
Monday, September 19, 2011

Akshay Kumar's hand reading

At times there is nothing spectacular shown on the hand but the hand does show a balanced, sensible person with plenty of energy and a reasonable amount of talent. This is so in Akshay Kumar’s case. His hand may not show an extraordinary intellect or remarkable talent but his broad and wide palm, well-shaped fingers and slightly large hand shows his

akshay kumar sketch
hardworking nature, a cool head, lots of energy and focus, and a sense of discipline towards a consistent goal. 

Akshay has a squarish hand, with a broad palm and short fingers, which are also a little broad. Venus, Mars and Moon are the most developed mounts. The thumb is of average length but the first phalange is good. The head and heart lines are well etched and straightish. The headline is placed a bit high on the hand. The phalanges are normal in length and the Mercury (little) finger is a bit short.

Ambition is clearly written on his hand and a strong desire for worldly success. He is a man who is pragmatic and energetic and also self-sufficient. His open and independent personality is a great asset to anyone on the stage. He is also aggressive, pushy and determined and his hand shows he is a fighter in more ways than one. He is not the one to give up easily. All in all a good personality profile for any person to possess and is the kind of disposition that leads to success in any field.

You can check out his hand photos here and here.

In addition, Akki’s hands show talent and this talent is more of the practical type, and of the type and this is what enables him to be a “commercial” actor rather than one who concentrates on honing his talent to perfection. To be realistic, he is not someone who could aim for an Oscar and he probably understands this well.

Akshay’s drawback would be that he is not that great at reading people, and could in fact be manipulated by others. This does not mean that he is not a little manipulative and cunning himself. What could go against him is that he could show poor judgment at times, in choosing films for example. In fact, Akshay is rather an emotional man and could let his emotions get the better of him.

Considering that his hand also shows an amorous nature, it could translate into someone who easily falls in and out of love. However, that is not the case with Akshay. He is far too practical to do this. He is at heart a serious man, and the kind who would take love seriously and is not impressionable. He would prefer the security of a long-term relationship. 

Another drawback shown on Akshay’s hand is that he tends to be a little arrogant and this “ego” could come in the way in his relationships with people. While he is not an overly jealous type, he is prone to jealousy.

If one has to see his hand as a whole it is a good hand. It is because of his determination that he made it so far, despite the fact that he lacks the cleverness to be able to manipulate people and circumstances to his advantage.

(The sketch of the actor Akshay Kumar has been made by me on Photoshop) 

Related Reading: Character readings through Palmistry of other Indian movie stars, like Hrithik RoshanAamir Khan or Shah Rukh Khan or Shahid Kapoor and many many more! You can find out more about your favourite star on this blog!

Or read about the personalities of veteran megastars like MGRRajesh KhannaMarlon Brando and Rajnikanth or the 2022 Bollywood star – Kartik Aaryan.

All hand readings of Bollywood and Hollywood actors.


  1. I was waiting for you to read his hands, thank you.
    like shahrukh khan he too entered the filmdom without the shadow of the Godfather..
    does his hands tell something about his image as an action/stunt hero, is he really that kind of a person or he tries to portray it...??

  2. Well, I am not sure about his image but yes his image of action hero fits in with his hand. His hand shows robustness, energy and discipline. He would have done well in the sports field as well.

  3. I have always wondered how he became so successful in a film industry that prefers more chocolaty heroes (at least during the time when he started acting). And him being emotional is a little surprise...

    Destination Infinity

  4. Thanks for your comment DI. When it comes to Akshay I know little about him except that he struggled to make it in Bollywood.

  5. I am interested in spiritual leaders. Could you do a reading for Parmahansa Yogananda or Maharishi Ramaana.

  6. Anonymous, I would love to. However you need to send me photos. I do not have any and nor are there any hand photos on the internet. Thanks.

  7. Could you please do a reading for Madhuri Dixit. She's my all time favorite. Only Aishwarya matches her in terms of dedication and screen presence, in my opinion.

  8. Madhuri is a favorite with me too. I have got a few photos of her hand but am not satisfied. Now that she has shifted to India perhaps we will see her photographed more often. Hopefully in the next few months sometime I will be able to read her hand, or maybe even earlier.

