
Friday, September 9, 2011

About Cheiro's hand

William John Warner, known as Cheiro, made palmistry well known but there are those who feel that his books do not explain exactly how he arrived at conclusions and it is something of a mystery as to how he made such accurate predictions. I tend to agree with this and believe that it is unlikely that Cheiro himself knew how he did it. His extraordinary ability probably came from strong intuition, bordering on sixth sense.

His hand corroborates this. It shows
a clearly marked Intuition Line plus a well-marked Ring of Jupiter. In combination, these signs indicate a strong intuitive ability and understanding of human beings and maybe some kind of ESP. A very superior ability to understand others, and a high level of empathy for others, that Cheiro had. That is who Cheiro really was. He was far more than just a palmist.

Cover of Cheiro's book Language of the Hand
He had some other extraordinary signs on his hand. One of them was the double headline and it's significant that both headlines were clear and stable. One of these headlines starts from the Jupiter mount and this is an extremely rare sign, and I have personally not seen it before on any hand. The fate or Saturn line and the Apollo or Sunline were both clearly marked on this hand – clean, unbroken lines. He had two sunlines, another very rare sign. And of course, there was the Intuition line, again rare to have it so clearly marked. In combination, these signs show brilliance of a kind never seen before. Palmists of all hues should be grateful that a man of such capability studied Palmistry and made it popular. 

(Check out a picture of his hand here).

He was ambitious from a young age and he was a leader of men. A true leader, someone with a magnetic personality who could draw others to him. He understood people, had great empathy and this must have helped him a great deal in his work.

It is amazing that he used his "powers" in a productive and positive way and he did that because he was a good man. 

He would have had the ability to handle people with ease and would have possessed a diplomatic, persuasive and manipulative ability bordering on magical. He very likely mesmerised people. This is probably how Cheiro managed to successfully and personally read the hands of so many famous people, even those who did not believe in the science of hand reading. He must have had a magnetic personality.

Cheiro’s hand has another unusual sign, a line leaving the fateline and heading towards the Mount of Sun. This is a sign I saw in President Radhakrishnan’s hand as well, and shows a person who has reached where he is through sheer grit and determination and great personal effort. Such people often do not have social and family support. They usually start from scratch and reach great heights of success because of their strong character.

No authentic record of Cheiro’s early life is available but his origins must have been humble. The name he called himself by - Count Louis Hamon – has not been authenticated. This is probably a name he took on to impress people, particularly the rich and famous, in the same way that the nickname Cheiro gave him a mysterious and occult persona. Oh yes, he was a clever man, capable of duping people.

Hand Reading or Palmistry was not popular at the time when Cheiro came on the scene (in the West) and it must have been difficult for him to establish himself. He did it using his strong and clever personality as well as his talent. Interestingly, Cheiro has not posted the picture of his left hand in his book which could have given away his past. Perhaps his passive hand would not have shown such a brilliant mind.

Cheiro made palmistry famous (although more for its predictive side) by making accurate predictions of the future even though he could not show convincingly how he did it. He couldn't really have shown it with any accuracy because the hand does not show accurate future life events. Predictive palmistry involves trends rather than events and is tentative at best, because the lines of the hand (which show life events) can change, particularly in those people who are self-aware and make a conscious effort to change. This Cheiro has himself demonstrated by giving examples in his book. He has shown how his clients changed and thus changed their lines.

Ancient Indian palmistry is also predictive in nature and this is in tandem with the ancient art of Astrology. As Cheiro learnt hand-reading in India, it is likely that he was impressed with this aspect of hand-reading and possibly believed this to be palmistry's main function (predictions). He used his strongly developed perceptive and intuitive ability in combination with the principles of palmistry to make the most amazing predictions! He is also believed to have made use of Numerology and Astrology to make even more exact predictions.

I have written a lot about whether one can predict the future by reading the palm. If you go through the posts, you will get some answers:

And then you can ask yourself Why do you want to know your future?

Also check out the Palmistry FAQS or read the other articles on this website under the label Palmistry


  1. I was not aware of Cheiro. Some people say that one must not read their own hands. I don't know why or how this might affect their talents. Do you think he would have read his own hand? Is Ancient Indian palmistry = astrology?

