was a saint compared to Hitler whose every act was so sinister that it boggles the imagination.
ReplyDeletepadmini, that's true but there are some people who actually believe that hitler had some sort of intellect and ideals! I agree that any evil serial killer is a saint as compared to Hitler.
ReplyDeleteNita, after reading this... I have a doubt.. Is there is no way to change one's character... are all their actions depend on the lines of Palms??
ReplyDeleteIt's the other way round Kanagu. The lines, the shape of the hand and fingers, the shape of the mounts, these are dependent on our character. Our character and future is not dependent on the lines. If we change our character our hand changes.
ReplyDeleteHey Nita.. happened to visit this blog of yours.. amazed to see that you are a palmist as well!! Keep writing !! :))
ReplyDeleteThanks Chiranjib. Don't get too many visitors from my old blog here and I guess thats because the topic is so different.
ReplyDeleteHitler wanted to be an artist, a famous one. He was infact a mediocre painter. How History might have changed if Vienna Academy of Fine arts had admitted him....(http://hitler.canaris.dk/index.htm)
ReplyDeleteK, one never knows. Hitler would have joined the students union and then gone on to politics. It was either politics or crime. He was too violent a person to have made the arts his profession, even if he had some talent.
ReplyDeleteIf you want visitors from Wide Angle View of India to visit here, then you should give the link to this blog on some prominent space there - like below the search box on the right sidebar. Many people might not know that you have this website, otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI have read the first 128 pages of 'Mein Kampf' in English and two more books - 'Rise and Fall of the third reich' and 'Hitler and Stalin'.
I have only one comment to make - If he had not killed any Jews in his whole life, today Hitler would have been compared to Napoleon and great rulers and conquerors like that. Wars and conquests were not uncommon when he lived and it was a fact that England was interfering in the internal affairs of all other countries (including the colonies) to keep a check of her power. Unfortunately for him, his guiding principle of 'purity of race' misguided him too much!
At least Hitler had a logic when he killed (a particular race, of course that does not absolve him from his crimes in any way) but Stalin and his likes killed their own people (who ever he thought were against him - that was everyone who were not with him!) and in numbers almost equivalent to what Hitler did. In fact, even the British have committed many more crimes in the various colonies they ruled - Somehow, these things don't take the limelight at all!
Destination Infinity
DI, I doubt whether any readers of mine from Wide Angle would be interested in this blog. That is why I have not done that. I have all new readers here and I get emails from them, not so many comments. That is because I guess they may not have such strong views like on current events or topics.
ReplyDeleteI do not know that much about Stalin but I am not sure that he killed as many as Hitler did!
this post jus says that he was an average insane guy........but can u xplain how this average insane guy changed the course of entire history that no man has ever done........
ReplyDeleteSahil, what I have written is basically personality characteristics from his fingers and shape of hand. If I can get to see high resolution pictures of his hand and lines, plus his fingerprints, I can explain why.
ReplyDeletefrom where i can get the photo of Hitler's hand. can anybody email me. at fariszia@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteFarizia, usually I post a link to the photo but in this post I have not. However after I received your comment I edited the post and added the link to a photo of Hitler's hand. I am sure there are other photos of his hand too but this one I got within a few seconds. Usually I spend at least an hour searching for photos of a famous person because I need more than one to come to any conclusion.
ReplyDeleteYou should do Osama Bin Ladin's hands. The net is flooded with his hand pics with lear lines etc.
An interesting thing that I found was that his hands reflected a - what one would least expect - a spiritual being !
Most analysis of his hands that I have seen do not corroborate the man and actions as the world knew of him to be... would be great to see your analysis.
I have not been able to pics of osama's hands. There are two, which are mirror images of each other. One does not know if that is his right or left hand. Even if I find this out, it is not possible for me to read a hand from just one picture. The shape of the hand and fingers looks different from different angles, and that is why it is necessary to get several pictures of the hand.
ReplyDeleteAnd if we are talking of the same hand, it appears to be an ordinary person's hand. No evidence of spirituality. This is assuming that the hand is not fake. Unless there are several pictures, one cannot make out if a hand photo is genuine in any case.
Same reason why I have not analysed swami vivekananda's hands so far. Only one excellent print, but not sure if it is his hand.
And if people are reading his hand from one photo only, a photo which doesn't even show the lines clearly, then I cannot give it credence. The hand can be read from the shape of the hands and fingers (for this you need several pictures of the hand to be accurate) and also the lines (for this you need to see lines clearly) and the fingerprints (for this you need detailed pictures of fingerprints). If people are reading hands without even one of this basic requirements then I can only doubt the credentials of these people.
ReplyDeleteHere are several palm images of Osama that you can use:
Thanks for the link but while the first one is okay, the others are not. None of the others show the length of the fingers properly. Even the one where he is sitting on his haunches, the angle of the photo shows the fingers in a distorted fashion. In any case, I can see no evidence of any spirituality. From what I can see of his hand, it's that of an ordinary and selfish person.
ReplyDeleteWhat happens when fate line crosses saturn mt. And enters middle finger
ReplyDeleteM stuck at one sentence of yours...
ReplyDelete"any evil serial killer is a SaInT as compared to Hitler.."
Please explain this more...why so..? what's like that in his hand that even serial killers don't have? Just curious follower...TIA !!
I have not seen any serial killer's hand and therefore cannot answer your question. What I said is my own feeling/opinion, and I thought that was obvious as nowhere in the post have I said that I had compared Hitler's hand to a serial killers. :) Unless I mention I have compared the hands, it cannot be assumed that I have.
ReplyDeleteSwami vivekananda's hand is in Cheiro's book of palmistry, an accurate and clear copy of hs palm. I also have a palm print of Hitler taken in Berlin 1937 which shows his unmistakable character and ultimate destruction including a star on the mount of Saturn at the end of his fate line.
ReplyDeleteI will be grateful if you can send me Hitler's palm print!
ReplyDeleteAbout Vivekananda's I am not convinced it is authentic. I have compared the signature on that palm print in Cheiro's book to Vivekanda's signature and it is not the same. It is not right to read the hand of such a famous personality when in doubt.
I also have a bent Saturn finger. What does it signify exactly?
ReplyDeleteTo read just one sign on the hand is not correct. It can be misleading. One has to read the whole hand, in particular the length and shape of the Saturn finger, the height of the saturn mount, the nature of the bend, the length and shape of the other fingers, the length of the phalanges etc, and of course the lines and shape of the hand.
DeleteThe secret from his hand should be kept by famous palmist
ReplyDeleteInteresting..can you analyse the hand of Sadam hussain ..as both were famous dictator.It would be interesting, if they were having any similar traits. .
ReplyDeleteIndeed, Sadam Hussain would make an interesting subject. Will definitely keep in mind and look for his hand photos on the net.