
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Oscar Pistorius's hand reading

Few believe Paralympian Oscar Pistorius’s claim that he shot his girlfriend Reeva by mistake; certainly not the police. What is the truth? Did Oscar Pistorius deliberately kill his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp? Can Palmistry really shed light on this?

The hand can guide us to some extent. It may not be able to tell if a person has actually committed a crime, but it can tell us whether a person is capable of it. The hand reveals the inner workings of the mind, and it is also possible to surmise from the hand whether a person is likely to commit a crime of passion or a cold-blooded, premeditated one.

Pistorius's hand has
well-developed mounts, particularly that of Jupiter, Lower Mars, Moon and Venus. The lifeline is good, the palm is broad and fleshy, and the fingers are slightly bent, with the third phalanges thick. Pistorius’s heartline is relatively better etched than his headline, and there is that slightly low-set supple thumb. The base of his hand is thick.

His hand shows a passionate, excitable person who can be moody. It shows emotionalism and impulsiveness. This hand does not belong to a timid or gentle soul. 

There is an element of crudeness present in such personalities but how this rough edge is acted out depends on the specific personality trait which is being expressed. It also depends on the society the person belongs to. A lot of people with such hands lead normal lives without getting into trouble, especially if they grow up in a civilised society where violence is very rare.

Oscar Pistorius in Warsaw (cropped) Check out a photo of Pistorius's hand here and one here.

Sure, Oscar Pistorius can be good-hearted, generous, and deeply loving as that side of him is strong as well. There is also compassion and a love for people. But this is just one aspect of the personality because someone who is highly passionate and impulsive can be unpredictable in behaviour. Impulse, emotion, ambition and passion (all present in above-average amounts) can become a tricky combination which just needs a trigger to ignite. Without a very high level of self-control, it can be difficult to contain the emotions. Besides, a manipulative personality is also shown by his hands. All these signs can result in aggressive, emotional, competitive and controlling behaviour if the person feels that the situation warrants it. 

Sure, the hand also shows a character with mental strength and willpower and immense determination but it depends on how this is channelised. It surely means that if Pistorius is bent on accomplishing something, he can. If he wants to control himself, he can. So, he does not have the kind of hand which will do something on impulse and regret it. He is likely to plan it or at least think about it a great deal.

Whether a person uses his strength for the benefit of others or for himself depends a great deal on the rest of the hand, which means the other qualities present. While Pistorius's hands do not show selfishness as such or even that he is a bad man, so his actions finally hinge on his personal value system and the society he comes from. If you come from a violent society, the chances are that you will not judge yourself that badly if you commit a violent act.

You can read about sports personalities who have had some scandal attached to their names like America's Tiger Woods or Aussie Shane Warne, or India's Lalit Modi

Or read about the personalities of famous sportspeople like Roger Federer or read how well Roger Federer and Mirka get along, or whether how Shoaib Malik and Sania Mirza get along! The hand can tell you more than you can imagine!

There are many other personality readings of famous sportspeople on this blog like that of Bruce Lee; Rafael Nadal; Maria Sharapova or The Rock Dwayne Johnson and many more hand readings of other international players and Sports Stars from different fields.

(Photo is a free photo from the wiki)


  1. Very interesting Nita. Loved this post.

  2. I guess no one is buying his story of accidental shooting. Even if it was accidental, he deserves punishment - A gun is not a toy.

    Makes me wonder: Not all people who have emotional and impulsive, are going to commit a crime, right? Is there anyway to find out if the chances of their committing crime is maximum during this period (like Age: 20-25 years, for example)?

    Destination Infinity

  3. I agree that Pistorius's claim of shooting at a burglar several times through a door is barbaric. How can you shoot a person again and again and again like that without even checking to see the damage inflicted the first time?

    And there are two aspects to the the age factor when it comes to committing crimes of passion. One is the physical energy of a person. That is what makes the person more physical. People who have a lot of physical energy in any case (even if they are not very emotional or impulsive) should exercise to burn it off.
    Secondly, when it comes to the age factor, there is another factor besides the physical energy. It's the emotional highs and lows. As one grows older one learns to handle one's emotions better and has more maturity to realise the consequences of an impulsive act.

  4. Do you think that criminals might grow up to become better people, with age? Considering that many people commit crimes during their youth when energy/emotions are at an all time high, can they become better (unless they become professional criminals)?

    I am asking this question because, I feel that people have certain basic characteristics and it's very difficult to change. Maybe their intensity might reduce, but people changing overnight (like shown in movies) are very difficult, I feel.

    Destination Infinity

  5. I do believe that some types of criminals who are very young can be rehabilitated, but not older ones. But it depends entirely on their environment. Its like alcoholics I guess, and special efforts need to be made and supportive people who love them and believe in them need to be around. That is actually a tall order! The question is also whether they will be accepted back into society. If they are not, then they go back to their old ways. And you are right, people do not change overnight. Their mindset may remain the same, but their behavior might change.


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