
Monday, February 2, 2015

The Myth of the Marriage Lines

Palm graphic silhoutte
By Nita Jatar Kulkarn
There is a belief that hand reading can unravel the mystery behind relationships and marriage. To do this, traditional palmists relied upon the so-called “marriage lines” on the edge of the palm, underneath the Mercury (Little) Finger.

The onus placed on these “magical” lines is that:

  • Each line represents an actual relationship
  • The strongest line denotes marriage
  • The higher up the “marriage line" is (towards the base of the little finger) the later the marriage or relationship. In other words, the age of the marriage is seen on these lines.
  • Absence of “marriage lines” means that the person will never get married or lacks libido
  • The “marriage line" turning upwards at its end indicates that the person will never get married
  • Faint or weak lines indicate weak relationships
  • Small vertical lines rising up from the “marriage lines” indicate children
  • Divorce is always marked on these lines either by large forks or the line plunging downwards.
  • Signs like a trident and triple or multiple forks on the marriage lines have some dire meaning 

My research after seeing hundreds of hands (some of these over many decades) tells me that none of the above is true. I know several people with two equally strong marriage lines who have never had more than one partner. I also know several people with the so-called children lines who have only one child. I also know someone with a long “marriage” line that turns upwards who is happily married. I also know people with weak “marriage” lines who are happily married. And I know people with normal “marriage” lines who have never married! And some with these normal lines are divorced!
Marriage line

The picture on the right shows the hand of a man who married early, had an unhappy marriage for several years and is now divorced, all before the age of 28. The "marriage line" is clear, well-etched and shows no sign of divorce.

The palm below belongs to a woman in her thirties who married when she was 20 years old and is happily married. Note that she has no "marriage" line near the heartline. Instead, she has one nearer the little (Mercury) finger which would ostensibly indicate a late marriage. The fork would indicate disturbance in that marriage. There is no evidence of this in the woman's life. 

That said, if a marriage line under the Mercury finger plunges downwards and cuts the heartline it can indicate heartbreak, but age is difficult to be read from this. It need not be heartbreak from a romantic relationship. It can mean difficulties with family, for example. From my experience, 90% of divorcees do not have this sign. A gentle downward curve does not indicate divorce or even separation.

Even if one believes in these marriage lines, the "marriage line" splitting into a well-marked fork or a trident does not indicate divorce. Maybe it can indicate differences, but it's best not to read these lines at all. And when it comes to differences, best to be cautious. Many marriages have issues that are resolved amicably as explained in this post: Couple Compatibility in Hand Reading. Widely different temperaments can result in a fairly happy married life. Different or opposing temperaments do not mean unhappiness in marriage. In fact, opposites can match or the differing traits can be complementary to one another. It depends on the attitude of the couple. Besides, I know a couple in a very unhappy marriage and neither partner has the slightest fork on the "marriage line". Both have strong and clear marriage lines! 

The best thing to do is to ignore any "signs" on the marriage lines because if these lines themselves are unreliable, why believe any so-called signs on them? (If you want to know more about the signs and symbols on your palm then check out this post: Signs, Crosses, Symbols and Superstition in hand reading.

So, if these lines are not infallible indications of marriage or relationships, where is this aspect of oneself marked?

They could be marked by lines joining the fateline from the Moon mount of Moon. This can indicate a strong influence, but they can also be an influence of a significant event. It is often believed that if such a line joins the fateline it can indicate a union. I have seen this confirmed on just one hand where an ordinary middle-class girl married a leading industrialist and it changed her life. So more than the union, it indicated an event that altered her life. In another case, where this lines was seen well marked, it was a life-changing job offer. 

The influence line going past the fateline and cutting it, can indicate a disappointment either in love or career-related, a significant one. Disappointment in love is not usually seen in this manner, however. Age is difficult to pinpoint on the influence line. 

However, these lines are not usually present. Their absence has no bearing on marriage or relationships. As mentioned, the influence can indicate the influence of an event, not a person. Therefore, these lines are not reliable. The absence of these lines does not imply that the person will not have life changing events...

The influence lines on the Mount of Venus, which run parallel to the lifeline, on the inside of it, are influences of people, and these are the most reliable. These influence lines for example, show the influences in our life and they can be any influences, from that of parents to siblings to close friends, mentors, gurus and of course spouses and partners. There are no different lines for the different relationships! It is the impact on the mind which is reflected on the hand.

This is where you could possibly find a line representing your partner, but only if there is a close and intimate relationship over several years and the partner exerts a significant influence on the life. At times it is found on one partner, and not on the other. And at times neither partner has it, though they have a reasonably happy married life. This is because happiness means different things to different people. Many couples are not emotionally dependent on each other and at times can lead fairly autonomous lives. This does not indicate unhappiness. 

Finally, it depends on the temperament of the person on whose hand these lines are found. Strong, autonomous people have few or no influence lines. They influence others, rather than get influenced themselves. This does not mean they lack close relationships.

Divorce or serious break-ups can be found marked in some hands, on the main lines, not the influence lines as such. For example, if the impact of the divorce is financial then the financial trouble will be marked, not the divorce. The cause of financial issues may not be easy to decipher. The emotional impact of the separation/divorce can be marked on the head and heart lines too but again the cause of the emotional upset is not seen. Defects in the main lines indicate emotional disturbances, stress, and tension but it is not always possible to relate the breaks/dots/islands/bars/crosses on the main lines specifically to marital troubles.

Our relationships, even if they are one-sided, can show on the hand, and in such cases, it will be marked, but there may be no two-sided relationship in actual life.

Related Reading: This post on Love and Marriage is about what the hand actually reveals about the subject. Then there's this post about Death and Hand Reading - busting another myth about hand reading. 

Or you might want to know about celebrity couples and their Relationships or read about Gay Celebrity Hands.

Know more about How to Read Hands - the methodology behind it, and remember that your hand reflects your own opinion of yourself. If you want your hands read, then check out What to expect from a private hand reading or check out the Testimonials page, starting with the first Testimonial page.


  1. One thing I have noticed with people is: they change with time. That may make it all the more difficult to predict things like marriage or divorce!

    Destination Infinity

  2. Yes of course people change, and in addition their ideas about marriage can also change. It is impossible to predict anything with a hundred percent accuracy on the hand precisely because people change.

  3. The concept of Loyalty per se is something I find questionable. In marriages people are compelled, if not consciously then sub consciously to stay faithful physically to their spouse ,by a moral pressure; doesn't that defeat the entire purpose?

    In most of the cases , they aren't loyal mentally even if they don't cheat physically .... i mean loyalty not just in terms of intimacy. May be its premature for me to think this way early on... but I feel cynically about it.

    In one of your posts i remember you writing that loyalty shown on the hand is of the mind, if i am not wrong :) But is the mind so unwavering specially in those times when you have options and the opportunity?
    This brings me to a shocking but piercingly true reason Clinton gave , " I did it because i could" , Are people as loyal as their options/ opportunities? You have read so many hands , of the ordinary and the extraordinary people..

