Sunday, October 20, 2024

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Alex Jones – Conspiracy Theorists of a different kind

There are different types of conspiracy theorists. Some get riled up because they are boiling over with an overabundance of emotion, convinced that the conspiracies they spout are true. Any shred of doubt they might feel is crushed by their ego and so doubling down on their debunked conspiracies is not a big deal for them. Other kinds of conspiracy theorists simply lie to garner fame and attention. Their imagination helps them cook up crazy theory after crazy theory. Kooks or not, they get the notoriety they crave for.

Here's a brief look at the hands of two conspiracy theorists. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who claimed that the 9/11 bombings in New York were a hoax, that the Clintons were involved in murder, that the 2020 US election was stolen, these being just a few of her nonsensical theories. And then there's conspiracist Alex Jones, who propagated that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax (the victims' families filed a case and won millions). Jones has also made other bizarre claims, like the one on 9/11, claiming that the bombings were the work of the US government.

Block Truth Graphic
Photo by Pixabay, Edited.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s hands reveal why she is such a bubbling hotpot of conspiracy theories. She has an over-long heartline as compared to the headline, but it's not just that. The heartline is darker than the headline and the Lower Moon mount is well developed. With the heartline dominating the headline to an extreme degree, and when combined with a morbid imagination, it usually results in muddled thinking. Such an imbalance of the head and heart lines is rare, and it is extraordinary to find these signs on the hand of an elected person (Greene is the U.S. representative for Georgia's 14th congressional district since 2021). There's another thing – Greene's Apollo (ring) finger dominates the Saturn (middle) finger.

Her hand shows emotional thinking or rather thinking which is clouded by emotion and imagination. It is amazing that anyone with a hand like hers, a hand which shows a weak mind, was able to get through a coherent message to her constituents. To say that she is not a clear and objective thinker is an understatement. Even in banana republics such people would find it difficult to come to power. Greene's hands show that she is not clever enough to fool people all by herself, so the only conclusion one can come to is that she had help. More disturbing, her hands show extreme ambition and desire to be in the limelight, and there are no guardrails in her personality when it comes to fulfilling these desires. People with such hands can go to any lengths to achieve fame and name.

Check out one of Marjorie Taylor Greene's hand pics here.

Alex Jones is another kettle of fish altogether. He has a broad palm with heavily developed mounts of Venus and Moon also referred to as the Mount of Luna. The Luna mount is very heavily developed indeed. His head and heart lines seem balanced but even if this means that he not fully swayed by emotions, volatility is very much a part of his personality. Besides, his hand does not show good judgement. This hand also has a dominant Apollo (ring) finger. Check out Alex Jones' hand here.

Alex Jones’ hand tells us that his conspiracy theories are a result of an intense desire to attract attention and become famous. His hand shows that Jones is the kind who could very well plot to lie deliberately and knowingly. His runaway imagination would have likely helped him make up fancy stories. He would have been better suited to writing fiction but…oh wait…he isn’t smart enough. 

There are other so-called normal people who also back conspiracy theories, like JD Vance, Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. It is doubtful that they actually believe what they are saying, although RFK Jr. might.

There are dangerous consequences to falling for conspiratorial theories, the definition of which is that people or groups are colluding in hidden ways to deceive people and/or produce a particular outcome. People who are vulnerable, people who fall for these lies, are those with feelings of alienation/anxiety about themselves or about their groups, whether real or imagined, but unfortunately their beliefs in conspiracies does not bring them the solace they seek. It can in fact rebound on them, as explained well in this article in the Scientific American.

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