
Friday, April 27, 2018

Why do you want to know your future?

Graphic Magnifying glass on palm print
By Nita Jatar Kulkarni

People want to know when they will die (even when they are healthy); if they will get divorced (even if they are in a happy marriage); or if they should start a business. Queries like these are very common.

My response is usually an apology. I tell them that I am unable to answer their questions because the hand cannot reveal the answers with any accuracy because predictive palmistry is not reliable. Not surprisingly, I never hear from them again.

I know they will go to others who will give them exactly what they want. Those predictions can come true 50-60% of the time, the accuracy depending on how good the guesswork is of the person doing the guessing.

I regularly get emails from people who are frightened out of their wits, asking me
whether they will really die in an accident the following year or whether they will have three marriages - because someone predicted it. I assure them that nothing of the sort can be predicted, and after that, all I can do is hope that they believe me!

But why do people want to know the future in the first place? And why do people allow bizarre predictions to scare them even though they know in their hearts of hearts that they are untrue?

The answer to the first question is that it is more than just curiosity. We human beings want to feel secure, and want to do something to prevent bad things from happening to us. We want to feel in control, just as a driver of a vehicle does. But if you think of your life as a journey, with you in the driver's seat, safety precautions can be taken even without knowing the future. Even after taking all the precautions like wearing a seat belt and driving within speed limits, you cannot be 100% sure of what will happen, because you have no control over other people.

Similarly, if you want to start a business, ensure that you get into a field you have expertise and experience in, and study the market. If you are afraid of divorce, the best thing to do is select the right partner and be a good partner yourself. To do this all you need is self-knowledge. Without true self-knowledge, you will make mistakes. The hand can reveal who you really are and that is why hand-reading is so important.

Going to a hand reader or astrologer to tell you whether you will get a divorce or succeed in your business is futile. For one thing, he/she cannot answer this question accurately with any honesty. Secondly, whether you will have a divorce or not depends on whom you have married, and what your circumstances are, not on the lines of your hand.

We Indians are curious about the future, more so than other people. So much so that we even want to know what will happen after we die! If you believe in rebirth and this motivates you to lead a good life, there is nothing wrong with it. But when this starts translating into anxiety about our future in our present life, then it can spoil our happiness as it prevents us from living in the present. 

Instead, just take the necessary precautions! Whether it is to prevent crime or prevent bad health or prevent job loss or an unhappy marriage, remember that you are in control. Some circumstances can never be within our control, but knowing that you are trying your best is good enough.

Believing in "Fate" makes people not try hard enough to improve their life. And getting the future read by astrologers and palmists increases this sense of fatality. If you do want your life to improve, then know yourself better so you can take the right decisions in your life.

To live a good life, self-knowledge is the greatest weapon that you can have.  Whether you get this from meditation and spirituality, or through hand-reading, it is your choice. As this Delphic maxim says: Know Thyself.

Related articles: 
How much control do we have over our future?Can Palmistry predict behaviour? Can Palmistry predict future events? Death and hand reading or Stars, Crosses, Symbols and Superstition in hand reading.

If you want to get your own hands read, find out What to expect from a private hand reading. You can also read the Testimonial pages, starting with the first one.

You can contact me at: 

1 comment:

  1. One strange thing I've noticed about some people around here is: They believe in fate & They think that they have the ability to change it. These two sentences contradict each other, but that's how the thought process goes!

    Destination Infinity


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