
Monday, March 7, 2016

Love, Marriage and Relationships - what the hand reveals

Questions on the burning topic of love, relationships and marriage are eternal. I receive requests to answer such questions almost daily. This post is to clear doubts that interested readers have on the subject.

Some questions have been edited for clarity. The answers are at the bottom of the post.

The Questions:

1) I am a 24 yr kayasth girl and in a relationship with a punjabi khatri boy for the last 4 yrs.... My family is financially very weak they are not capable to do my marriage but my family is very well educated and in opposition of a love marriage. plz mam tell me is my marriage possible with this guy.... We can't live without each other.

2) My lover had our palms read by a palmist and when she read my partner's hand she said that he would marry early. When she read my hand, she said my marriage will be very late and I would marry at about 29-30yrs of age. This has me worried because this would mean that me and my partner will be marrying different people. What is your opinion?

3) Can you help me to read my marriage lines? I have 3 lines, and the middle line is going to the heart line and I also have a lot separate lines rising from this third line. I am a little bit confused.

4) Can u pls tell me if a boy has two marriage lines on his right hand and one marriage line on his left hand, does it mean he will get married twice?

5) I want to show my hand to you...the major issue is of my 2 marriage lines on my both hands, 2 on each. Please provide me ur view on this.

6) Ma'am I am really confused about the marriage line. Please help me out. I got married to a guy at a very early age. Now we are separated. Will we get together again in future ?

7) What will my married life be like? The love line doesn't touch the fate line and it runs parallelly (horozontally) under the little finger but it is very short. Does that mean I will not have a love marriage? Also, please can you tell me whether I will get married soon.

8) I heard from one astrologer that there is possibility of divorce in my kundli. I want to check that if my palm lines tell same. I am unmarried girl currently and want to plan accordingly.

9) I am already married and in an unhappy marriage. I want to divorce and marry again and want to know if I have a chance of that. I want to know if two marriages are shown on my hand. I have two marriage lines.

10) When I was 15 years old, a palmist had read my palm and told me that I would have a divorce at age 40. Can you look at my hand and tell me if this is true?

11) Does the light line beneath the marriage line always signify a relationship or can it also indicate a one-sided love?

12) I have many love lines. Does it mean I will have many lovers?

The Answers

It is not possible to tell the age of marriage with any accuracy, and certainly not from the so-called marriage lines at the base of the little finger. Marriage is a legal document, a piece of paper, and cannot be seen on the hand. Ditto for divorce.

Long-term relationships can be at times shown on the hand but not by the “marriage lines”. The "marriage" lines are at times used as confirmatory indications but are never to be read in isolation to show the time and existence of a marriage or the number of relationships, or the state of the marriage.

Research over the last thirty to forty years has proven to me that the lines below the little finger neither show the date of marriage, nor divorce, nor the number of marriages, or the number of relationships, happy or otherwise. This is explained more in detail in this post on the Myth of the Marriage Lines.

Signs which indicate relationships

Lines joining the Fate/Saturn Line from the Moon Mount can indicate influencers of fate (of person/persons, group or more often, significant event/events) but such lines are not that common. An example of an Influence line from the Mount of Moon is shown in the photograph below.

When present, these lines can be more accurate (as predictors of long-term relationships) than the short horizontal lines below the little finger, the so-called marriage lines. This is because these lines mostly show events. Let me repeat, these lines do not show relationships but if the relationship is an "event" which means it significantly changes the life of the person, it might be shown in this manner. 

Parallel lines to the Lifeline on the inside of the Mount of Venus show the emotional influences – of parents, siblings, friends, and mentors. These are the most reliable indicators of relationships, not necessarily romantic in nature. If such an Influence line is present on a person’s hand after the age of 20 approximately, one can maybe interpret it as a romantic influence although one can never be 100% sure that it is. This influence can be two-sided or one-sided and can even include obsessions with celebrities! The hand reflects the mind of the person whose hand it is.

It is the impact on the mind which is seen. The other person’s mind is not reflected on your hand. For obvious reasons.

Therefore, the beginnings and ends of relationships cannot be predicted. If a strong attachment exists after a breakup, the hand shows the relationship as ongoing (by the presence of an Influence line) even if it has physically broken and/or is not reciprocated.

An Influence line appears when the influence has a deep emotional impact, and there is a feeling of emotional closeness lasting over several years. The person on whose hand this is found is usually influenced strongly by the influencer. The influencer may or may not have a similar line. The hand below is of a person with barely any Influence lines. He is a happily married man with a great love for family, which includes his wife, children and parents. He strongly influences his family but is not influenced by the members of his family.

