Sunday, March 28, 2021

The hands of Elon Musk

Elon Musk’s hands were not a surprise but it never fails to amaze me when a hand fits well into what is already known about the person. Yes, sometimes, hidden personality traits are revealed by the hand. That’s the case here too, at least to some extent, but largely this hand fits him. 

It’s a typical hand of an entrepreneur. However, his emotional self (as revealed by the hand) is not typical. There is a tendency to stereotype entrepreneurs/inventors as perhaps not so people-oriented or with not-so-great social skills. Elon Musk is

Friday, March 5, 2021

The shy Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria line drawing sad
Queen Victoria ruled the UK and Ireland for 63 years, from 1838 to 1901. She was a notable monarch not only because of her long reign but also because plenty of changes took place in the country during her time – industrial, political and scientific. She also had the title of the Empress of India. 

It was a pleasant surprise to find a bronze sculpture of her hands on the internet. This hand reading is based on this sculpture on the assumption that it is more or less accurate. You can check out the bronze sculpture here.

Not too many features of the hand are visible, just the major lines and the phalanges and to some extent the length of the fingers and thumb. She had long first phalanges, and a thumb of decent length with a good first (will) phalange and possibly a short Jupiter (index) finger. The headline is sloping and the curve is a balanced one. The heartline is straight and not too long and also without a fork. On the left hand, the heartline is different, more wavy, curvy. The head and lifelines are close together at the start. The lifeline, however, starts to move outwards pretty early.

Overall, the lines seem clear and dark and the Jupiter and Venus mounts are developed. She must have had other minor lines on her hand as well but the sculpture has not captured it. It is a good guess however that