
Friday, January 8, 2010

Shah Rukh Khan’s hands tell us why and how he became so successful

Shah Rukh Khan reached the top in the Indian film industry, but he is not known as a phenomenal actor or great looker. Neither is he from a "filmi" background, and one wonders how exactly he made it in Bollywood. His hands give us a clue to the secret of his success. A mix of the most useful and essential qualities (for success) got SRK to where he is.

The most significant signs on this hand are the long, strong thumb, a prominent mount of Lower Mars and Venus, a large broad, slightly fleshy palm, medium length of fingers and deep lines, although not long ones. The mounts of Mercury and Moon are also well developed. He has a square hand with the broad palm and shortish fingers. The lifeline is broken but the fateline compensates for it, repairing this break. There is a good balance of
the three phalanges and rounded fingertips. Some of the fingers have the first phalange bent a little and all his fingers are strong, except perhaps the Jupiter (index) finger. His fingers are more or less balanced with each other in length, as is the ratio of his fingers to his palm.

The lines on his hand are not too long, they are medium length, slightly sloping and well-etched. The heartline is low-set and the had and lifelines are joined at the start.

Shah Rukh Khan waving
No doubt, Shah Rukh has strong willpower and determination and also has a clear head. Coupled with aggression and pushiness, such a will can rub people the wrong way but Shah Rukh Khan compensates for this in several ways. For one, he has warmth for other people; he genuinely likes people even if he may not be overly helpful or generous. He is a very astute person, with plenty of adroitness and tact.

He is likely to be a keen observer of people, a good judge of human nature, and articulate. This gives him an edge over others. He can be manipulative if need be.

Check out a photo of his hand here and here.

Although he likes people, his pushiness can upset people and it is shrewdness that can get him out of difficult situations. He is of a fairly calm temperament too. Not having a quick temper and yet being aggressive is a good combination. It can get things done.

Mental strength he has in plenty and this prevents him from being discouraged easily. He also has a focussed mind which enables him to thrive in bad times. He has the ability to persist with following his goals relentlessly, never quite giving up.

Besides showing a balance of personality SRK's hand reveals qualities which can bring success, for example, determination and focus is just aspect. He is very pragmatic and sensible and can see and accept reality. And the energy which he brings to his roles is evident in his hand too. He has a very physical hand, that of a person who is energetic and active. He has channelised this almost energy into his work, making his life productive and successful.

This intensity and energy is not just acting; it is who he is –  bursting with life. His hand shows a liking for the outdoors. 

For example, some of the roles he chose at the start of his career (example Darr) where he plays an obsessed and morbid lover are roles which he could play with aplomb because a part of him is like that. However, this is in the realm of fantasy. In real life, he can keep his personality on an even keel as his head and heart are balanced and he can be objective and very practical.

Acting talent?
Is his acting just about intensity and energy? What about acting talent? Well, creativity and imagination are a part of him too and certainly, there is a talent for mimicry. Add hard work and focus and he could pull off a role pretty well.

SRK's drawbacks
Some insecurity of personality is shown and coupled with aggressiveness, it can lead to some difficult situations in his life. He is also very ambitious and perhaps this could tempt him to take shortcuts. But being a smart man, it is likely that he will not do anything rash. He has a strong grip on reality.

What is SRK's driving force?
It is interesting to note that Shah Rukh Khan's hands show that he is not driven by a need for power, fame or money. Yes, recognition means a lot to him, but that's recognition rather than fame per se, if one can make that distinction. But even more than recognition, there is something else.

It’s difficult to explain. He is basically an inward kind of person and tends to be melancholic at times, and seems to want to prove something to himself all the time. He is not that confident of himself. It's like he has a fear of being found out. This probably drives him. As he grows older he will probably come to an understanding with himself, a kind of self-actualization perhaps. Or rather, he needs to do this so he can be happy in old age.

What's he like as a man?
Shah Rukh has a serious sort of disposition, moody at times. He has the ability to enjoy himself as well. He has a broad perspective on life, although he tends to be controlling. However, SRK's head tends to rule and when he realizes that he is going to an extreme he can pull himself back. He can be influenced and convinced and is a flexible and understanding person.

He may not make the most romantic husband but is certainly the kind who will be a loyal family man. Doing anything else would mean falling in his own estimation.

Read about the personalities of veteran megastars like MGR, Rajesh KhannaRajnikanth or the actor/singer: Kishore Kumar

Or read about other famous Bollywood movie stars, like Hrithik Roshan, Ranbir Kapoor, Aamir Khan or Salman Khan or Amitabh Bachchan or the 2022 Bollywood star – Kartik Aaryan

Also read about the famous Telugu actor Prabhas Raju Uppalapati, the star of the super hit BaahuBali.