    Also , as you say these marriage lines aren't reliable as such , they must be indicating something if not a union? liaisons of the mind? infatuations?

    Warm Regards :)

    Ps.: In the other post i had posted quite a few links of the pictures but i guess they weren't through :)

    1. Loyalty / fidelity part is associated with commitment. The basic point is - is someone ready to commit or invest in a marriage ? If yes, these Loyalty / Fidelity part will automatically come. Some people may take marriage as any other relationship. For them, Loyalty etc. are secondary ... or they have a double standard in play. They ask for Loyalty from their partner but they themselves do not deliver.

  4. Yes Swati, the hand reflects the mind. A good heartline generally indicates loyalty, of the mind. At times people with loyalty of the heart can be compulsive adulterers -but it is unlikely that any spouse will forgive a consistently physically unfaithful person so in that sense physical loyalty is also important. True the mind is not unwavering, but this too will be shown on the hand. Impressionable people will get swayed (even in the mind) and their libido does the rest. They may regret it later, because of the love they hold to their long-term partner. Human beings are very complicated!
    And yes you are right, the marriage lines do indicate something, and from my research so far they are in the mind only. For example, an obsession with a fantasy figure say a celebrity. That is why marriage lines are to be taken into consideration if there are indications of trouble in the marriage elsewhere on the hand. They are good as confirmatory indications. By themselves, well, as I mentioned they are the stuff of fantasy.
    If there is any aspect of a human mind which dwells the most on fantasy, it is about romance and marriage!

    1. No wonder the "marriage lines" area on my hand is war zone of lines! haha!
      I too believe that is so difficult to predict because what is in one's ahead might not be in reality.
      Even the influence lines which join the fate line are said to be unions, In your experience has that proven true all most every time?

    2. Swati, while the influence lines which join the fate line are fairly reliable indicators of an influence it is important to distinguish them from a widely forked (at the beginning) fate line. However, they are not reliable enough to predict an union. At the most, an influence.

  5. Ma'am, Pertaining to the influence lines on the Mount of Venus, which run parallel to the lifeline are influences in the life of the person, Kindly elaborate on the kind of influence like good or bad ?

  6. The lines show the influence of the person. If the person is bad the influence will have adverse effect (this can be parent, friend, anybody) and if the influence is good, it will have a good effect. The character/nature of the influence cannot be seen from the influence line itself.

  7. Got it Ma'am!! How about the lines (very clear) horizontal from beneath the thumb and approach life line like in this figure { (--- } ?

  8. Hari, I do not get what you mean.

  9. Ma'am, i am talking about the horizontal lines that are available on the mount of venus, Which some times cross or cut the lines parallel to life line or even life line too.


  10. Those are traditionally known as worry lines and if very dark can increase the intensity of the Venus mount. These lines are minor lines and do not have great significance unless they cross the lifeline and go on to the palm.

  11. Good to see someone with a different point of view on these lines!

  12. Can you do a post explaining Simian Line? There are so many contradictory views in different palmistry sites.

  13. I am still doing some research on the Simian Line. As it is a rare sign (in comparison to marriage lines) it is more difficult to research. Anyway, it tells you nothing to do with the future. It is all about personality.

  14. One of the best article than chiero and benham ,great research thank you

  15. Really loved your view on marriage lines! I'm a curious person about palm reading, and I've faced the same characteriscs (like divorced couples with simple, strong marriage lines), so I never really belived much of the texts I found about them.
    I wonder if you could give some help, it's actually about my marriage line, and I'm quite intrigued by it! I've never found anything similar. My bigger and stronger marriage line is forked at the end. But there is another forked line coming from my heart line that finishes at the middle of the first fork. At a fast look, it seems like my marriage line is forked, but is almost a trident, with only a little distance from this third, middle line (that comes from the second fork, coming from the heart line). Can you understand with my explanation? Hope you can help, and thanks in advance!

    1. Have you got the answer? I think I have the similar trident which looks like fork at first

  16. Annay, please send me your hand photograph, of the full palm. I will take a look at it. Write to me at blog(dot)nita(at)gmail.(dot)com

  17. Really loved what u have written!
    Mam I would love if u could please help me out! I m tensed because someone read my palm n told me bad about my love life married life and my parent's life! :( I am very nervous.
    It would be of great help if u could read my hand once! I shall be very thankful! :)

  18. Mam please do tell me which hand to read ? The left or the right?

  19. Saumya, nothing can be told about your parents life from your hand. If anyone has told you this then it means that the person is a fraud and anything else told to you is false.
    Both hands are to be read, but the passive hand denotes the past characteristics, and the current hand the current.
    If you want your hand read, please write to me at blog(dot)nita(at)gmail(dot)com and I will let you the different types of readings available.

  20. Wow. I have a deep marriage line, im 33 and not in a relationship and im not married.

  21. Amazing article. However am confused with my own palm.
    My marriage line in right palm is different than my left palm. On my left palm There is a vertical line which crosses my marriage line completely .does this mean divorce.? Further there are 4 lines on left palm and one marriage line in right palm .need your advice madam.

  22. Marriage lines are not to be taken very seriously. Any line on the passive hand is to be taken even less seriously. So forget about the lines on your palm.
    If you are worried about your future, and your happiness in marriage, ensure that you have the right attitude to marriage and choose the right person. Happiness in marriage depends on that, not on the hand lines. Its all up to you.

  23. Madam,my marriage line is straight and got mixed gridle of Venus,in many website they post that above sign indicate disastrous marriage,divorced.Is broken(fragmented) gridle of venus is not good sign indication what r it effect

  24. Nikhil, even if your marriage line is touching the girdle of venus it does not mean a disastrous marriage. It is best you stop going to such websites.
    What the broken girdle of venus usually shows (depends on the shape of the hand, skin texture) is a heightened sensitivity, more so emotional sensitivity. That is why it is not surprising that you are getting affected by something written on the website. A heightened sensitivity DOES NOT mean a difficult marriage. This was what the older and ancient palmists wrote and now there is better knowledge regarding such signs.
    In any case, its best you forget about that girdle of venus and start working on our personality. The lines do not make you who you are. It is you who make the lines.

  25. Nicely can I approach you

  26. Please write to me at blog(dot)nita(at)gmail(dot)com and I will send the different types of hand readings available and the charges.

  27. thank u so much! i was so confused with the topic of marriage lines...inspite of being in such profession u r loyal enough to accept and tell others what is truth..not like other people who only cares about earning money

  28. My marriage line downwards and touches the heart line in right hand, in left line it also downwards cuts heart line , head line even life line and finally goes to venus mount...
    What does it means ma'am?