A spouse or lover does not always manifest as an Influence line on the Venus mount – even if the union is happy. The reasons are given below.

If a happily married couple does everything together, are intimate best friends, and are co-dependent on each other emotionally then invariably there will be a clear influence line on both the partners’ hands.

If a happily married couple has different interests and different friends, they may not have the Influence line or the line may be weak/faint. Often, such couples are emotionally independent of each other but are satisfied with their relationship.

If in a happy marital relationship, one of the partners is usually stronger emotionally than his better half, and he/she is a great support to his (or her, as roles can be reversed) emotionally dependent partner, then an Influence line may not be present on the stronger partner’s hand. It will invariably be present on the dependent partner’s hand.

There is another kind of married couple – one where the couple is not influenced by each other much or at all. Possibly they are even a little emotionally distant from each other. But there is love or some bond. Not an ideal marriage but if it works for them, and there is no other person in the equation, one cannot pronounce them unhappy. In this case, it is unlikely that any of the Influence lines on the hand represents the spouse.

In conclusion, those little horizontal lines at the base of the little finger should be ignored. Whether they are numerous, or none, whether they are dark or faint, forked or single, curved or straight, they will not tell you about your relationships with any accuracy.

Related Reading: Don't miss out on reading about the Myth of the Marriage Lines. You might also like to read  Couple Compatibility in Hand Reading or Gay Celebrity Hands, an article which will give an insight as to whether sexual orientation can be seen on the hands.

Or read posts under the label Relationships which is about the issues famous couples face or click any of the labels below this post.

More articles on Palmistry: Death and Hand Reading, another post which busts myths about hand reading. Or check out the collection of posts on the unreliability of predictive palmistry.

And this is an important one: Ten Frequently Asked Questions about Hand Reading (PALMISTRY FAQS) or read all the posts filed under Palmistry.

If you want to get your own hands read, know more about What to expect from a private hand reading. You can also read the Testimonial pages, starting with the first one.

You can contact me at: 


  1. How about money/fame? Does that reflect on hands?

    Destination Infinity

  2. Yes of course it does. Not the quantam of it, but relative to what the person desires.

  3. Hi this is Premkumar, How can they provide astrology and jyothisham based on your hand, name, birth day and etc. Can i trust these type of Astrology services and etc. Any one knows please update here. Thanks advance.

  4. When i will Get marriage,How many Marriages are there in My Life,
    and I Have only Single Marriage Line .

  5. As mentioned in the post, it is not possible to tell how many marriages you will have. And if you have a single marriage line, its good. However this does not mean you will be with one woman only. I have received your email and replied to it as well.

  6. Hello Madam,

    Where can i send you a email of my palm to get a prediction.


    1. I have replied to your email Vikram and sent you the charges for the different types of readings.

  7. If marriage line bent downwards and join fate line, what does it indicate

    1. Often, there are connecting lines which make it seem as if it is the marriage line. But the marriage line itself bending completely downwards and touching or joining the Fateline? That is indeed rare. If you think you have such a sign, kindly send me the hand photo and I will see it is really the case.

  8. Once my bf went plamist she have said that our affair will be broken up and he will marry a another is itpossible to say without examining my hands ?? Pls reply I am totally frustrated

    1. It is not possible to predict affairs and marriage from the hand with accuracy. On any hand. There are all sorts of people who will predict things, and all of them will say different, often dire things, so I suggest you forget it all and live your life. Don't look at your hand. Examine your life and your relationship. That's the way to happiness.

  9. hello... m a girl and recently i hv shown my hand to some palmist. and she told me that m going to have a break up in my 5 years old relationship... things are not going that well too. but still we think we can work this out.. so m afraid bcz she said m nt going to marry him.. and this relationship is going to end soon.. i want to know if my positive, good efforts can change my break up into long term relationship (marriage)... if i can do anything good to change my line.. Do reply plzz

    1. Dear Shruti,
      I don't know which line you are referring to, because this cannot be seen on any line. You cannot tell of a break-up from any line on the hand. Please read this post:
      Read the comments on that post too and I hope they clear your doubts.
      And if you are asking whether your positive good efforts can change your life, sure they can, but that depends on the causes of the issue, the frame of mind of the other person etc. and how committed he is to the relationship. It is not dependent on any line.
      So whether your efforts work or not, depend on the severity and difficulty of the issue, his frame of mind and commitment, and how hard you try to fix it, and whether you do the right things necessary to fix it. Please forget about palmistry and concentrate of sorting out your life.