There are also hand readings of Hollywood stars like Marlon Brando and many more, on this website.

(The first photograph is a free photo from Bollywood Sargam and the second one is a free photo from Pixabay)


  1. i enjoyed this a lot! it reconfirms whats already seen about him in the media. thanks for writing this. xx

    1. A beautiful representation of class one upper spatulate hand comparable with that of Padmashri Sivaji Ganesan along with gradual droping of head line indicating his versatile imagination.But hislife lineis not very robust indicating sudden illness perhaps reinforced by fateline may avert his catastrophic ends.He may commit some mental blunder with heavy loss of money later survive for a new life after 40.Very careful mental and cautiuos temperament by his headline reinforced with life line at its start.This is a classic example of upper spatulate by increasing his energy extraordinarily.I love his palm print with incredible imaginary power of expression in his acting instantaneouisly.Thank you Nita.

  2. Yeah to me too it was important to confirm certain things. However I was disappointed with some of the things I saw in his hand. He is likely to do some things (which I refrained from mentioning out of delicacy) which are not proper.

  3. So he is a bit evil after all ;) Though it is interesting to see that power is not his driving force. Truly a complex personality. Thanks for the analysis!

  4. Well idiosyncrasies are a part of life I guess..

  5. purpler, welcome!

    vishesh, yeah no one is perfect, specially not those who reach the top!!

  6. The fate line in his hand is very small and starts off late. But he has earned millions in his early career. Can you explain, when fateline is so small can he become so rich???

  7. Balaji, his fate line starts almost from his wrist, breaks, and then another one starts, which is overlapping the first. The important thing in palmistry is to be able to recognize the lines. At times the fate line is mistaken for the life line.
    In any case the fate line does not indicate "riches" per se. To find out "riches" it is important to read the fate line and sun line together.

  8. I have a little query, though out of main subject. On my hand there is a square in between head line and heart line. Could anyone please explain me what does this mean?

    I mean my hand is not very very clear like King Khan. There are lots of lines on it. But the square I'm talking about is very clear. Also my fate line starts alike Mr.Khan.There is cross at the end of life line. Means there are total 3 fate lines. 2 intersects and another one starts off late. It touches square between head and heart line.

    Please Anyone, I googled this, but found no clue. If you know anything regarding the subject, please reply...

  9. Sagar, you say there is a square but it may not be a square. It could be a meeting of chance lines. Also lots of lines by itself has no particular meaning, it depends where the lines are and what their strength is. About the cross on the Life Line again it may be just chance lines or a line cutting the main line, not a cross.
    Palmistry is all about recognizing a square for a square and whether a line has intersected or it's a chance line or a break or a fork. Only an experienced palmist can evaluate what your lines actually are and therefore it is impossible for me to answer your questions unless I see your hand. If you want your hand read please read this post:
    Thanks for visiting.

    1. You need to write to my by email and I will let you know the options available and the charges. My email id is blog(dot)nita(at)gmail(dot)com

  10. one of my close family friend is a palmist and i just showed him a picture of srk's hand without telling him whose hand it is...
    n the first thing that he said was that this person is a very serious and intense.He then told me that he is a sad person of deep emotions and sensitivity.
    I didn't believe it because srk's image is very opposite..he is like the ultimate entertainer n very witty n vibrant....
    but i randomly came here and read the same about him...
    Indeed very strange...
    but overall from outside he looks like a great man..

    1. On the surface and among people who don't know him well, he seems so self-confident to the point of seeming arrogant and he makes everybody feel happy and loved. Of course his sarcastic manner of joking (sometimes even a little kinky) isn't always appreciated because not everybody is able to understand it and others get offended by it. Nonetheless, that exterior persona makes it difficult to imagine how deeply emotional he tends to be when left alone to his own thoughts too long. I came to know about his (Shah Rukh Khan's) existence because of the intense sadness and desperation for love that was emanating from him and reaching out to all living creation beyond the heavens. For years I blocked this kind of reception but hard as I tried, I could not block this one. You see, I received the most heart wrenching distress call so profound that it had a similar effect upon my own inner being. The pain of that heartache and the woeful pleas for love took me to the deepest depths of sorrow -- it was incredibly agonizing! I cried all the time as if I had suffered a loss that I would never be able to overcome. Nothing was going on in my life to warrant such profound grief and I had no idea who the source of all of that agony was -- until I stumbled across one of his movies (I don't really believe in coincidence but that's a different subject.) The movie was D.D.L.J. I saw it in the latter part of 2012 and as soon as I observed him in that movie I knew it was no accident that I found him. To make a long story short, He suffered close to 3 years off and on pleading with his God and the cosmos to help him overcome the pain (heartache) he was experiencing. He was hurting from so many different avenues of life. But then, he was set free, kind of in spurts. His emotional pain never leaves him entirely; however, since that horrible period, he is able to pull himself out of it before he sinks into such depths of sorrow again. Just as he was released, so was I -- as if a heavy thick shroud had lifted off of me. I have shared this only to point out that SRK is certainly an exceptionally sensitive and emotional individual and can be hurt deeply if he is not carefully guarded.

