
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Shahid Kapoor's hand reading

The major features of Shahid Kapoor’s hand are the wide palm, evenly set fingers (except Mercury), well-developed knots, strong and long heartline, balanced headline and strong Moon, Venus and Upper Mars mounts. This shows his imaginative and creative personality, above-average intelligence and broad thinking. From the shape of his hand and fingers, Shahid comes across as an unselfish, broadminded and passionate guy with a big heart. On a personal level, he would make a good partner because of
his understanding, loyal and loving nature.
Shahid Kapoor photo

These signs also show an attractive and warm personality, especially attractive to the opposite sex (this is nothing to do with his looks, which of course would be an asset).

You can check out a photo Shahid's hands here.

Shahid Kapoor has strong Apollo (ring) and Jupiter (index) fingers and the latter is slightly curved. The lines on his hand are dark and clear and his palm more broad than long. The heartline is dominant on his hand. The fingers appear to be more short than long and he has a strong thumb. The Jupiter finger is conic-tipped. The phalanges of his fingers are fairly well balanced and the first phalanges are broad as well.

All this shows that he is very clear about what he wants in life, and is basically a simple guy. He is fairly strong mentally and doesn’t get discouraged easily, with the ability to stick with it and bounce back from obstacles. This probably was an important factor in his success. Plus, he is strong-willed, but not excessively so. There is reason and logic present. In fact, his hand does not show any personality characteristic which can be considered excessive or extreme, and this makes him a regular guy in most aspects. If there is anything a little pronounced in his hand it is his creative and imaginative side.

He is known to be of a domineering disposition and his character is actually like that if one goes by the hand. One of the reasons for this could his tendency to think with his heart rather than his head. This is a disadvantage for anyone who wants to be a success as such people often make big decisions with their hearts.

He is also moody and restless. There is a love of nature and a fondness for music.

Although he tends to be idealistic overall and a feeling type of person, and can take a strong ethical stance, he is fairly pragmatic in his thinking, whether it is to do with his career or in relationships. He is not the kind to put his partner on a pedestal and this would probably make him a good long-term partner choice.

An interesting characteristic of his personality is his analytical and planning ability. He is likely to plan his moves very carefully. This man is mentally quite organised. However his hand does not show that obsessive search for excellence in his craft, and this is probably what prevents him from reaching the heights he wants to.

(Shahid Kapoor is a well-known Bollywood actor)

Related: Personality readings of other Indian movie stars and icons like Hrithik RoshanAamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Amitabh BachchanAkshay Kumar; Sushant Singh Rajput; Saif Ali Khan, Sanjay Dutt and many more!

Or read about the personalities of veteran megastars of the Indian film industry like MGRRajesh Khanna, and Rajnikanth or the 2022 Bollywood star – Kartik Aaryan.

More: Hand readings of other Bollywood and Hollywood actors like Marlon Brando.


  1. Looks like an overall positive reading. The creativity part surprised me... But then I have no reason to believe otherwise, as well. Is he more mature than his age? His online persona makes one believe so!

    Destination Infinity

  2. Well, maturity is connected with wisdom and pragmatism, and he has both qualities, although not exceptional amounts.

  3. One more thing I want to add, and that is that I usually see more of the positive in a person than the negative. When I write something negative, you can be sure that I am being very diplomatic indeed! This is pertaining in particular to some so-called godmen, whose readings I have done. Some of their hands show that they are positively evil, but I never write that. Evil people can often convince others of their "goodness" if they are clever and articulate and so it is with some of the so-called godpeople.

  4. yes its sign of great human to see the good and not to see the bad, even if see the bad good will always help him to get rid of the bad

  5. hey hi ,,
    i am really very grateful that u have read his hand,,,,i really like the reading ....thanks a lot,,,,

  6. can you please see sunny leone's hand.
    do you see any goodness in her? does she really regret her porn star status?

  7. I will check if there are any hand photos of her are available. Usually I need several photos before I can read hands as I rely on the photos entirely.

  8. u did not..see his left hand or did u?...i wanted to know if he was born with an enhanced aspect of his personality which he might have acquired from his father...but u fall short of calling him charismatic... of which he lacks ..he tends to be a little conscious in interviews...not willing to open up much ..low set mercury..finger gap..too close..or just the way he is?...anyway i dont wanna undermine..any of the contemporaries...john,shahid..they just might be gud.actors..but the industry doesnt have the right kind of directors to able to extract their talent or u might as well believe they have no choice but to follow commercialism which is where the money is..vishal bhardwaj..tried...but acting i beleive requires one to be adept at having an instinctive understanding of human nature combined with excellent mercury skills(observation)..a trait i see in aamir..deniro,pacino,even shahrukh.....anyway so two actors in a row..r u gonaa read more of them..try sean of my fav...his hands his quite similar to shahrukh..heavy moon venus...a character trait almost necessary to be an actor...

  9. That's interesting what you say, about a developed Moon being necessary for a good actor to have. I do think that for an actor who has great emotive powers the quality of imagination is necessary. However the presence of it does not mean acting skills, but its presence adds to acting skills due to the power of imagination.
    When it comes to Shahid's left hand, ofcourse I saw it. I see both hands of a person, and read the hands from several photos, not just one or two. In Shahid's case his Moon is heavily developed in both hands. One could be more developed than the other but cannot make out from the pictures.