    Destination Infinity

  2. Sure one can read one's own hands. Cheiro did in fact read his own hands and predicted his own death to the year and month. This has been recorded. People say one should not read one's own hands perhaps because it is not easy to be able to see one's own faults and give oneself an objective reading but a mature and talented person can do it.
    Ancient Indian palmistry and Astrology were used by "fortune tellers" to make future predictions and there are astro-palmists available today as well. Their methods are called Astro-Palmistry. I do not believe in this personally. Palmistry and Astrology use different methods ofcourse, but some people use both to confirm readings given by one.

  3. I for one would have been very apprehensive in meeting Cheiro! He was psychic I think.

  4. I too think he had a certain ESP and certainly it would make me nervous meeting him as well!

  5. Hi NIta, I noticed that Cheiro has an offshoot of the fate line joining the life line. What does that mean? I too have a similar deep line on my right hand (am right-handed).

  6. Nita, you probably are psychic to a certain extent too. While palmistry may be more or less an exact type of study,people drawn to it usually exhibit some kind of pyschic abilities.

  7. Anonymous, there is no such line on Cheiro's hand. That much I am sure of. I am not sure what line you mean when you refer to your hand because unless I see a hand I cannot comment on it.

    Padmini, I would like to believe I have psychic abilities but I think I lack in that department.Perhaps that is why I do fairly well reading the hands of people I have never met, purely on the web. Oddly enough my husband Anil shows remarkable intuition but is usually unable to use it because he dismisses it! I was drawn to palmistry because I believed that it was a way to help people avoid so-called "fate". From a young age I have been a strong believer in "Character is Destiny" and I feel the hand proves my point in every which way.

  8. michael jakson also has double head line like cheiro,the one which starts from jupiter mount.

  9. Yes, thats true Nikhil. I have mentioned it. As both Headlines are good, it shows how brilliant he was.

  10. nita..i want to ask something..
    when i saw the cheiro hand image i noticed a kite like structure (center of the palm ) what does it mean actually?
    i too have the same structure in my right hand but it is having kine of plus sign at the center of it(one horizental line which is deviding the kite in two halves and one vertical line in the bottom half)..i am quite afraid of this shape in my hand ..can u plz guide what doed it mean....

  11. rk, I cannot see a kite like sign on his hand. At times various lines can appear to form certain shapes but most of these shapes are not clean cut shapes (there are breaks and the lines making them either overlap or are not equal in strength) but just chance crossing of lines. Each line has a different meaning, depending on where it is, where it begins and where it ends. I would advise you not to worry about "signs" because except for stars and crosses, other signs are rarely seen on the hand.

  12. Nita,
    One question. What does the Kite Shape on the Mount of Apollo mean? If one has a perfect Kite Shape like Jennifer Lopez on his left hand (in active hand) and a developing one on his right, same place.

  13. There are no such things as shapes. There are only lines, sometimes crossing each other, sometimes splitting, and so on. Lines can give the appearance of shapes but they are not shapes. The lines which appear to form the shape need to be examined closely to see where they come from, what their quality is, which lines they cross, where they are located and and where they go.
    I have not seen any kite shape on Jennifer Lopez's hands or in fact anyone else's hand in all my 35 years of practice. Nor have I seen circles or fishes. There are no such signs. One can see crosses, and stars, thats about it.

  14. hi i have a kite symbol{just like kite flying }on my left hand below the index fingure it is very clear wat does that mean

  15. There are no "kite" symbols on hands. That shape has been created by a combination of different lines. Their meaning depends on the where the lines are coming from, where they end, and their strength.

  16. thank u for reply nita.....on my left hand i have 4thick lines usually people have only 3thick lines .........what does that xtra line mean .....i have a line between life line and head line starting from down and joining with life line at the end........

  17. honey, it could be a double life line, or even a double headline. I cannot be sure unless I see it. Why don't you send me a clear picture and I will tell you what line it is.

    1. thank u nita.............
      oh is it a problm if i have double lifeline
      bcoz in heart line also i have clear gap my frenz told it is risky..........
      so is it a problm
      yeah sure ill send u
      how should i send u my hand piks

    2. all this is for my left hand only
      on my right hand i dont have any problm

    3. As I said unless I see it I cannot comment on it.
      You can send me your prints at blog (dot) nita (dot) gmail (dot)com and I will let you know which line it is and there will be no charges for that. If you wish me to do a hand analysis, I will send you the charges for the different types of readings.