  11. Anonymous, I am not sure why you said it was strange. Palmistry is based on scientific principles, even if reading hands is an art (like the science of Psychology). I think those who do not believe in palmistry have had bad experiences with predictive palmists and charlatans. Palmistry itself is a hundred percent true.

  12. I didn't mean that.
    What I was trying to say was about the person.
    For a person who is so intense,reclusive and serious in real life is such an entertainer on screen.I was just thinking on srk's part that how he manages to do that.

    1. Have you ever heard it said that "the saddest people are clowns"? Well, from my own experience I can say that the more serious a person's sadness and the more heartbreaking experiences the person endures without enough comfort/help from sources the person expected to bring him/her relief and/or understanding, then-- the person may be inclined to do a lot of pretending, dreaming of fantasies that most people consider as impossible as reaching for the stars but to this person it is a life that person is determined to make a reality because he/she sees it as the way to climb up out of the realm of despair that keeps nagging at him; or at best he/she believes it might help the person try to temporarily overcome the hurt, distrust, tears, and other frailties which never ever really go away.That being the case such a person tends to seem like a happy, very entertaining, playful, life of the party sort of individual to people who don't know any better. They make good actors, lots of so-called natural acting talent --very convincing -- without even trying very hard. However, that person is usually very troubled inside his heart and mind -- not in the way that a mental case is, but like confused, angry, hurt, depressed, unable to trust yet desperately wants to be able to trust. The pretending and acting out and making others happy etc.are like a release for that person (even if the person is not a professional entertainer or actor). Usually the person is very knowledgeable. In efforts to keep it hidden as much as possible the person is inclined to be controlling and manipulating, even annoying in his/her behavior and conversation because the person's moods or pattern of thought change almost without warning, when not focused on being more careful. They cannot see themselves as ever good enough because life has dealt them too many blows that have convinced them they have to do better to be good enough, at what depends upon that person's life experiences, but they will never reach that point of good enough. People who care about such a person (usually a select few because that person is not easy to draw close to) tend to go out of their way to cater to him or her according to whatever way he/she demonstrates the need such as, by not revealing the darker traits of the individual or the person's troubled characteristics, the person's more private sensitivities and faults, his personal life at home or apart from work and apart from socializing, etc.They understand that he needs them to focus on all that is good, positive and right about him/her because otherwise they risk hurting him more and he will alienate himself from them to protect himself. I am not saying Shah Rukh Khan is as I have described here. I am only saying that, this is what makes it seem so easy for a person to seem so happy and almost expert at making others happy -- often it's because they are very sad and troubled people who cannot bear it and need a drastic diversion or a place of solitude or both and more. I am one such individual and have known many others similar.

  13. hey NITA plz read more hands of bollywood stars ........

  14. Yeah sure anonymous. I always try to if I get decent pictures. I plan to in a few weeks.

  15. Hi Nita
    I have seen srk pic, his life line ends at middle of his palm and the fate line starts from wrist and straight up to head line , is it his fate line that supports his life line ?? It seems I have same as srk have ..

  16. You are quite right. His fate line runs close to the life line, almost like a sister line, and supports it. This is fairly common and in fact I have a similar sign on my own hand as well. :)

  17. Hi Nita, Can u give me a clue what my hand lines tells.... I have a strong and lengthy fate line middle of the right palm. its touches the heart line and ends there. my heart line touches the middle finger. i have another one parallel line which starts on life line travel along with fate line and end up with head line... can u tell wat it mean..

  18. Anonymous,firstly I do not know whether you are right-handed or not. I also do not know the colour of the fate line, its strength as compared to the other lines, whether there are breaks or weak spots, and whether there are other supporting lines to the fate line. Also, the sun line has to be read alongwith the fate line as they often complement each other. But many successful people can lack good fate lines so don't worry too much.
    Hand reading is complicated and I cannot read your hand from the information you have given. I also do not comment on single signs or lines as it can be inaccurate. The hand has to be read as a whole.
    If you are interested in getting your hand read check out this post:

  19. shahrukh khan have a line of death mean khudkushi

  20. There is no such line in Palmistry called the line of death. Besides, it is impossible to predict actual death from the hand. However depressive or suicidal tendencies can be seen from the hand, but even then one cannot assume that the person will commit suicide. In any case Shah Rukh is far from suicidal!