  29. Naveen, that is such a rare sign that I think the line line you think is the marriage line may not be one. Send me a photo of your palm, and if it is as you say it is, I will answer your question privately without charge. Thanks

  30. hii mam.. i have 3 lines below my little finger .. which is knwm as marriage line .. so i realy confused .. wat is dis??

  31. Barsha, if you read the post on which you have commented you will get the answer to your question. In a nutshell, these so-called marriage lines are unreliable.

    1. I have same issue so mam what if there is light line but visible line and in middle dark line and then near heart what does those visible light lines indicates does they indicate about affair after marriage the line beneath little finger smaller and lighter then the middle one... Plz answer my no question has been answer yet.

    2. I do not read marriage lines because they are not reliable. I have also replied to you on email

  32. I have broken griddle of Venus,I heard that if broken griddle of Venus won't be successful in getting marriage is it true

  33. The girdle of venus has no connection to marriage. It shows some aspect of the temperament, basically sensitiveness if one has to be very very general.

  34. Hello, I have recently developed interest in palmistry. While reading about marriage lines all the other articles spoke d same but yours is different and interesting... My marriage line on left hand has 3-4 lines curving downwards.. Can you please interpret ?

  35. Nidhi, as the post mentions, marriage lines have no meaning unless the lines are long and reach into the palm, cutting the main lines.

  36. Dear mam my name is rahul from Dehradun I got married in 2009 2 and November but my wife don't want to stay with me I have child of 4 yrsa she is more interested to stay with her mom I don't want to given her divorce but not i am not able to think wt to do mostly people says that there are 2 marriages in my hand it is true

  37. It is not possible to say whether you have two marriages by looking at your hand. Whether you will marry twice depends on your life and circumstances. It cannot be predicted.

  38. Hi! I have a deep running horizontal line from the mount of moon which runs to the fate line, are these influence lines? I'd read that they are also related to an adsictive personality?

  39. Sagar, it if is a horizontal line it cannot be an influence line. Also there is no one line which can show an addictive personality. That is an old myth. We have to move on from the old interpretations of palmistry and hand reading. Do we not readily accept the changes in other fields? Many of these myths about lines were written hundreds of years ago.

  40. Good afternoon ma'am! Actually in my left palm 2 lines are below in my little finger n d 1st one is forked. plz guide me. I'm very confused. Regards. Abc

  41. Anchala, I suggest you forget about these lines below your little finger. They are quite unreliable. A lot of people with forked lines have good marriages.

  42. I have one marriage line on my left palm which is very deep...another line crosses it diagonally which appears like a faint fork at the end...please suggest about my married life

    1. It does not mean anything. Marriage lines are not reliable.

  43. Mam, my left palm has 3 lines and right palm has only one line below little finger...when i join and coincides the heart line on both the hands, the one line below little finger on right palm coincides with the middle line out of the 3 lines I have on left palm, does it mean I will get married to the second man who will come into my life. I am really confused plz help

    1. Marriage cannot be seen on the hand and not all relationships are seen either. Also the placement of the heart line (either high or low) has nothing to do with the men in your life. The heartline indicates how you feel, what you feel and about your emotions in general. Lines below the little finger do not represent the number of men in your life.

    2. Not all relationships means that create a doubt

  44. Does the light line beneath the marriage line always signifies
    a relationship or can it also indicate a one sided love?

  45. Aman, the lines under the little finger do not tell us about the number of relationships. Neither two-sided nor one-sided. They are the most unreliable lines on the hand.

  46. Mam I have only 2full lines and a small line joining one line.totally I have only 3lines.what it actually justify

  47. I have written another post to address these type of questions. Kindly read:

  48. Hello Nita Mam,

    I have a broken heart line (disconnected). Lower part of the heart line merging with the head line and joining with the fate line. And the rest half is reaching the mount of jupiter. My fate line runs from the base of wrist till the mount of saturn. And I have 2 distinct marriage lines in the side.

    I have had several sexual relationships, never cheated (1 at a time person). Had 3 love affairs. All long term relationships. All the ex-girlfriends got married eventually. And 1 was already married and was elder to me.

    Now I am single , aged 29. I get offers from my married female friends for sexual relationship all the time. But I dont indulge in meaningless acts anymore.

    Will I ever get married ?

    My personal life seems to be in deep soup.

    Your kind guidance will be much much appreciated.

    Thank you.

  49. Hello Alan,
    I don't read hands by description.The most difficult thing in a palm is actually deciphering the lines.
    In any case, the hand cannot tell whether you will get married. But if you want to, you will. Your life is not dependent on your lines. They are the reflection of who you are and what you do. And in any case misplaced or broken heartlines do not suggest an unmarried life. Nor do they suggest multiple affairs. if you are finding it difficult to settle down, it is probably the issue of commitment. That is something in the personality...but I am guessing really as I do not know you at all. But whatever the issue, if you are getting "offers" you say, then get to know a girl and commit to her.

    1. Mam if lines dosent tell about relationships then why there is a light line beneath little finger above the dark long line... If its about mind thinking then i hv nvr thought of having an affair after marriage so why it has developed.i hv nvr thought of it i just saw it.

  50. Dear Nita, I LOVE your blog...I can honestly say you have the best, realistic descriptions about palmistry. Also, nowhere else I could find (real, honest) information on 'no marriage line' on palms, except here. My boyfriend has no lines, had one long marriage and he's now committed to try another with me. I love him very much, and If I didn't find your opinion on people without present marriage line, I would probably freak out. Thank you very much...All the best to you

    1. Ma'am, could you tell us how to calculate the age on fate line and life line. There are several models on other websites which makes it confusing to me.

    2. I really wish I could tell you but this is something I have been working on for years and have now fine-tuned it. Will be publishing it in my book, which is still incomplete. However one thing I can tell you for sure - calculating age is difficult because people's head, heart and life lines are positioned differently. However I have devised a fairly accurate method. I am sorry I cannot give it to you, but it will definitely be published one day.

  51. maam i want to know if there are two paralel lines {marriage line}one is big and one is only little smaller than seconnd one in both the hands
    mam what does it indicates i am very confused on reading another bloges on internet

  52. I assure you it means nothing as regards your relationships or marriage. I myself have two longish lines there, both equally strong, and have been in one relationship from the age of 18 years, the last almost 40 years. Many of the articles on palmistry are about the superstitious aspect of palmistry and hand reading. A lot of it is just not true.

    1. And let me add, my mother who is now 80 years old has the exact similar lines, two long equally strong lines under the little finger. She married my father when she was 22 and is still happily married. There has been no other man in her life. So you can quit worrying about all the nonsense you read about the so-called marriage lines.