  18. hi nita this is yashwanth i notice a small gap in cheiro heart line........for me also on my left hand i have a clear gap on my heart line and my friends are saying that i will fail in love is that true will i not marry my girlfriend.....

  19. Yashwanth, I do not see any gap in Cheiro's Heartline. That could be just some ink being rubbed into the line, a poor print. Only a hand photo will show for sure, and we do not have access to hand photos of Cheiro's hands. In any case it cannot be a gap because such large gaps are very rare and in fact I have never seen such large gaps in Heartlines unless they are repaired in some way.
    Similarly what you say is a gap in your heartline, may not be a gap. There might be supporting lines or repairing lines. In any case the heartline does not show whether you will fall in love or not! And whether you will marry a particular girl cannot be shown anywhere in the hand.

    1. oh than i dont have problm wid my lve good......but i do have a clear gap or say it as cut in my heart line.....i read ur previous msgs i noticed that some1[honey] also asked u same may be few people really have gap in ther heart line like me but what does that gap mean ?

    2. Yashwant, I am not sure that Honey has a gap because she did not send me her hand photos. I am not sure even you have a gap which is not repaired. It will be quite unprofessional of me to comment on a sign without even seeing it. Sorry.
      However, in general, defects in the heartline can show some emotional setback, but not always. It also depends on the other repairing lines.

  20. Hello Nita, if someone has semi circular line starts from mount of moon to mount of mercury which is called line of intuition. Can you please tell some more about it.?? Thanks a lot !!!

  21. This line reveals an extra sensory perception. It shows an enhancement of the qualities of Mercury (cleverness, perception, ability to understand people and situations) and with the added qualities of imagination, as shown by the Mount of Moon. I know personally know someone with a prominent Line of Intuition. I have known this person to have an extraordinary intuitive ability, which I think is the ability of the brain to work superfast! Its like how mathematicians and scientists intuitively reach conclusions. It is not a supernatural ability, just an extraordinary perception.
    However, for all this to apply the line needs to be clearly marked and ideally should not cut the Line of Head.

  22. Hi Nita

    Can you tell me where you learnt your palmistry from. What books or resources you used to gain your knowledge. Is it from Indian sources or from the Western sources similar to Cheiro.

  23. I have relied on western sources, but have read Indian authors too. However, most of my knowledge comes from verifying from experience. In my book I am doing exactly that, trying to verify from my own research. That is why it is such a painstaking process. For example, when it comes to Cheiro, I find that more that 50% of what he writes is either inaccurate or unreliable. Maybe he did not put down all he knew, that is what people suspect. I have been reading hands ever since I was in school, and have got hand photos of people over the last 35 years. That is how I verify.

  24. Hi nita
    I have a square on heart line below mount of sun
    And a square adjoint to pevious square located between heart and head line
    This both square is as same as palm of famous south actor chiranjivi kindly help me what this mean

  25. Shivam, a square is a sign of protection and is often found around broken lines. It usually means protection from some difficulty at the age it is found. It does not indicate any event as such nor a personality characteristic, so just know in your heart that things will work out well for you, at that point of time.

  26. Hello Ms Nita,

    I have just started learning palmistry. I picked up a few books on the street. Cheiro's 'Language of the hand' is one them. Can you list 1-2 things that you think are inaccurate. I am definitely confused about hand shapes. Still trying to figure out the difference between square and spatulate, conic and philosophic!
    2nd question: Is the palm print on 'Myths and Misconceptions' page yours? It seems to have a wonderful head and heart line. Just curious.

    Thank you.