    1. you can check this site out it has a perfect shot of madhuri dixits hands..

    2. Thanks Anuja. It is indeed a good photo. I shall read her hands soon.

    3. Still waiting for madhuri's read. Please :-)

    4. Thanks for the reminder, Nidhi. Will check again for her hand photos.

  9. hi could you please do one on jennifer hudson.
    she is my favourite singer!

  10. It must be a fascinating art reading the lines of palm to get to know a person…

  11. Sure, Corrine, I'll check out to see if some decent public photos of her hand are available. If you have any, do send them!

    deeps, you bet! usually I find it very fascinating. It's like a mystery one gets to solve.

  12. did u spot any sun line ..or mercury line cuz of even shades of some development of these lines could transform characteristic of an individual...(u know better) which don't necessarily subject to akshay's case (cuz i think his hand his pretty clear)but i think he has enhanced his manipulative side over the does not come as a surprise though that he has a low set mercury..considering he falls shot of words in any interview of his..aside from him..could u identify any sun line on actor's like aamir or shahrukh..if i am not wrong someone did spot a sun line on some other forum ..which had discussed his hand..i know the picture quality...does not allow easy detection of lines..but if u ever missed this feature..i guess the annalysis would be lot different dont u think..just a thought i had..cuz a individual with such enhanced features(like sun line or mercury).could certainly excercise valuable change in his or her flaws..

  13. atlantis, although Akshay's lines cannot be seen clearly, there is no doubt that he has a sun line. It must be faint and therefore we cannot see it. However I usually do not base my analysis on the lines, but more on the shape of the hand and fingers and the lines are confirmatory. The lines are far less important in evaluating character than the shape of the hand. Most people who study hand reading mistake the lines as being most important. Ofcourse, lines are much easier to read. Finding out whether a finger is long or short (one has to measure it as a low set finger can seem short) or to measure the relative length of the fingers and shape of palm etc is painstaking work. I use a six inch ruler and take detailed measurements.

  14. Thank You Nita for doing this! I am sorry that I didn't respond sooner but I was away from home for a bit. Very interesting article! I chuckled a bit about not aiming for an true! Can't wait to read more!

  15. Mam, Somewhat my hand is also lil bit similar with akshay kumar. If you see my hand i have one fate line starts from mooon and another parellal line starts from far moon mount edge and reach towards saturn finger. Also there are so many horizontal lines on my mount. Some horizontal influence line starts from venus mount and reach towards fate line or heart line. What does this mean? Even two sunline which crosses eachother on sun mount, what indicates it?

  16. Neel, frankly I cannot comment until I actually see your hand. In any case I read the hand as a whole, and not a few lines or signs because one line can contradict another. Reading hands is all about balancing the meanings of contradictory signs.

  17. How can i post here my palm print?

  18. Neel, it is not possible to attach images in the comment section, not on Blogger at least. If you are interested in a reading, let me know. Thanks.

  19. Mam,can I send my plum image in the comment section. .....

  20. I think you mean the palm image. However images cannot be loaded alongwith comments. But you can send it via email id, but first please write so I can let you the charges and the type of images that I require. Thanks

  21. Does his head line start from inner mars and do head lines commence from that mount?

    1. I read this hand a very long time ago! About headlines starting from the lower mars mount, yes, the headline can start from there and it is not that rare either. The headline will take on the qualities of the mount it starts from.

  22. Oh ok it can start from there and takes on its aspects! Thanks for clearing my doubt. :)

    1. And at times the headline also throws branches into the lower mars mount. This reduces the intensity of the qualities as it is a branch. However, it is not accurate to read this sign by itself. There are other aspects of the hand that will modify or even intensify the reading. For example the Lower Mars mount signifies aggression but finally it depends on how high the mount is, how high the rest of the mounts are, particularly the Upper Mars mount and the Plain of Mars. It also depends on the type of hand, whether it belongs to a crude person, a refined person or whether the person has self control. The skin texture and lifeline is also to be taken into consideration.


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