
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Albert Einstein's hand analysis

Those born with great intellect, a creative mind and an effective personality are considered lucky. Those who grow up in an environment which enhances their best qualities and brings out their full potential are considered extremely lucky indeed. Albert Einstein was lucky enough to have had both.

Two aspects of his hand leap out at you. The long, balanced and deeply etched headline entering the Moon mount, shows not just a fine mind but a mind with a high level of mental concentration and mental stamina, which is as important as intelligence. Just intelligence without staying power does not work. The curved, well-developed Mount of Moon reveals immense creativity. It is the Middle Mount of Moon which is the most developed, and when combined with his kind of headline, tells the tale of an inventor.

What better combination than a fine intellect, mental stamina and creative genius? Well, a person needs something more –
a sense of direction. Einstein had that too.

Einstein had a long, strong thumb, with a broad second phalange, a large palm and straight, short fingers with long first and second phalanges. His heartline was quite good too, clear and ending in a fork, and not entering the Jupiter mount. The Saturn (middle) finger is a little weak.

Check out a hand photograph of his here

(The photograph published on this post is a free photo which does not require attribution.)

Albert Einstein
The Venus mount is as developed as the Moon and it is to be noted that neither of 
these mounts are developed excessively although heaviness is present at the bottom. The mount of Jupiter is also developed. The headline is not just long and deep, it also has a small fork and the quadrangle (the space between the head and heart lines) is large. There is a distinct space between his head and lifelines.

His hand also shows musical talent and a love of music, which Einstein could have developed if he had wished to. Had he been born in an environment in which his father was a musician, Einstein would have become a famous composer of music. However, he did not develop this side of his nature.

He also had a versatile intellect and could have done anything he wanted to. Einstein was also down-to-earth, broadminded and open-minded. He was a person who actually did stuff; he was not just an intellectual, he was a doer as well. This is what made him an effective person. He also had the ability to talk, and was expressive and eloquent when he wanted to be. He was bold, confident and would not hesitate to air his views.

Confidence and a bold personality go a long way in helping achieve one's goals. He was an independent thinker as well and not always keen to take advice. He had in fact a rebellious streak and some might feel that he was a little irresponsible as well. He was not interested in following the norms of society.

The fact that he was mentally quick and agile, added to his brilliance. This in combination with the strong natural health shown by his lifeline makes him a very effective character indeed. 

Albert Einstein was a straightforward person who would not know how to manipulate and/or scheme. This is so rare in successful people today! 

He had a warm, ardent nature, and he was also fairly cheerful, sympathetic and warm. Money meant nothing much to him, and neither did a luxurious life. He totally lacked interest in symbols of power and status and did not have a penchant for gathering wealth. This is also a sign not seen in famous people today. The driving factor in life was to use his brilliant mind and that's all.

This does not mean that Einstein was that easy to get along with. In his later years, he would probably get caught up in his imagination and in his mind, and subjective thinking was something that could make him unreasonable. He was not diplomatic at all. This explains why he kind of retreated into his own world in later life, moving further away from the worldly things. It is around this age that he started to become famous and it was around the age of 40 that he won the Nobel prize. It is possible that as he achieved world recognition, he absorbed himself further in his work and day-to-day life did not concern him too much.

Note: This hand reading was done by studying the black and white handprint of Albert Einstein which was available on the internet. This print was used in conjunction with other photographs which revealed the relative length of his fingers.)

Related Reading: Find out what made Bill Gates the successful entrepreneur that he is or the qualities that made Steve Jobs take Apple to where it is today or find out more about the character of APJ Kalam, a famous Indian scientist turned politician.

Hand readings of American politicians: Donald TrumpMike PenceSarah PalinBernie Sanders, Hillary ClintonMitt Romney or Arnold Schwarzenegger 


  1. It is interesting what you said about his musical ability. A lot of our talents are not developed due to the way we are brought up. It makes one wonder which is more important, nature or nurture?

  2. Well eventually it is the environment, isn't it? I mean, without the right environment the most talented people will go to waste. And a talent can also be built up from scratch. It may not be up to the level of someone who had the advantage of both nature and nurture, but it will certainly be better than someone who had only nature.

  3. Ha! he did play the violin :)

    When you consider astro, palmistry etc do begin to wonder if there is a big scheme going on..

  4. Violin huh. Not surprised at all! And whats that scheme that you mean? Didn't get it.

  5. I am not sure if talent can actually be built up from scratch... even if it can, its going to be very difficult. If a person is born in a family where no one sings or practices any form of music, its going to be very difficult for that person to be a good musician. So, I think even inheritance (of skills by birth) is also a crucial factor.

    Albert Einstein is one of my most favorite personalities - he has gone very close to the truth with his Relativity Theory than anyone else in this world.

    Destination Infinity

  6. Certain types of talent can be very difficult to build up from scratch, as you mentioned. And ofcourse without the right environment its impossible. There are certain skills which are easier to develop in the right environment.

  7. Hi Nita!
    Why do you say that Einstein's thinking changed in his late 30s?

  8. The headline shows the type of mind one has and any changes in it show changes in thinking. If you notice his headline you will see it change its shape as it proceeds and also there are some small lines going upwards from the headline.

  9. your analysis is really very interesting.

  10. Now i can understand how people predict the changes in the materialistic attitude of a person :)
    Thanks for the wonderful Palm Analysis of Albert Einstein...

  11. nice one
    what does black moles in the palm signify?

  12. Black moles do not signify anything because they have nothing to do with palmistry or hand reading. Moles are caused by skin conditions and this has something to do with melanin in the skin. A dermatologist will have the right answer as to why moles exist, not a palmist.

  13. What determines on your hand that you would get famous?

  14. If you are asking if there is a line of fame, no there isn't. The presence of the Sunline does not necessarily mean significant fame.


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