    2. Mam me too is asking again nd again the same question but nt getting amswer your lines are parallel and equally strong but we are talking about one big marriage line in middle and one shorter visible light line near little finger i.e after the dark long line... Doest it not suggest love after marriage... If not so why it is there after long dark line beneath the littel finger

    3. I have answered your questions, in your other comments and also on email. You are asking the same things again and again. Please remember that I do not check the comments every few hours. It can take a day or maybe two for me to answers. If you ask a question, you have to wait for some days for an answer.

  53. Hi maam i want to know if i have forked marriage line on my right hand and on my left hand the forked marriage line ends with a star what does dat mean

  54. Well, I suggest you forget about these so-called marriage lines and just live your life. Forked marriage lines are not significant.

  55. Salam!
    Your blog is quiet reasonable.I appreciate that.Keep it up.
    I have one small and 1 big marriage line on my left hand.
    1 small and 2 major line on right hand and The middle one is forked? I am so worried about these lines. Should I be concerned?

    1. Aneeqa, there is no need to be concerned. Just choose right and work hard at your marriage, whether in the present or in the future. The marriage lines have little meaning.

  56. Hello Ma'am I would like to know one thing which is that I have one mole on the center of my marriage line or we can say til on the center on my marriage line and I m very confused about it like should I concerned about my partner or it's normal and not a big thing to deal with...please help me with your guidance

    1. Dear Mente,
      Moles are a skin condition, and nothing to do with hand reading. So relax.

    2. Thank for the rply but it's like a black spot and on some pages it is written premature death of a parter, so i m lil concerned about it.

    3. Yes I am sure Mente that you will find all sorts of things written. You will find whatever you want to believe. A lot of is superstition. I suggest you stop being concerned, unless your partner has a health issue.

    4. I'm not married yet but i have a bf from last 8 years and this black dot appeared 2 years back and now my bf is having a heath issue related to his brain. So I'm very much tensed about the situation.

    5. well, I can assure you that the two things are not connected. let me reiterate, the black dot is a skin condition.

    6. Thank you so much and more power to you, you're doing a great job.

  57. mam ,i hv my marrige line split in fork in left hand and stright in right hand what that mean ?
    what that mean mam?

    1. These lines are not reliable so forget about them. What you described has no significance.

  58. Ma'am... there is a gap in my fate line below the head line.. I have heard such gap indicates a divorce... is it true??

    1. No. The Fateline does not indicate divorce. It has no connection with it at all.

  59. I have a forked marriage line in the end n one side moves up n touches the line of little finger and another touches heart line

    1. Well, it is an unusual sign. Just send a clear photo of your palm to my email id. Thanks.

  60. My headline is sloping downwards and touches the life line at the end,what does it mean?Also I have 2 headlines,one sloping downward and one straight but broken in the middle,I am 30 years old woman who have faced difficulties of all sorts

    1. Sangeetha, I do not read hands by description like this and nor do I read signs in isolation from other parts of the hand. If you are interested in a paid reading of your hand then you can write to me on my email id.

  61. yes,i have sent you my details in the email,looking forward to working with you

    1. Sangeetha, I have not received any email from you. I searched the email, including spam and trash, for your name and it is not there.

  62. I am having two lines which end at middle of little finger

  63. I have one upward marriage line in my right hand but not touch the root of the little finger.I am 37 still unmarried.very much hard trying to get married, but very disappoinetd.i am worried.

  64. If my marriage line is strong but it goes down lighter passing trough the heart line and the fate line.

    1. Luzmarie, if it is a lighter line that passes through the heart and fateline, it is very likely not the marriage line at all. Send me your hand photograph and I will tell if it is actually the marriage line.

  65. Mam i have forked marriage line in both hand. I have a bf since 5 year we love each other .. but mam i am worried can we separate?

    1. Sanjana, I suggest you stop worrying. Separation and divorce has nothing to do with forked marriage lines. Thousands and thousands of happy couples have forked marriage lines and and equal number of those with unforked marriage lines are not happy. In other words the so-called marriage lines are not an indicator of the state of your marriage or love life.

  66. Ma'am today i seen my hand very clearly in right hand i have a forked than again forked come and turn into downwards

  67. Mam i am really in love with my bf
    Today i seen my right hand marriage line is forked as i tell you but again fork come and downwards heart line but in very light line

  68. Refreshing taste on palmistry! Keep up the good work

  69. I want some consultation. But difficult to describe the lines etc. Can I send email with palm pics and description of problem.

    1. Best not to send photos yet. I will send you the list of the different types of readings available, and the charges for them. After you select a reading, I will send you the instructions for the photos. Thanks.

  70. If marriage line bent downwards and join fate line, what does it signify

    1. Often, there are connecting lines which make it seem as if it is the marriage line. But the marriage line itself bending completely downwards and touching or joining the Fateline? That is indeed rare. If you think you have such a sign, kindly send me the hand photo and I will see it is really the case.

  71. Hi mam,
    I had my palm read by an astrologer. She has looked at my left palm and observed the lines to the left side of the life line. And told me that the line has a break and another line is starting parallel to it. And this means that a marriage with my current boyfriend will not sustain and will result in a split. Similarly she has also looked at the same lines on the right side of the lifeline in my boyfriend's right hand - there are multiple lines, so she says that he will be in multiple relationships so I should leave him.

    I am unable to understand this as no where it is mentioned about these lines next to the lifeline and how it is related to marriage.

    1. These are called Influence Lines. Influence lines on the inside of the lifeline show relationships, but not necessarily love relationships. These lines represent all relationships, it can also mean parents, siblings, cousins, gurus, children, close friends etc., and if your boy friend has multiple such lines, I would say good for him! He is clearly a very lucky guy to have close relationships with people.
      And if anyone tells you that for girls you have to read the left hand and for boys the right hand, this is completely wrong. The left hand is the past, the inherited, the sub conscious, on the hands of BOTH boys and girls (as long as they are right-handed).
      Also remember that marriage and divorce cannot be predicted even by the so-called marriage lines, leave alone any other lines.
      Be careful before you show your hand to people.

    2. Thank you so much for your reply.

  72. Hi Nita,

    I HAVE 2 MARRIAGE LINES one marriage line has a fork it splits but its like a trident and there is a line on the top. Do you nowwhat does it mean I am worried I am getting married soon so please indicate what does it mean

    1. It means nothing. I suggest that you get into marriage with a positive mind set because that is your best chance of a happy marriage. Negative thinking, fears and anxieties can create trouble where none exists. Forget these so-called marriage lines, because not only do they have absolutely no control over your married life, NO LINES on the hand have the control. You have the control. All the lines on our hands are created by our own minds. You have control over your life. Not the lines. If you feel that there is something in your temperament which would make it difficult for you to have a happy marriage, then change it! Or if you feel you are not a good judge of character, be careful while selecting a partner. Select a partner after proper thought. These are the issues which affect a marriage, not the lines!

  73. one lady palmist tell me that my partnr will leave me due to family problem,and i will have arranged marriage..i am very tensed and want to get married to my bf.