    2. And one more thing. Your life is not dependent on the line. Your life events do not follow your lines. You make the lines on your hand. But again this is not referring to the marriage lines, because they are completely unreliable when it comes to predictions of relationships.

    3. M referring lower line of my small finger... btw thanku so much fr answering and he is very committed.. so now i think i can sort things... ☺

    4. Mam. I'm 28 yr old from a very middle class family. frustrate, desperate and dying everyday. Have been struggling right from the age of 16. With me happening just opposite to what I'm doing for. Despite my hard-work and dedication towards career, family I happen to be there where i was 13 yrs ago.

      Please tell me ur email so that i could mail u picture of my palm and kundali details.

      Thank you.

    5. Looks like you are looking for a fortune teller. I am not one. I suggest you read this post:
      I also suggest you seek a mentor, an elder in your family.

  10. I have a good influence Line to the fate line which is also good looking and there was a love while every day travelling with a beautiful girl of 12th class which continued up to 5years at last we departed without each other's notice during the 5year period we did not discuss properly due to crowd in the bus.but cheiro stated influence Line promises love marriage!

    1. Your comment had gone into spam. Just retrieved it.
      Regarding Cheiro, he lived a long time ago. Like in all fields, knowledge keeps getting updated.

  11. Hi ma'am. Have you seen a case of a single marriage line that's more or less straight but abruptly bending downwards at the end towards the heart line? Quite a few sources say that this mark signifies that your partner will die in a sudden accident and middle age widowhood/widowerhood. Have you have seen such signs before on other's hands and did they actually correspond to such morbid outcomes? I'm really stressed and scared about this. Your response would be much appreciated. Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Akansha. You should quit worrying because for one thing, the marriage line is not a reliable line and cannot tell you about your future with any accuracy. Secondly, it is absolutely impossible to tell of another person's death from the hand. It is shocking that people claim that this can be done. All sorts of things are being written about marriage line but usually I discount it entirely from my reading. And no, I have never in my experience ever seen such signs which lead to bad outcomes. That is precisely why I don't bother much about the line. What I am saying is that it is not possible to tell you what will happen to your partner from your hand. That may not even be visible from his hand, leave alone yours.

  12. Hello maam .... I am worried about influence fate line is broken and influence line from mount of moon is cutting fate line moving upwards is that shows bad relationship? I'm too worried

    1. Hello Unknown, An influence line coming from the moon and cutting the fateline is not necessarily a relationship. It can refer to an event like for example and expected job which did not materialise. However very often chance lines are mistake for influence lines so if you send me your hand photo I can tell you whether it is really an influence line which is cutting the fateline. I will not charge you for this.

  13. hello dear Nita i’m quite happy to found your page because your post are at least make me worry less to all of these palmist post i have seen they predicted my marriage bad it’s been 4 years that my hands keeps hurting me when i see into them because my marriage line is a strong and deep line but in the end it fork and bends downward to the heart i afraid of losing my partner it kills me everyday i pray alot to make it change but this line doesn’t changes 😭 i hope you rply my comment

    1. My dear Unknown, Whether your partner passes before you, that is something that can never be seen on your hand. This can happen to anyone, even to me, or to my neighbour or to you. We do not know. I too think about it and my husband too worries what he will do without me, if I pass before him or too early. But we do not dwell on these thoughts. If you are dwelling on it, you need to do something about it. Firstly, forget about your hand lines, because you cannot change those lines consciously. Secondly, live safely. Keep healthy. That's all that we can do. Keep a positive mindset, be happy in your marriage. I assume you are married. If you are not, and you are obsessing over the future possible death of someone whom you have not even met, then I think you are suffering from anxiety. Because there is nothing on the hand which can show certain death, leave alone the death of someone else whom you have not even met. Sometimes anxious and morbid thoughts create bad lines so keep a positive mindset.

  14. Nita,
    I have 2 major islands on my heart line, My heart line splits into 3 lines and 1 line droops down to almost touch the head line. Also, my marriage Line (one beneath the pinky finger) splits into a fork sort of. What does that mean? Does it mean separation/divorce?

    1. A forked marriage line does not indicate separation/divorce. Please read my post on the myth of the marriage lines, the link to which is given in this post. The heartline splitting does not have anything to do with marriage either. The shape and branches of the heartline show characteristics of personality. It is also possible that one of the lines you mention is the Girdle of Venus.

