
Friday, April 30, 2010

Nicole Kidman's hand reading

Nicole Kidman’s hands tell us that she has a refined non-aggressive personality, a character who is controlled and disciplined in her life. These qualities almost leap out at you from the shape of her hands and fingers but there is a lot more to her than this.

To understand her it is important to note that more than money, it is recognition that she wants. She does desire celebrity. The "Self" is very important to her. She is of a creative and artistic mindset, and she wants to be known for it. Her hand shows a delicate sensibility, sensitivity and refinement. 

Nicole's palm is long and so are her fingers. The fingers are slim as well, and the second and third phalanges of the fingers are long, but not thick. The Apollo (ring) finger first phalange is long, however. The Mercury (pinky) finger is longer than normal, and a little curved. The Jupiter (index) finger is high-set and conic at the tip and possibly long as well. The other fingers are all conic-tipped. The mounts of Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are the most developed, but overall, the mounts are only developed in a medium manner and the Venus mount seems underdeveloped. The lines on her palm are finely etched, with the heartline curving up and entering the Jupiter mount and forked at the end. The headline slopes down in a gentle curve, not too much.

The thumb on Nicole Kidman's hand is long with a conic tip and the first (Will) phalange is well balanced with the second (Logic) phalange and this second phalange is waisted, and very slim indeed. The thumb is high-set.

Nicole Kidman movie posterCheck out one of her hand photos here, here. Note the left hand, as she is left handed.

(The photo published in this post is a free photograph.) 

Shrewd and diplomatic
All these features of the hand reveal to us who Nicole Kidman really is.  

She is diplomatic to the point of being smooth; she is charming and sweet talking but her hand also tells us that
she is a little self-centred and very very shrewd. She knows what to say at the right time to the right person and in the right manner and thus could charm anyone she wants to. She may not be entirely straightforward but she is very talented.  

She may not be exactly a warm, effusive person, but she has a good heart and strong passion as well. She would make a good, devoted partner to anyone she commits to.
Another important aspect of her personality is her intensity and her ego. These characteristics colour her whole personality.

As her hands show high intelligence, imagination, sensitivity and a thoughtful, introspective and practical outlook, she can easily counter the weaknesses of her personality. This can keep her in balance, and prevent her from being too "fake". 

Another strengthening aspect of her character is that she can see issues from a broad perspective, and is very liberal thinking and not stubborn at all. Her reasoning faculties are very well developed.

The lines in her left hand are not thAT clear from photographs, and as she is left-handed, this is the hand which will show her current self. The Girdle of Venus (visible on the right hand) shows the intensity of feeling but combined with other indications it means that the sensitiveness is often reserved for herself. Such people suffer a lot as a consequence. As her personality (overall) shows a strong intensity of temperament and a tendency to go overboard, the sensitivity can make it difficult for her to handle the ups and downs of life. 

Brooding or reflective?
Nicole Kidman has a good imagination but her imagination is not always a healthy one. There is some element of morbid and depressive thinking and she can wallow in grief for quite a while. Actually, she doesn’t have too much mental strength or resistance and could find it difficult to handle setbacks.

Extreme Talent
Her tremendous talent and constant quest for excellence tell us that there is no limit to what she can achieve. She does have a tendency to take everything to its limit, and this applies to her work as well. She will stretch herself. Making money is not her objective. She wants to be known for her work.

Despite her rather detached personality, Nicole Kidman can be quite generous and very passionate and committed. She lives in her own inner world. There has been talk of her disappearing from Hollywood, and temperamentally she is quite capable of going into hibernation for long years. 

Read about her ex-husband Tom Cruise and also the personalities of other Hollywood actors like Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer LawrenceAngelina Jolie, Tom Hardy, and Johnny Depp or Julia Roberts or the legendary Marlon Brando. Or find out about the personalities of famous filmmakers and movie directors like Steven SpielbergAlejandro Jodorowsky or Christopher Nolan.


  1. Very interesting reading, as a character she is really complex. Kalam is a good choice also :)

  2. I agree with you purpler. This lady is very complex. I wish I could have seen her lines as well. There were some things which I held back from writing even though I strongly suspected them!

  3. I wanted to suggest, how about Jose Mourinho? He is one of the best managers right now... :)

  4. Vishesh, I have list of those in whose hands you have expressed interest. I remember you had mentioned Kalam at one time. And then Martin Luther king or Aurobindo Ghosh. I have collected photos of Kalam's hands and will read his hands in the near future. I checked for the hands of Aurobindo but have not been very successful. I have also checked for the hands of Martin Luther King. I have found some but hope to find more. The people whose hand photos are easily available are those who are still alive and those who are celebrities as they wave out to a lot of people! Jose Mourinho is not impossible, let me see. Thanks Vishesh, your suggestions are good and I have them in mind.

  5. I enjoy reading your analysis :) And it helps lend a perspective to those people :)

  6. what does it mean when you have a fork at the end of ur heart line....and also i have a trident like shape which comes from my life line and touches my fate line...what does that mean

  7. Anonymous, first and foremost I must mention that going just by one sign is incorrect, as another sign might contradict or temper the reading. When it comes to a fork, it depends on the width of the fork and which direction the branches are going, whether they reach a mount and whether they headline is straight or sloping and whether both branches enter into one mount and whether one branch forks again. Really, the possibilities are endless. And I do not believe in "tridents". It is a most rare sign and I have seen it only once or twice in the hundreds of hands I have seen. Chance lines are usually mistaken for tridents. If any chance lines are touching the fate line it depends which mount they are coming from, whether the cut the fate line, go past it, stop short of it, and the quality of the line, and the quality of the fate line after the even. The possibilities are endless here too.

  8. I have a strong girdle of Venus


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