    1. Mini, I have no idea on what basis this lady told you this. It is not possible to say such things from the hand. There is not a single sign on the hand which tells you whether it will be an arranged marriage or the cause of a break-up. Its sheer nonsense. However if you become tense, it will create unnecessary negative thinking.

  74. As Nita keeps assuring, no single line can suggest the complete result. The entire palm needs to be considered but most of the so-called palmists do not consider the entire hand, which is a complex task.
    For instance, the forked union line can suggest cultural/ ideological differences. Further to this, if the palm shows a flexible, open mind, then this is an opportunity explore and identify the differences, get the best of both cultures, and also enjoy the similarities.
    Many of the Palm lines themselves change based on our attitude and adaptation.
    Life is about how we make it to be...

    1. You are absolutely right Shekhar. A forked line can be a source of marital happiness, for the exact reason you have explained. I rarely come across someone who has an understanding of what the palm is all about. So thanks for posting your comment.

  75. after reading my palm she closed her eyes and tell me the reason of his family problem to not get she has some power in her eyes..but thanks alot i,ll never think it again mam.thanks alot

  76. Hello I have a pattern like this this is a pattern of trident its not divorce

  77. Hello maam
    Ma'am i have a forked marriage line on my left hand and 2 lines on the right which are parallel,equidistant, and the above one is little bit darker as compared to the lower one. Ma'am many sites say that i forked line means divorce. Im unmarried but wanted to know will i have a divorce after my marriage? Will my marriage end?
    What does that mean ?
    Ma'am i also have my fateline starting with a fork then merging into the lifeline for few cms, emerging out of the lifeline and after words it breaks as soon as it touches the headline
    I also have a v like distorted structure forming from where the fateline merged into the lifeline and runs parallel to the heart line in my left hand what does it signify ?
    In my right hand I have my fate line which has simultaneous 2-3 forks one above the other. The fateline starts from my wrists and ends in between the middle finger and the ring finger.
    It also supports my life line which from the down comes and crosses the fateline and from the above also starts as a proper dark curve faints and then crosses the fateline and joins the lower lifeline by crossing it there only.what does it mean?
    Will my partner die or anything
    Please tell me
    Will my marriage break ?
    Or how will be my married life?
    Will I have a divorce?
    Please help maam

    1. Sakshi, I have already mentioned that a forked marriage line does not mean divorce, so why are you asking me this question? You are saying that "many sites say" it means divorce. I am not concerned with other sites. I have given you my view. If you want to have a happy marriage you certainly will, whether you have a forked line or not.
      Also, regarding your description of the fateline, I do not read hands from description although from what you write, it appears as if you have a good fateline.
      If you are interested in a paid reading, you can write to me on my email id, and I will send you the charges for the different types of readings.


  78. I'm really sorry ma'am
    Actually I was very much afraid with this idea of forked marriage line so I asked because I don't want to get divorced of course no one wants and I read that you have 35 years of experience that is the reason I asked based on your experience that what does these forked marriage lines actually mean?
    You must have had read hands of thousands of people
    What is the probability ma'am according to your experience that a forked marriage line does not cause divorce or means a happy married life?
    And which hands should I consider ma'am for my future married life? (I'm a right handed person)
    Ma'am could you please send me your email for the charges?

    1. I have already answered your question. Let me repeat. Some people who get divorced could have forked marriage lines and some people who get divorced will not. Or, some people in a happy marriage could have forked marriage lines, and some people in unhappy marriage could have forked marriage lines. This is from my experience. Do you realise what this signifies? If you do not understand, then let me reiterate that forked marriage lines has nothing to do with divorce.
      From your comment it appears that you are full of anxiety. If it is just a forked line which is giving you anxiety then you are giving too much importance to lines. Lines do not dictate your future. You make the lines. Our future is not fixed. It is as you make it.
      My email is clearly given on this website, underneath the About Me section.

  79. What is your email address ma'am where I can contact u for paid readings?

  80. Thank-you ma'am.
    My last question is which hand to see for a right handed person for marriage and other predictions?
    Which is the most apt hand?
    Because I ve heard that left should be considered for girls or women and right for boys or men? And the second hand is of your life partner for instance for a girl u should see the left as the right hand signals about the life n future of her future life partner. Is it true?
    And thanks again ma'am.

    1. I have no idea where you are reading all this. Is it from street palmists? If you are interested in hand reading I suggest you read books of modern hand readers. You can start with Benham, and then progress to others like Fincham for instance, or Mark Seltman. To answer your question, both men and women are the same species and our brain is not that much different. Both hands are to be read, for both men and women. The passive hand (it can be left or right) shows the inherited tendencies, or you can call it the subconscious mind, and the active hand shows the current state of mind.
      As for predictions, mostly they are nonsense. Even if you read the active hand there is no guarantee of any prediction coming true. Also predictions about love and marriage are all guess work, and not to be believed.
      I suggest you read this article (on which you are commenting) again. Because you are asking me again and again the same thing, about predictions of love and marriage when I have mentioned clearly it cannot be predicted.

  81. Thank-you maam
    I was very much stressed because of my forked marriage line on my left hand
    But with your opinions I'm very much relieved thanks a lot
    I read this article again and some of the comments too
    In one u have mentioned that the lines of passive hand is to be taken even less seriously which gave me a sense of relief
    Allover all ur suggestions and opinions helped me to calm down thanku.

  82. Hello maam,
    I have a clear forked marriage line on my left hand,(not at all very clear but if viewed very closely or i must say if viewed from naked eye the lower line of the fork which bends a little downwards has very fine line not visible much which forms a curve like C and touches the heartline)
    A very light small line appers below the forked line at a considerable distance.
    What does all this signify?

    On my right hand, there are two distinct marriage lines equal in length. The fiRST one being just minutely darker than the second one.
    Those lines dont seem to be completely straight rather look like straight arcs( i mean neither completely straight nor curved or complete arcs)
    Another point to mark is that the first line appears to be slightly very slightly forked if looked very carefully and closely because of the handprint line which touches it makes it look like a tiny fork
    What can u interpret by these lines maam?
    Do they necessary mean about marriages only or also relationships or close bondings with the opposite sex before marriage?
    Will i have to marriages?
    Will i be divorced or become a widow?
    (Some sites say that if u have forked marriage lines on both the hands ur partner will die or even if the marriage lines bend toward the heartline it causes sudden death of the partner)
    Ma'am i need your help
    Kindly guide me with your knowledge nd experience of hand reading past so many years.
    Im quite scared
    Please help
    Im unmarried girl and want to know about my future marriage life because im too much scared because of these two n forked lines.
    My active hand is right hand.
    Kindly suggest me and guide me.

    1. Priya, these so-called marriage lines will not tell you of your relationships or love affairs or marriage. These lines do not tell you of the future in any manner. I suggest you read this post again, and also the answers I have given to questions on this post.