  10. u know...i am having those...days..where u question a subject to its endless here it is..if our active hand shows the wiring of our current brain set up...considering every line originates from the u believe..what state does the inactive hand represent in the mind ...i know the past...but these lines..logically shuld end up some where...i know there is no specific answer to this question..but where do u think the state of the unactive hand resides in our brain..the conscious..the subconscious i making sense at for thought..huh??

  11. Ofcourse there is a specific answer to the question! If you study psychology you know how complicated our brain is, with its subconscious states, its memory places etc. When it comes to sensing the future, this too is wired into our brain. Most people at some time in their lives can sense what is going to happen to them in the near future, this is because the subconscious brain knows. The brain processes information at amazing speeds, and our conscious mind may not always be aware of it, and we tend to block out certain thoughts and also we need to separate wishes and real sensing of events. Most people, can sense events in the next half hour or so. Like for instance, someone might say, the maid is not coming today. Or I think this plane is going to be late. Or I have a feeling that my boss is going to refuse the raise. Or one can get positive thoughts like I know that things are going to be okay, I know I am going to win this and so on. The important thing is to seperate the wishes and fears from the real intuition, and our conscious mind is very bad at doing this because of various issues we have. The subconscious mind on the other hand is free, and therefore it can etch these thoughts on the hand.
    Check out the scientific principles of psychology.

  12.'s what i know...the sub conscious holds information to our truest selves order for a person to truly know who he is..he has to connect with the sub most people lead their lives in a conditioned environment either imposed by others or self imposed thats where the confliction arises in between the inner me and the outer order for the mind to realy reach its true potential it has to understand its flaws...its really needs to rise above the outer imposed projections and give credence to his/her true feelings intuition being a sub conscious activity is a process that propels a person to his/her truth..but then u need to be well aware of these feelings...which needs a deep understanding of our sub most people cant achieve i dont know if people our born with great intuitive skills...or begin to develop it..but i think we r born with implying palmistry to this conclusion we can take the example of cheiro whose hand had a deep connection with the sub conscious..with his sloping head line...reaching the deepest recesses of his sub conscious self..his brain was wired this when there came a time when he truly consciously realised his truth..there came a state of revelation ...the mind became enlightened...thus giving rise to a strong sun line...which is not measure of success or money..but a projection of our true selves..and our awareness of when the mind works in that works with an infinite potential...devoid of any fear and the ability to surpass it...the stronger the sun line ..stronger the realisation.

  13. Well, I do agree that being in touch with your subsconscious does have a connection with intuition. About Cheiro, certainly he had a strong intuitive ability. However I have a different interpretation of the sun line. Many people who are quite devoid of intuition can have the sun line. However the line of intuition does show intuition, although intuition can also be a sum total of other qualities like a high intelligence, imagination, creativity, sense of self, sensitivity and so on which are seen on other parts of the hand.

  14. omg!! thats so true i hv read that readers look both hands .passive hands give u idea of wt we r inherited with n active hand give idea of how r we in our lives i.e present state.but there's always this ques that pops in my mind is dat if left(say p[assive)hand shows inherited qualities,they must stop showing any changes in mounts or lines but gradually as i've grown i've noticed changes in my both hands .y is this so?????

  15. sn, yes that true about the passive and active hands, the active hand being the one we write with. And you are absolutely right, the passive hand also changes. This is because at times the inherited qualities also change. Strictly speaking the passive hand show the past (which is usually the inherited qualities but not always) and the active hand the present and to some extent the future. The past usually means inherited qualities in the most part and this applies to people more when they are younger than 25. As one grows older the passive hand can show changes because as I mentioned the passive hand shows the past.

  16. thaNK U again.staying w/d topic ofthe passive and active hands i've observed dat in my left hand(passive) my heart line starts 4rm below d mid finger n then proceeds 2 my mercury finger.but in my R HAND
    (active) I've noticed this 4rm my childhood that the part of my heart line (betw 3rd n 4th finger)kind of bends 2 wards head line(its dark n deep as my heart line) n 4rm there the rest of it goes up to my middle finger.(it appears 2 b a break but its not )its like the line was going 2wards my head line but then has changed its course n went where its supposed 2.wt does that mean?????is it a trouble indication or a bad event(emotional)n its been sice my childhood.

  17. sn, I cannot read hands by a description. I'm sorry, but if you are interested then please write to me and I can give you a list of different options you can take and the charges. In any case I doubt that what you described is a bad indication. It simply shows some character trait, but as I mentioned I cannot read hands this way and I never read signs or lines in isolation from the complete hand.

  18. what about his career ...Is he has a bright career ...???

  19. FFH, Unfortunately without seeing the lines on his hands clearly I cannot make even a rough evaluation.

  20. 3 things which i couldn't understand from seeing his hand 1) domineering quality from Jupiter finger, 2)and his idealistic quality 3)his analytic and planning ability ,from where you are seeing these qualities can you explain me,please!i am a learner,i really like the way you read hands ,hoping a positive answer from your side.thanks

  21. Dear Zaineb,
    As I am writing a book I do not give away my method. Quite a bit of my results are from my own research you see, and not usually found anywhere. However, I do understand that you wish to learn and if you write to me on my email address I will try and explain the points you raised. Thanks.

  22. will Shahid get married to an actress or a normal girl as he once stated?

  23. madhulika, the personality of the person who one is marrying cannot be told from the hand with any accuracy. And neither can the profession or occupation of the person can be told.

  24. He's basically a nice guy :) How about Ranveer Singh or Arjun Kapoor?

  25. I will keep the names in mind.


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