  27. I think when it comes to hand shapes, it is not surprising that you are confused. I never go by Cheiro's so-called hand shapes because not only is it difficult to categorise the hand shape (most hands are mixed and mixed in different ways), the neat labeling of personality types is what I do not think is the right way of approaching hand reading. Each person is unique. Even when it comes to a mixed shapes the reading depends on which finger is conic and which is square and balancing the reading with that of the mounts. Hand shapes can be at times categorized as square or spatulate but not always. It is best to go by individual finger shapes and also shape of the palm.
    Wherever you find Cheiro saying that such and such a sign means X or Y, you can immediately think of it as inaccurate because you can never go by just one sign.
    However it is important to learn the difference between spatulate and conic etc as you need to apply it to finger shapes and if possible the hand shapes. This only comes with practice. It takes years, at times more than a decade. It took me around that much time! I started young, and struggled. I always tell people that the most important thing in hand reading is actually recognizing a particular shape or recognizing whether the finger is low set or short, or whether a mount is high or medium, or whether a line is clear or deep or thin or long. Once you master that, the rest comes relatively easily. So the thing is to practice with the hands of those you know very well, so you can co-relate the meaning of what you know about hand reading to what you know about the person. And I am talking of being really close to the person, like being a sibling or parent or best friend.
    While Cheiro was a pioneer of sorts, I also believe that he possessed a lot of intuition and that is why he was so uncannily accurate in reading the future. His writings sort of box you in, and make hand reading simplistic which it is not. Perhaps he did that to sell books. I don't know.
    Hand reading is more like the science of psychiatry. There are not neat answers. It is a matter of understanding and interpretation.

  28. Regarding you second question, no, the hand print is not mine.
    I do have a good headline although with a small island in the first part. There is a small gap between my head and life lines. Second half of the headline is deeper, with a small fork. My heartline is also forked slightly and ends between the first and second finger. Now this is another thing Cheiro was completely wrong about. The heart line ends near the first two fingers and begins near the edge of the hand, not the other way round.
    I have an extremely strong fateline, which goes from the bottom of the hand right up to the mount of saturn, near the base of the fingers. :)

  29. Hello again Ms. Nita

    Thank you for the quick and detailed reply. Now I don't feel so bad about being confused by hand shapes.
    I've collected around 30 digital photos of family and friends. Maybe in 20 years, I'll be at least half as good as you.

    If you could choose 3 authors to learn from - modern or old, Western or Indian, who would they be? I haven't found any Indian author. Can you name a good one?

    I have a technical question, please answer if you don't mind: Can sloping headlines be practical - good businessmen / executives / politicians, etc? Conversely, can straight headlines have good imagination? Does hand shape or hand type have anything to do with this ? This matter has completely confused me and is the biggest obstacle I currently face in my initial attempts to study the headline. Cheiro says that sloping head on square has more imagination than even a greater slope on conic. What does he mean or is
    he completely wrong?

    It would be interesting to get my palm read by you. I'd like to know how my shapes, lines & mounts compare with general averages (completely worthless, bad, good, very good, absolutely brilliant, etc).

    Can you please email me your reading charges for different types of reading? Also do you have a sample detailed reading available somewhere that will give me a better idea of what to expect ?

    Finally, I'm assuming that complete confidentiality is maintained; that my palm photos and personal info will not be shared.

    My email is

    Krish is not my real name. I just pulled it out of thin air because of the Hrithik Roshan movie. Patil is not my last name either. I thought Krish Patil is an amusing combination.


  30. I assure you that all private hand readings remain private. That is precisely why I cannot email you anyone's hand reading, even if it is anonymous. I will email you the charges.
    Regarding authors, please read all. I did that and then learnt from my own experience. I have read Indian authors but did not like any of them and learnt nothing from them unfortunately. Read Noel Jaquin and all of Cheiro and Benham plus modern western authors. You can learn something from all of them. Most you learn from your own experience.
    And no, I do not read hands the way Cheiro does so that thing about sloping line on a square hand is not something I believe in. I do not use that method.
    As I have said elsewhere on this blog, I read all signs together. The shape of the hand is most important, more important than the lines. The shape of the hand is the context in which you read the lines. The mounts are also more important than the lines when it comes to personality. Yes a person with a straight line can also have a good imagination. But having an imagination is to be seen in in context - what type of imagination is it? Of an arty kind? Of entrepreneurship kind? Or a lurid sick type? That depends on the shape of the hand. It depends on the type of person, which you get after studying the shape of hand and fingers.
    Please read Benham and you will get some idea. I cannot explain it here. I am writing a book too, and hopefully one day you will read it there.