  83. Thank you maam
    Actually i was almost into depression when i read about these lines on various sites and their traits comparing them to mine forked and bended touching the heartline meant death of the partner ,divorce or seperation .

    But your honest opinions and experienced helped. I hope i get out and try not to think else i'll go into complete depression state.

  84. The hand we write with tells us our current state of mind and the passive hand tells us about the past or about dormant characteristics. That is why the passive hand (often the left in both men and women) tells us of the "destiny" that was reserved for us, and the active hand shows acquired qualities and correspondingly the destiny we carve out for ourselves.
    Maam i was also a lil concerned when i read this on of your articles that our left hand is destined
    I thought that i have both forked marriage line and bending of marriage line touching the heartline on my left hand , and thought it to be the signal that it is my destiny and because of the left hand it is destined and a divorce will sure happen or death of my partner which made me more deperessed.
    I hope you'll clarify my confusion so that i can get over all this.
    Help me Maam
    Please help me come out of my depression.

    1. Priya, it does appear that your anxiety is causing you to take my information out of context. Yes, the passive hand shows the subconscious mind, and in a way it is our predetermined destiny, and the right hand reflects the current state of mind (which also can be changed by the way). I have clearly mentioned that the left hand does not show one's destiny in a right handed person.
      That said, nowhere have I mentioned that the marriage lines show destiny, either on the passive or active hand. In fact, I have taken the trouble to write a separate post explaining that the so-called marriage lines do not foretell our future.
      Not all lines give an indication of the future. Nowhere is this more evident than in the marriage lines.
      I suggest you stop thinking of the lines on your hand, and live your life the best way you can. Choose the right partner and be the right partner. Your happiness in marriage depends on that, not the lines.

  85. Hi Madam,

    I have question regarding when Line connecting head and heart line ?

    1. HKN, there are often lines connecting head and heart lines and the meaning depends on where they leave the headline (or heartline) and where they join the heartline (or headline). It is also possible that the line is not actually a line which joins, there could be a gap, and this changes the meaning. It is also possible that the line cuts either line, and then too the meaning is different. It is also possible that the line is more of a downward line from the heartline, a kind of branch and it is also also possible that the line is an upward branch of the headline. Also, once one identifies whether it is actually just a line which is connecting or some of the other variants, one has to see it in context of the whole hand, which means the kind of head, heart and lifelines the person has and what type of hand it is. I have mentioned time and again that the hand needs to be read as a whole and one sign cannot be given undue importance. Looking at the signs on the hand in isolation can lead to misleading conclusions.

  86. Ma'am are you sure that i should not think that the forked marriage line and a C kind of structure which emerges from one of the branches does not confirm me being a "WIDOW "or a sure of this fact that whenever i'll get married it will be arrange marriage because of my family.
    Im not able to sleep nights and have to take pills to sleep just because of the fact that scares me which i read on some other site that my marriage will break because of extramarital affair or mainly premature death of my partner.
    Can you tell me maam what this fork n C curve from the fork touching the heartline signify as per your experience?
    Should i stop thinking about my left hand lines because it is not true for a right handed person?

    1. Yes, you should stop thinking of your left hand lines because it has no relevance at all in this instance. It seems to me that your anxieties are creating the lines. The lines are a reflection of the mind. If you keep thinking along these negative lines, and approach marriage with thoughts of death and divorce, it can affect your future. You should practice positive thinking.
      Perhaps you are thinking this way because you do not have confidence in your parents choosing the right partner for you. If this is the case then discuss with them what kind of person you need. You should also think along these lines, about the kind of person suitable to you. It is not out of your control. Go into marriage thoughtfully and do not look at superficial characteristics.

  87. Can any line on hand especially the marriage lines or any other line show premature death of the partner? Or sudden death?
    Ma'am according to your experience do people with a bending curve touching the heartline or the one emerging from the fork and touching the heartline as in my case have had healthy happy marriages with healthy partners and long life of thier partners?

    1. It is a rare sign which you describe, about the marriage line going deep into the palm and cutting the heartline (which you do not have). This sign does show some kind of emotional disappointment if it is found on the right active hand mainly because a line cutting the heartline deeply has this meaning, but in the case I know there was no divorce or death. And as for lighter lines connecting the heartline and marriage lines (as in your case) this is very common and seen in healthy marriages where there is no death of spouse. But as I said before, our thinking is what creates lines, and your obsession or fear of being in a bad marriage or being a widow can worsen the lines.

  88. Thanks a lot Maam.
    Thank you soooo very much for your valuable suggestions.
    Actually maam absolutely right what i was observing is that since the time i've been reading certain things on various sites like death of partner, divorce n all according to the lines im feeling that everyday i can experience a new line emerging here n especially changes in my marriage line.
    I was considering it to be my bad fate but after your opinions im able to feel that all the negative signs i have read about are getting visible maybe just because I've been thinking about it day and night. And could not interpret that this sudden formation of light lines was actually my fear coming out.
    Thank you for your help maam.

  89. No maam actually i have faith in my parents and thier choice that is the reason i have completely left the decision on them for my marriage in future.
    Its just that the" death of the spouse thing". Ofcourse they do not know or anyone else dosent know that, and these lines made me feel so depressed that why is god doing to me.and am i getting these he giving me a signal that my marriage would break with his death. Why me only? Why everyone else is soo happy while im in such state.
    And yes maam as you said i do not have a prominent curve in the fork which cuts the heartline
    I just have a light curve which i can experience to be formed not much time before which touches the heartline (does not cut it) and retrats back towards the marriage line just like The base of a C touching the heartline and then curving back away from the heartline.
    Thank you maam
    I wish i get over all this soon and do not think much so that my lines do not worsen and also do not push me again into deep depression.
    Earlier i used to get happy about the thoughts of married life but now i was feeling like crying whole day esp whenever i saw movies or happy married couples.

  90. hy maam there is two marriage line in my fiancee s palm, what does it mean?

    1. Dear Vinod,
      Have you read the article on which you have commented?
      I am quoting from it:
      "My research after seeing hundreds of hands (some of these over many decades) tells me that none of the above is true. I know several people with two equally strong marriage lines who have never had more than one partner."

  91. Hello Nita!
    Thank you a lot for your words, I am sure it will help many people! I would like to ask you one question too. Why do so many articles or videos about faulty interpretations exist then? I personally after reading such articles was very worried and trying to calm fown and stop even thinking about that.Thank you for you time and answer!

