
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mark Twain's hands

Is it possible to find out the kind of hand a person has – from past events and also known behaviour? In a broad sense, yes. This is nicely illustrated in the hands of the famous author Mark Twain.

Mark Twain was an amazing writer and that's a well-known fact. What is less widely known is that he was a poor businessman and had to file for bankruptcy due to bad investments although he recovered his fortune because of his writings. Is this visible on his hand?

His palm is broad and his fingers are of medium length. All his
fingertips seem conic or rounded, with several fingers a little bent. The thumb and Mercury (pinky) finger are almost pointed in appearance and the Jupiter (index) finger stands out from the rest. While the first phalanges are all long, the second phalanges are distinctly waisted and also a little short. The third phalanges of the Apollo (ring) and Mercury fingers are underdeveloped but those on the Saturn (middle) and Jupiter fingers are well developed. The lines on his hand are fine and well-etched. The head and heart lines are long and quite perfectly balanced. The fate or Saturn line is long, reaching the Mount of Saturn, but it’s wavy. The Jupiter, Venus and Moon mounts are developed, and the Mercury mount is underdeveloped. 

You can check out a hand photograph of Mark Twain's here.

What do all these signs tell us about Mark Twain, the man?

For one thing, we can learn that he was a very impressionable soul and an artistic one at that. We also see that he was an extraordinarily intelligent man. Expressive abilities are highly developed and refined. Distinct independent thinking is also seen. The impressionability would greatly add to his talent as a writer of fiction. The ability of intuition and imagination is a great combination with the ability to string together beautiful poetic words.

The hand also clearly shows that Mark Twain, though highly intelligent, had no head for business. The impressionability and idealism meant almost zero business ability and oddly enough this is also seen in the hands of Anil Ambani, who comes from a business family. His decisions regarding business would not be based on reality. 

Also, Mark Twain's hand shows a reluctance to engage himself with the mundane aspect of life. He would find it boring, and this would prevent him from exploring the tedious details of any business idea/plan. He would prefer to live on a higher plane.

Mark Twain Portrait

Mark Twain was also known to have veered towards dark thinking at the end of his career. This is also seen from the Saturn finger, the Moon mount. 

All in all, if one saw this hand without knowing to whom it belonged, it would be possible to guess that it belonged to a person with artistic sensibilities, someone who lived in his own world and was successful in his own right. 

You might be interested in reading about famous author personalities like Paul Coelho from Brazil or Satyajit Ray, from India.

Or read about the personalities of famous politicians who have written books like America's Barack Obama, or Britain's Margaret Thatcher, or the many famous Indian leaders who are authors: Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishan, Dr APJ Kalam, Shashi TharoorJawaharlal Nehru,  Dr Manmohan Singh, and Lal Krishna Advani.

(Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Clemens. He was a famous American fiction writer {1835-1910})


  1. I wonder if the majority of excellent writers are not good business people? You should read the hands of more writers...

    Destination Infinity

  2. I think even if one is not a good businessman, one can at least have the knowledge to make some good investments. Losing money like the way Mark Twain did to the point of bankruptcy is unusual.

  3. Mark Twain met cheiro under an extraordinary situation asking cheiro,the past may record in palm print ,but how a future can be foretold Ican not unerstand.Cheiro showed thepalm print a lady whose life is konwn and one palm print of her child was exactly a replication.Hence the life of this child will be repeated exactly that of her mother though so many years and this shows Inductive behaviuor of of brain towards a child during pregnance says Sankaravelayudahn Nandakumar,Astrogeneticist ,Oxford astrogenetics dept.

  4. Cheiro was quite a clairvoyant, wasn't he.


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