
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Death and hand reading

Can Death be seen on the hand? Can Death be predicted? Do we know when the end is near?

Graphic of torn piece of paper showing Death or The End
(Image by TanteTati from Pixabay)

The answer to this question is that yes it can - but not with a hundred per cent accuracy. I have already written about whether palmistry can predict future events, the fact that no event in the future can be determined with certainty, and this applies to Death as well. But this does not mean that Death cannot be seen on the hand.

Prediction of any sort is not a black-and-white thing. Just because future events cannot be predicted with certainty, it does not take away from the importance of hand-reading. Hand reading is to be used as a diagnostic tool because we have dynamic futures.

While death as a certain event at a particular point in time cannot be seen on the hand, the scent of death can be. Not as
an inevitable event, but an event which can be prevented or at least postponed in some cases. The clues are there to see if they are read correctly.

So, what are these signs that show a hint of death?

What must be said first and foremost is that the end of the Lifeline does not show death. A person can live long past the end of the Lifeline and conversely die at a young age even though the Lifeline goes right till the end.

What shows that death lurks nearby? Famous hand readers/palmists like Noel Jaquin have mentioned it. The quality of the ridges of the hand is a primary indication of life-threatening disease. The ridges of the hand start to fray, weaken and at times disappear altogether, at the start on sections of the hand. I have seen this on the hands of terminal cancer patients.

Hands which indicate fatal accidents of healthy people will not show these warning signs. A fatal accident or sudden death is difficult to diagnose with certainty as the fear and anxiety or some kind of intuitive feeling which has created certain alarming signs (which can indicate future calamities) may not result in what is foretold if proper precautions are taken.

People will persist in wanting to know – what are the signs that show accidents? Deep and dark bars, crosses or dark, deep dots or stars on the hand, more so on the lifeline, mercury line, or headline are to be noted as danger points, but usually only if they are as deep, or deeper than the main line itself. These signs usually jump out at you from the hand, so remarkable do they seem because of their colour and strength.

The signs can disappear and the event may never take place if preventive measures are taken.

It is also difficult to pinpoint whether these signs are an indication of physical or mental trauma (in one case it was the case of a head tumour which was finally cured and the person is living a normal life today), and that is why it is best not to try and explain what they mean. This is because no one can know for sure. No hand reader can ever be sure, not until after the event. And even if such a sign is seen to have been confirmed as accurate (after the event) it does not mean that a similar sign on another hand will mean the same thing.

The same principle applies when it comes to predicting death. This post on Kishore Kumar's hand reading shows that his death was marked on the fateline, which was unusual. Disaster signs on the fateline are usually about financial calamity or some serious obstacle in one's personal life.
The best practice for a hand reader is not to mention death at all. The reasons are obvious. Not just because the hand reader can make an error, and not just because no hand reader can ever know for sure, but also because it can be traumatic for the person whose hand is being read. It can precipitate the event in some cases (due to anxiety or a fatalistic attitude).

Respect Death. It is not predetermined, and it can be held at bay, but it can also strike when least expected, so do not make the error of disrespecting it by predicting it. The best way to see the Marks of Death on the hand is after the person is deceased.

Don't miss out on reading these posts which bust some other palmistry myths: The Myth of the Marriage Lines and some misconceptions about predictions about Love and Marriage

If you want to get your hands read, know more about What to expect from a private hand reading. You can also read the Testimonial pages, starting with the first one.

You can contact me at: 


  1. It can be equally discouraging if someone tells us that we are going to live very long, like 100 years! :)

    Destination Infinity

  2. I know what you mean. 100 seems very long, and there is a fear of being frail and not being able to get about. And senile! Yep, thats scary alright!

  3. What do mean by ridges. The two-three lines at the beginning of the palm?

    1. Ridges are not lines. They are the patterns on the skin. For example, fingerprints are formed by the ridges.

  4. When I was 23 years old, one of my best friend read my palm and said many things. One among them is that I would die before the age of 45. Now I'm 42 yrs, and everything he said about me came true except for my death. Will it also come true? I'm very stressed. Can anyone answer me?

    1. It is very sad that your best friend predicted your death but you can forgive him because he was very young and knew not what he was doing. It is not possible to predict death. If the other things came true, it was probably good guesswork, which was used with some half knowledge of palmistry, and the other half was knowing you very well.
      If you like, you can send me your hand and I will try and see what made him believe he was predicting your death and I will not charge you for this.
      Whether you send your hand to me or not, please be reassured in your mind that whether you die at 45 or 85, it will not be written on your hand.

    2. Death is not in human hand, we decide ouro destiny, everything happens has your friend said because you believed.once you start focusing on right thing practical and being in present and correct your error,

    3. Yes, I agree. It is our own mind that is at work. If we believe soemthing, it can happen. Practising positive thinking is the key.

  5. I'm afraid. I have a dot in the middle of my life line. Does this mean I will die?

    1. I really cannot say anything more than I have already said in this post.

    2. I figured that's what it meant . Kept having little visions of me passing away do I was a bit curious. Thank you

  6. Hi Nita,

    My fate line suddenly stops at my head line and my husband has two clear marriage lines. Both my children have a fate line that starts from their life line and moves toward the mercury mount.

    I cannot sleep due to reading that this predicts death. Please help.

    1. The fateline stopping at the headline does not mean death. Death cannot be predicted from the hand. Two marriage lines do not mean two marriages. I suggest you read my post on marriage lines. And any line which goes towards the mercury mount is not a fateline but a mercury line.

  7. Can bracelet lines tells ypu how long you will live?

  8. In my left hand life line end is short and in right hand it has one branch coming at the end of life what does it mean

    1. Uma, I did not quite understand what you mean by "one branch coming at the end of the life" but if you want to know whether a short life line means a short life, the answer is no.

  9. Mercury line passing through life line means premature death?

    1. No, it does not. However a Mercury line touching or crossing the line of life can show health issues at that point of time. It depends on the strength of the lifeline and mercury line and whether it is actually a mercury line or just a chance line.

  10. Hi my name is Gouthami.. There is a cross at the end of my life line in my right hand and life line is also short.. In other hand there is a star on my head line and two many stars in kethu area please tell me it means sudden death

    1. Hi Gouthami, Firstly, I am not sure whether these are actually crosses and not chance lines. Also, let me assure you that death cannot be predicted from the hand. However, please send your right and left hand photos to blog(dot)nita(at)gmail(dot)com. I will not charge you to examine this aspect of your hand.

  11. There is a small dot on my headline. I'm really worried. Does it mean sudden death?

    1. Well, as you have commented on this post, you must have read it. Death cannot be predicted. That's one thing. Secondly, a small dot can never mean anything that serious. It can mean stress, that's all. There is no one in life who does not have stress.


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