    1. I am glad you asked this question. The answer is very simple. There is no scientific research on this subject and thus no standard for anyone to adhere too. Therefore people fall back on superstitions and age old beliefs.
      Also, from the number of emails I get it is clear that people are desperate to want to know when they will marry, whether their marriage will last, whether they will get divorced, marry twice etc. When people are desperate to know these things, they do not want to listen to anyone who tells them that these things are not possible to see with any accuracy on the hand.
      True, 50% of the time, or maybe even 60% of the time, a palmist can make a fairly good guess, and thus at least half the people (who have had such predictions made) believe implicitly that marriage lines are accurate, and they spread their beliefs amongst their near and dear ones.
      I have years of experience in this field. I have hand prints with me which are over 50 years old (my father was a palmist though it was a hobby with him) and because of our large extended family and large network of friends (whose hand photos I have) it has been possible for me to research this subject, although on a small scale. I know that the marriage lines are unreliable and should not be read.
      That said, there are modern reliable authors (from the west) like say Fincham for instance, who have clearly said that these lines are not reliable. But people still believe in Cheiro.
      In the olden days (more than a hundred years ago) possibly these marriage lines could have been more accurate than they are now as life back then was simpler. People usually had one partner in marriage, divorce was unheard of, and people lived a shorter life. Today these so-called marriage lines are completely irrelevant, what with multiple marriages, live-in relationships, and frequency of divorces and so on.

  92. My right hand as well left hand marriage line has not any fork ,but my marriage life has come near to divorce (not confirm but most probably) . Would u tell me some other lines also available to predict the correct ness . Mam pls comment. I have already sent photo of my right hand marriage line to ur mail

    1. Yes, that's right Manish. The marriage line does not predict divorce or separation or even unhappiness in marriage. There is no line which can predict this.

  93. Hello Ma'am
    I have only one deep marriage line ending with three branches. Both the upper nd lower branch form islands nd then continue.
    Bt the middle one doesn't have such island or nothing like that.
    I visited a palmist, he said that In future i have the chance of divorce after my first marriage or My hubby may not be able to survive physically i.e. I can be a Widow , nd then again I will get married nd even the 2nd marriage may not last nd I can have a third marrige after divorce (2nd marrige divorce).
    Plzz Ma'am explain.
    Actually me nd my hubby, after a very difficult phase, we r now together nd very happy with each other nd we don't want to be seperate at any cost. I don't want to lose him ever.
    Bt as the palmist said, so I m worried about it.
    Plzz Ma'am help.

    1. I really do not know what to answer to you Salma. I assume you have read my article and I assume you have read the answers to the questions in the comments. Yet, you ask me this.
      I suggest you read this article on which you have posted and also read the comments and my answers in the comments.
      What this palmist told you is actually making me laugh. It is such ridiculous nonsense! If you choose to believe it, even after reading my article and my views in the comments, I cannot help you.

  94. Hi Nita...

    I have been in dilemma with my lifeline and marriage lines forever. Could you shed some light on it. And i been down in dumps since past 7 years and lets say most of my life but more so after marriage. And now i feel my vitality is also going as if i have very few years left or something and if you could tell me something about my twin parallel lines of marriage on my both hands. Could i send my hand images to you on any place? Please let me know...

    1. If you have read the article on which you have commented, you would know the answer to your question. The comments and questions and answers will further help. So please go through everything. You can also read the palmistry myths article and the palmistry faqs, both of which you will find on the home page.
      If you want your hands read professionally, that is another matter. My email id is on the right sidebar.

  95. Hi Madam,

    In my right hand marriage line extends long and joins with girdle of Venus, Some websites are saying that it leads to sad or unhappy marriage life.

    I really worried about this, Can you please explain me what is the exact interpretation of marriage line extends long and touching girdle of Venus"

    Thank you.

    1. Satish, I am not sure whether it is actually your marriage line which is touching the Girdle of Venus (at times there are chance lines which touch the Girdle) and neither am I sure that you have a Girdle of Venus. A long marriage line in itself is good.
      Assuming you actually have this long curved line above the Heartline, which is the Girdle of Venus, what you should first understand is the meaning of the Girdle of Venus. It tells of some personality traits. Assuming that actually your marriage line is joining the Girdle of Venus (I am not sure that in your case it does), all it shows is that there is something in your personality which could affect your marriage life. Being worried about it will likely worsen the problem and therefore interpreting your hand after reading some website is not a good idea.
      I suggest you look into yourself and be a good partner and husband. Lines change. People change. There is absolutely no reason for you to have an unhappy marriage. Remember worrying and obsessing over some line instead of trying to be a better person will make the problem worse.

  96. Hello maam
    I have 2 marriage lines on my active hand and one forked on my passive hand, both equal in length. The upper one bit darker than the lower but not much. You have read thousands of hands
    Do equally strong lines mean two marriages according to your experience?

    1. Sakshi, you have commented on this post so I have to assume you have read this post in which I have said that these lines that you refer are not reliable. The answer to your question is already written in this post.

  97. Hello Madam.i have islands on my marriage line and it is splitting at the end of marriage line. Is it indicating a sorrowful married life?

    1. No. It may show your anxiety about marriage, but the marriage lines have nothing to do with predictions.

    2. Hello maam..i have a fork at the end of marriage line...does it mean i will face divorce or clashes....can i send u pic..if u cud read???.. can dese b changed also...????

    3. Dear Ravneet,
      If you read this post and comments you will get the answer to your questions. Thanks.

  98. Hello ma'am

    Do palmistry answer about the reunion with ex?

    I had a reading from one well known palmist he told me that I will not jav a good love life. My marriage may emd up in separation. There are chances of having another man in my life. And I can say that I m vry loyal to the one I was with.
    Can u give a paid reading.? Please update me with ur email id if possible.. I would love to have one from u.
    I m afraid of getting married.. I hav a short heart line.. and one another palmist told me that I don't have a good affection lines..
    I have two marriage lines.. one at 22 other at 26. As told by a palmist.
    I m not thinking of getting married.. im 25 already..
    Please let me know if I can have a reading from u..
    As I m very stressed with these marriage issues.
    I also have one influence line running in the mount of moon. Till the end of life line.

    1. My email address is given on the site and it is my current one. Please write to me on the email id and I will send you the rates for the reading. And let me assure that all those predictions made from the palmist you went to, cannot be told from the hand. It is either sheer bluff or psychic ability, I don't know. I suggest you don't bother about it. As to the heart line, I do no know how short your Heartline is and therefore cannot comment. a lot of people have heartlines till Saturn, and are affectionate and warm people. And even those with shorter heartlines can be so, as it depends on the the other lines and mounts, especially the mount of Venus, and the colour of the Palm.
      You can write to me at blog(dot)nita(at)gmail.(dot)com. I am traveling right now, but should be back in a few days. Thanks.

  99. Nita is it best to send photograph of hand or a print. I would think a print if done correctly.

  100. If anyone have two marriage line of equal length on both hands ,what does that mean?

    1. It does not mean two marriages. These lines do not foretell the future.

  101. Mam im having a cross on my marraige line but having all other indications such as influence line from mount of moon joing fate line,cross on jupiter and some other also...can u plzz tell me the meaning of cross on my marraige line

    1. The signs you describe are unrelated to each other. An influence line from Moon joining the Fateline is a good sign, nothing to worry about. A cross on Jupiter mount does not foretell anything, it is to do with personality characteristics. As for the cross on the marriage line, I suggest you forget about it.