  15. How influence lines are accurate regarding relationship.Are these lines are reliable to indicate influence?

    1. Yes the influence lines on the Venus mount show influences but they can be influences of anyone, either parents, siblings, gurus, close friends, even celebrities in some cases. You can always guess and assume one of these is a romantic relationship but that is all it is - guesswork.

  16. Thanks alot for reply..Please clear one thing that how palmists could say that relationship will not be successful..What is your opinion that relationship are manmade or they are fated to happen

    1. It is not possible from the hand to say anything about relationships. Therefore whether a relationship is good or bad, this cannot be seen. If you want to know why palmists say they can do it...maybe the are psychic. If they are say they know it from the hand, that is their belief, not mine. In all my years of experience of hand reading one thing I can say for sure: It is not possible to tell about relationships from the hand. However, I cannot stop people from believing in other palmists.
      Relationships are not fated to happen. They happen because two people have chemistry and want to make it happen.

    2. You can read this post which will explain why relationships cannot be seen from the hand:

  17. mam relationships are manmade then how it is possible that one can assume from influence lines or any other line...I am talking about future events how some one can guess

    1. Hi Abeerah,
      The post you should read is this one, which gives the answer to your question:
      There are a lot of other posts about palmistry under this label:
      You can check them out too.

  18. Thanks for reply...Yes i checked the posts and came to know that palmistry is nothing except personality traits and behaviour

    1. Basically it is just personality traits. Behavior cannot be predicted. For example even if someone has a murderous temper, it does not mean he/she will commit murder. Even if someone feels tempted to steal, it does not mean he/she will. While this to some extent depends on self control and one's moral compass, it also depends on the society. In some societies certain acts are considered evil and bad while in others, not so much. Also law and order in a country affects a person's behavior. People in countries with poor law and order tend to act on their impulses more often.
      That said, character is destiny. To a large extent, who we are affects our future so future trends can be seen. If our lines change, our future changes.

  19. And if line do not change than it means that certain thing will about to happen or line has no control over decisions?

    1. Your lines reflect your mind. If you don't change then your lines will not change and nor will your future.

  20. Mam i am confused about this concept ...Our future is not dependent on lines you said that we make lines if someone is unknown regarding palmistry theh how he/she will improve himself/herself.

    1. Your lines are a reflection of the brain. You do not need to know anything about palmistry to improve yourself. In fact, it is best to lead a good life and try to improve oneself without thinking of palmistry at all.

  21. if palmistry is not about fortune telling then why we try to change lines..Simply we have to live our life in positive way..why we show our hands to palmists and their predictions confuse us ..what is the relationship of lines with future..if we have free will why we concentrate on lines

    1. We don't need to change the lines. We have no conscious control over them. I do know why you think we should concentrate on the lines or the hand. If you want to increase self awareness then certainly hand reading will help. And you are absolutely right. Just live your life in a positive way and do not show your hands to palmists. It is only when one is at a cross roads in life, that one can take the help of a hand reader as it can show your strengths and weaknesses.

  22. I am specificallly talking about realtionships and job etc...If we are willing to continue something then line change or not why we think about lines..Everything is in our control.Please clarify this concept

    1. I am not sure what you need explained Abeerah. We cannot consciously change our lines. The changes happen only if we change, whether negatively or positively. I am not sure why people obsess over lines. They are there to show you who you are, that's all.

  23. I Nita. Do u believe in mole astrology. One astrologist told a black mole on the left chest denotes two marrige or 1st marrige will end in diverse. As he mentioned some film actress they all are separated , remarried and they all have the same black mole as mine. E.g. abba team member agnetha, malayalm actress manju pillai ,rimi tomy singer etc they all have Same black mole in left chest. Is this coincidence or true. I am really afraid and planning to remove that mole. Pls do reply

    1. Hi Aditi. Please don't fall for such nonsense. Moles are caused when cells in the skin called melanocytes grow in clusters. The reasons why moles appear can be found in science. However, sometimes when moles suddenly grow, more so in adulthood, it can be cancer. If you suspect cancer please go ahead and consult a doctor but please do not think that moles have anything to do with your future. That said, whether you have a divorce or not, is entirely in your control. It depends on your temperament, your beliefs and also the partner you choose. A mole can never make you divorce.

  24. Thank you so much Nita. Feeling relaxed from your words. It's not cancerous dear. It's a birth mark. Thank you so much. I am having a lovable and understanding husband and now I am with child . 3 months. So relaxed from your words. One perosn told i have 2 marrige and also he pointed the mole when I was in collage( palmist). From that day onwards I was in such a state.

    I am so relaxed from your words. Thank you dear.
    Love you
    Stay Blessed. Keep inspiring as always


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