
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Hand Reading of a Terrorist

This is the hand of a known terrorist who is not being named.

Is this terrorist a typical specimen of his ilk? Probably. Was I surprised to see the type of personality his hand revealed him to be? Of course not. This is a hand often seen on criminals, the brute kind. Reading this hand confirmed what I (and I'm sure many others) believe – these mass murderers of innocents are not driven by religious ideals; they are not religious fanatics or religious extremists. They are not religious at all because they are driven by hatred, revenge, anger and greed, either for power or material gain. Driven as they are by these dark, and at times evil motives, they cannot be people of God but are inspired by the Devil. Using God as a mask to cover their evil deeds is very convenient. It is the same reason why so many priests abuse small children. This does not mean that priests are evil, but that child molesters and criminals often gravitate towards religious vocations because religion makes an excellent cover for their misdeeds.

Criminal Hand Sketch
The main features of this hand of a known terrorist are the excessively developed mounts, particularly the mount of Moon, the short thick fingers with the lower phalanges heavily developed and an average thumb which is conic at the tip with a very thick second phalange.

Worse is to come...the finger of Jupiter is not just short, it is also low-set, bent, with a short first phalange (if compared to the other first phalanges) and with a distinctively conic tip. And the Apollo finger is far too long. The mercury (pinky) finger is pointed with a good first phalange. The headline is weaker (in this case less well-etched) than the other lines and there appears to be a line connecting the head and heart lines although this last was not very clear from the photographs. Either that or the headline throws a branch upwards, joining the heartline.

These signs in combination tell us a story about this man, and it's not a flattering one. If the signs are taken separately they do not indicate anything alarming because they point to weaknesses that can be balanced out by the strengths of personality shown elsewhere. Unfortunately, in this case, the combination of signs shows a dangerous person.

The hand shows a personality which is weak and unwilling to see reason. By weak, it means someone who will sell out his closest aides to protect himself and that makes him a poor leader – of anything. As long as he is not caught, this person will do anything to achieve his aims. And his aims are name and glory and also money. There is zero impulse control. 

This hand belongs to someone who cares about public opinion and wants fame and name and would be willing to take risks to get it. He cares about public opinion but at the same time is likely to stoop to doing something quite shady – as long as he is never found out. His limited understanding of issues, impulsiveness, and lack of self-pride mean that he will likely do things without thinking. It is other people's opinion of him that matters, not his own opinion of himself, which in any case is poor. Low self-esteem, lack of self-pride, and cowardice is written on this hand. In combination with greed and high ambition, the result can never be good.

Aggression and short temper are present but this person is a mouse in his heart, inwardly frightened to come face to face with trouble and disapproval. He can fly into a rage if he does. Such a man will not hesitate to commit a crime if he feels he has the backing and support but will hide behind someone else. Status symbols and a good life matter a lot to him. He will not like to live a simple life. His physical drive is strong and as impulse control is not present, he is capable of anything. He has the kind of character who does anything he feels like as long as it pleases him.

Surely there are some good aspects to this terrorist's character? What about religious idealism? Actually, there is no idealism seen on the hand, and certainly not any deep religious idealism or religious belief. It is more a kind of stubborn righteousness that this person likes to push with brute force. Maybe to cover up his own feelings of inferiority. A certain level of intelligence is shown, and this person is also quite articulate, able to use words in a clever, elaborate and roundabout way. There is also an ability to evaluate people. He is quick and action-oriented.

There are similarities to other famous murderers, although the individual differences make each unique. This terrorist lacks the ideals found on the hands of Hitler, for example. Yes, Hitler had a strong belief system! 

This makes it seem like terrorists are a lot like the worst mass murderers of history, but in reality, they are far far worse. They are incapable of doing any good at all. 

(The hand sketch is made by me based on a photograph of a well-known terrorist)

You might also like to read about the personalities of Germany's Adolf Hitler, North Korea's Kim Jong-ilThe hands of a serial killer – Ted Bundy or find out what the hands of an unknown handcuffed man or an unfortunate street urchin tell you.


  1. I wonder if hand profiling can be done for everyone and people can be classified as potential criminals. It could be useful for taking corrective actions with them.

    Destination Infinity

  2. Yes I think so too. Also very useful in HR. The only hitch is that interpretation of the hand has to be right. The way palmistry is now, you have any tom, dick and harry hitching on to the bandwagon, claiming to be a palmist.

    1. Couldn't that be done by artificial intelligence? I had a friend who was pregnant and I offered to do a print at birth then follow up with yearly analysis. She didn't want to know ahead of time, but my thought was, if a negative trait begins to develop why not address it right away? Not to mention both strengths and weaknesses and potential illnesses would be apparent...could be so very useful.

    2. Yes, I have been doing it for my daughters. It helps change the lines, if one takes it seriously. But to get someone to trust hand reading is not so easy.

  3. What does line joining heartline and headline indicate? Does direction of such line (upward,downward) mean anything?

    1. The line actually have to be originating from the head or heartline, like a branch. Cutting lines are not counted. If a branch from either the heartline or the headline goes up or down (if from the headline it will be going up and from the heart line it is going down) and connects with the other line (heart of head) then it generally means a kind of obsessive thinking. What the person is obsessive about needs to be studied although the finger under which the line originates/ends could give a clue.

  4. really Nice .. after a long time I have found something interesting, it would be more interesting if you would disclose the name of that terrorist ..and I would also like to know that the heartline have branching or may be a star like formation what does it mean for this particular case ..

    1. Zaineb, I prefer to keep the name anonymous for obvious reasons, but the hand is of a terrorist leader.
      The heartline branching in the small way in the way that it does (smaller and larger branches can have different meanings) in a very general sense means someone who has the inclination to do things for others It does not show good deeds per se, and in this hand, knowing the unreasonable nature shown, this kind of sign is usually does not redeem the person.

  5. great read as always but I wish you wrote more about his moral side - like sex drive or perversion. Its a common trait among religious/ politicians. Sorry for being frank - but these kind of men exploit children and young girls , scary/horny eyes, unclean. not attractive. I liked the fact that you kept the name anonymous.Some things are better left unsaid :)

    1. The hand shows a normal sex drive but the hand also shows a tendency towards violence. Often acts like rape are not about sex, but more about the violence.

  6. :) Could you please read the hands of the current RBI governor , I am quite impressed with his leadership and pragmatic approach....also he's known to be a smooth political operator. Unsurprisingly he's quite an achiever .... there are plenty of photographs on the internet of his hands.
    Will you please read his hands?

    Best Wishes

  7. Swati, I shall certainly check out his hand photos. If they are good enough (I need at least 5 or 6 good photos so I can see the hand from different angles I can keep him on the list of hands to be read. I also need a photo of him writing to confirm whether he is right handed or left handed.

  8. Swati, I did a quick check. I did not find a single photograph of his hands with his hand straight and facing the camera..If you have any please do send them across.

  9. Ma'am, I can observe a sun line originating above the hearth line. I don't know it is due to the quality of picture or it is the nature of the line itself is unclear. However, my query is what is the significance of having a decently formed sun line or a sun line depicted in the picture for this hand ?
    PS: The hand sketch is based on a photograph of a "well known" terrorist

  10. Hari, the line is unclear and weak as seen in the sketch. Therefore it is not very significant.

  11. I have double downward marriage line what does it indicates

    1. I suggest you read this post:
      and also this:

  12. I came looking for this subject because I came across a palm the other day with a huge rectangle on the lifeline. As I don't see it here am I to assume that this man has escaped jail time? Excellent analysis btw, with great nuances.

    1. Yes, this man is free, and protected by his government.


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