    2. Thank u mam ..i was quite worried as it was said on other websites it leads to early death of spouse...thanks for your comment

  102. Hey I have 4 so called marriage /relationship lines and all of them consist with a fork at the end.One is bigger than the other. I am currently going through a separation and can relate to the line that has the biggest fork at the end. Am I able to alter the marriage line based on the way I think and accept my partner?

    1. For one thing, just because you have a fork at the end of the marriage line, this does not indicate separation. You will find an equal number of people without a fork going through a separation. I also know people who have gone through a traumatic divorce, but they have steady, clear "marriage" line. But if you are asking whether your way of thinking will alter the lines, yes of course. The lines are a result of your thinking and attitude so if you change, so will the lines.

  103. bookmarked!!, I like your blog!

  104. I have a long marriage line bending downwards and cuts the heart line. It goes little down after cutting the heart line. What does this mean? Please let me know

    1. Please enter a name, any name. Otherwise I cannot distinguish who I am writing back to. Blogger does not show email addresses of people. I have decided not to reply to comments by Anonymous. This does not mean that you have to give your real name. Just please do not write Anonymous as your name if you want a reply. Thanks

  105. Oh sorry madam.
    I have a long marriage line bending downwards and cuts the heart line. It goes very little down after cutting the heart line and stops there. What does this mean? Please let me know

    1. A long marriage line dropping and cutting the heartline is a rare sign. Send me your hand photo and I will check to see if it is really so.

    2. Sure mam I will send a photo. In mean time I have one doubt. In your post, you said the marriage lines are not reliable but here why you believe in lines which I said in my question and saying this is rare sign

    3. This is because I will be reading your heartline, not the marriage line. If any line cuts the heartline, it has a significance, depending from which mount it arises and how long it is.

    4. I have sent my hand pics to your email. Please check mam. Thanks!

  106. Mame, I have a marriage line which is forked and both forked lines curve downward a lot but doesn't touch the heart line. The longer downward forked line has a cross at the end. According to other sources both signs means death of my partner. Is it really possible to predict death of my partner from my hand? Please reply.

    1. If you read the above few comments you will know that even if I decide to publish some anonymous comments, I do not reply to them anymore. Please give a name, any name. Thanks

    2. Mame u can call me Asha

    3. Asha, it is not possible to predict the death of your partner from your hand. There are two reasons for this. One, you cannot tell about some other's person's death from a hand, and second, death itself is very difficult to predict, if not impossible, even from one's own hand. This I can say with confidence as regards hand reading. If people have psychic powers, I don't know about that. I suggest you don't worry about the lines on your hand, and lead your life the best way you can. If you remove these negative thoughts from your mind, it is likely that your lines will improve. This is because the lines are a reflection of our fears and thoughts.

  107. Thanks a lot Mame. I was a little worried about these lines in my palm. Thank you for your honest opinion. One more thing Mame how can I contact you for my complete palm reading .

    1. My email is given on the right sidebar. If you are viewing on a phone, it could come at the bottom. Here it is again: blog(dot)nita(at)gmail(dot)com

    2. Ma'am I feel my hand is more complicated and I can't understand what it says. Could you please help?

    3. Asha, if you want a complete hand reading, I can send you my rate card. Please email me. Thanks

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    1. Thanks, but the next time you comment, I will appreciate it if you write a name, any name, need not be your name. Otherwise it is quite impossible to distinguish amongst different commentators.

  110. I have a short marriage line curving upwards and touches the little finger base ring but also I have another long line below that. What it indicates? And what if the number of lines in right and left differ?

  111. Please write a name for yourself. It need not be your real name.

  112. I have a black mole in between my two marriage lines in right hand.
    Kindly suggest

    1. Moles are caused by skin conditions and not by the brain (lines on the palm are caused by our brains).
      Moles occur when cells in the skin grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin. These cells are called melanocytes, and they make the pigment that gives skin its natural color. Moles may darken after exposure to the sun. They have no connection to palmistry.

  113. Can the marriage lines be changed? Are the marriage lines completely reliable? I am very depressed about it.

  114. All lines change. The way to do something about an unfavourable marriage line is to think positively about marriage and about yourself. In any case, marriage lines are not reliable indicators about your future married life, so if that is the reason you are depressed, don't be.

    1. Can positive thinking about my marriage would change anything?

    2. Of course. But it has to be a real change, not a temporary one. Your deepest attitudes need to change, sometimes even values. And the change in thinking, if short-term will be of no use because it will not change your behaviour, nor your future. It has to be a permanent and significant change. Not just towards marriage but also to the other gender. Most of us have gender based expectations and these often lead us to choose a particular type of partner or even if one chooses the right one, then the expectations can affect married life. Finally, happiness in marriage is all about how you are as a partner, how understanding, and how generous in your thinking. Most of us are human and it is rare that one lands up with a completely unreasonable and crazy partner.

  115. hi Nita, I have three marriage lines on both hands, On right hand one is close to heart line curve downward, other two 2nd and 3rd are at distance from this 1st line. 2nd is also slightly curve downward while 3rd line that is bit close to 2nd line and is carved, straight, and long.
    On left hand all three lines are small,at same distance from each other, slightly curve downward at their end, from these three lines, the middle has blurred fork at end. I was in paper marriage, got separation. Will i get marry again? I have no job dependent on family.

  116. Dear Unknown, I suggest you forget about your marriage lines because people with even just one single marriage line can be divorced and people with multiple lines can be in a steady relationship. If you want to marry, get a job and I am sure you will find a partner. Concentrate on improving your life and forget about palmistry.

  117. Good evening mam i just wanted to that i am left handed person but i can write from right hand also bcoz my father when i was child forced me to write from right hand... But i am left handed so basically i am left handed therefore it means my active hand is left hand and what does active hand means therefore my passive hand is right hand.... I want to know is future certain whatever there is on right hand.

    1. whichever hand you write with is your active hand.

  118. Mam i am left handed person but almost got everything according to right hand why so

  119. Mam can you tell what are those short lines parallel to marriage lines i have one short line beneat the little finger finger and big dark line in middle of little finger and heart line. Does that line means affair after marriage if not so why it is after marriage line plz tell i am worried.

  120. Mam.. I have fork at the end of marriage line .one end is too long and other end is too short ...please reply me mam I am little worried

    1. Please read the above post very carefully. The title itself tells you something. I have no idea why you are worried. "Marriage" lines are not indications of separation or the happiness pf marital life.

  121. In my left hand two deep parallel lines, in my right hand 2deep parallel lines and one curve line touch heartline Pls tell me mam what it indicates love or arranged marriage or divorce


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