  31. I have fish like on my right palm what does it mean

  32. You are not the first person to ask a question about symbols related to animals or fish or other living things. Let me assure you that there are no such symbols on the hand. Broken chance lines overlap and create apparent resemblance to certain objects or living things and one has to see how strong these lines are, where they come from, where they end, which lines they cut and then derive a meaning from it.

  33. Two fate lines one usual another towards sun line ,branch from fate line towards sun mount mystic cross connected with fate line,Line of intuition so perfect and a travel line from life line indicating a change of country all salient points

  34. I have a fate line arising from my wrist and another fate line arising from the line of life which after crossing the main fate line runs parallel to it till the heart line and both going to the saturn mount. What does it mean

  35. Dr Singal, The line which comes from the fateline and takes at turn to run parallel to the fate line may not actually be arising from the lifeline as the fateline does not take a sharp turn like you described. However, the line parallel to the fateline is certainly the fateline if it goes to the saturn mount. Two distinct fateline show two distinct lines of work.

  36. Thank you. Quick reply. The sister line has a twin origin. One from the already existing line of fate and the other from the line of life. Can you highlight it.

  37. How can I reach you. I need to send few pictures of my palm to you.

  38. A fate line arising from the already existing fate line and running parallel to it. What is the importance of it.

  39. please write to me at the email address given at the top right hand corner of this site, below the about me section.

  40. He learned palmistry in India, nothing like his intuition and ESP happened, it was learned from some ancient books which had such such a profound explanation that he was able to predict things so clearly about people.

  41. Hi.....nita i've two apollo line one is curved and other is originated from fate line by trident and there is two well developed fish or kite symbol on my right palm one kite sign is joined on the curved apollo line and other is on mount of apollo i always wonder what does it means?

  42. What you wrote cannot be answered that easily. For one thing, signs and symbols mean nothing. It is the actual lines which mean something, where they begin, where they end, the quality of the lines etc. So all that stuff about fish symbols and kite symbols, just forget about it and read this post:
    When it comes to the apollo line a line leaving the fateline towards the sun mount cannot be considered a sun line.
    Also the meanings of these lines depends on where they originate, and end, and their quality as compared to the other lines.

  43. Hi.. Nita.... Can you tell me about the line which comes from below the mars mount ( base of the thumb ) and crossing the main lines and reaching to heart line as if merging into heart line ( towards mercury mount : it is the direction of the line )

  44. If it is merging into the heartline then it could be a branch from the heartline entering the lower mars mount. So it starts at the heartline. It is not a main line quite clearly and one has to study how it affects the other lines by noticing its effect on the main lines. A line cannot be read in isolation.

  45. I want reading of my palm ... Can you tell me the procedure ?

  46. Why you do not talk about the sun line and fate line in your ' hand reading of famous people ' ?

  47. Chandra, please write to me at and I will let you the charges for the different types of reading available.
    Regarding the sun line and fate line, there is a lot of information available already on the internet. I am not sure how I can add to it. And even when I do my readings of famous people, these two lines are usually not visible due to the quality of the prints.

  48. Hello Nita ma'am. i wanted to know what happens when ur fate line is broken in the middle of your hand and then there's this little gap and after that it starts again and ends at mount of Jupiter that mean ki you will be divorced?..iam a very curious teenager...and i strongly believe in gives me headache when i try to look at my palm and try understanding the meaning of lines...makes me worried..i request you can you please read my palm and let me know if i need to take any precautions especially in love worried a lot..please help me out..and where do i send you the pic of my palm...please reply

  49. The Fateline does not indicate the state of your marriage. Also, if you say that your Fateline is ending on the mount of Jupiter, it is a very rare (and excellent) sign. Unless you send me a photograph of your hand, I cannot say that this is actually so, and for this I will not charge you.
    Also, from your comment I got the impression that you believe that your lines make your future. It is actually the other way around. It is your mind which creates the lines. Your life is not dependent on your lines, but on yourself. As regards precautions, you should take the precautions that any sensible person should take. Choose a suitable partner, and be a suitable partner.
    And yes I can read your hand. There are economical readings available if you are on a budget. My email address is given on the right sidebar.

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    1. I have removed this comment as the writer published her own email id. I do not want any unwanted comments to be sent to her email id. Also, to those who cannot find my email id on the blog, please look again. Do not use the search function, as my email id is an image.


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