  21. hi Nita. i want to ask a question. is it very important to have a fate line to be successful in life. i do not have this on my palm.

  22. No, it is not necessary. I know people personally without fate line or a rudimentary fate line who are very successful in life in the material sense. There is usually a reason for the lack of a fate line.

    1. Pls tell me the reason for lack of fate line, since I don't, have such line...What does it mean that I can not be rich and successful in this life.

    2. Whether you will be rich and successful in life depends on you, not the lines. The lines are formed based on who you are. Not the other way round.
      And no, the lack of a fateline does not mean that you will not be rich or successful. Whether you will be successful or not can be seen from your headline, thumb and the all the other lines which show the kind of person you smart and hard working you are. The lines do not make you smart and hard working etc. If you feel you may not succeed ask yourself what it is that about yourself you want to improve and go ahead and do it.
      That said, many people without good fatelines do well in life. The reasons they do not have a fateline can differ from person to person and it can be seen if one examines the whole hand. It is at times due to a lack of a clear pathway to their goal, a lack of a clear focus. But this has to be confirmed after examining the hand. The lack of a fateline can also be because the person may have to struggle to succeed, more than the average person. And it can also be because the person is not fully satisfied with the career he is in even though he is very successful. For example I know a very successful and rich doctor without a fateline. He always wanted to be an artist! However, the reasons for this can be seen on the hand and it can be different for different people. At times the sun line compensates for the absence of the fateline. That too happens. At times the lack of a fateline may simply mean lack of certain personality characteristics and it may not reflect on success at all.

  23. i want to know that if mercury fingure is so what happend

  24. Nita, you said:He is likely to do some things (which I refrained from mentioning out of delicacy) which are not proper...

    This is a very interesting statement as those who know more about the industry and SRK`s entry know that this was (the doing of inproper things) the case. However, who are we telling what is inproper and what proper:)

    1. people do many things but dont admit , do they? which means they know what is right and wrong.For eg: men who harass women wont tolerate the same if its done to thier family or themselves. Acc to me selfish people twists and turn facts to suit thier taste

  25. Well, there is something called ethics which is not decided by us but is the normal accepted norm. I am not judging, I am simply stating that he would bend the rules, that is in his hands.

  26. I was intrigued by your analysis of Michelle Obama's hand versus Barack's - if you could find the photos, I would be curious about Gauri Khan's hand and how she fits in with her husband. Another hand I would be curious about is Deepika Padukone's - in Om Shanti Om her hands appear strikingly very long and narrow. Thanks.

  27. I shall look for Gauri's hands but she is not photographed much so I think it would be difficult. Deepika Padukone's hands should be possible. I am collecting her hand photos and hopefully one of these days I should be able to analyse her hands.

  28. i dont understand what are all these things about

  29. i just want to know that, what does it mean when the sun line start from upper mount of mars. i had read many books but i didnt found my answer, i found different meaning in different book . i need a exact meaning of it .i hope you can help me in this matter .

  30. Yes ofcourse zain. When any line starts from a particular mount the qualities of the mount influence it. The Upper mount of mars stands for mental strength, resistance and persistence. When the sun line starts from this mount it shows that the person has achieved his success (what type of success depends on the sun,fate and head lines) because of these qualities, and often a little late in life, and after some obstacles.

  31. hi, would like to have an appointment. I am genuinely impressed and at the same time need to know things for myself.

  32. Hullo Anonymous,
    I read hands after receiving photos as per this post:
    It is a very convenient method as I can study the photographs are length, and zoom in to the details on my computer. With a good photo, one can see details that the naked eye even with a magnifying glass cannot see. Also one can compare hands and marks with great ease. This is the best method for me. If you are interested please write to me at blog(dot)nita(at) and I can tell you about the different types of options available for hand reading and the different charges for the same.

  33. Shahrukh has a small black spot on the mount of Jupiter if u observe it. What does that stand for? Mental issues?

  34. Spots, either red or black, are due to skin conditions and thus have no relevance to hand reading.

  35. will shahrukh enjoy his success all his life & does his hand shows that he will built an entertainment empire?........bcoz as far as his ambitions goes he is setting himelf to become a business tycoon of entertainment industry by venturing in different areas..........

  36. sahil, srk's hands do show long-term success and fame, but it is very difficult to see anything more because i do not have a clear picture of his hand. There are pictures of his hand on the net, but not one with shows his palm lines with absolute clarity. But if you ask me to evaluate from his personality as seen on the hand, he does not have the capability of becoming a business tycoon. He is not in the same league as the anil and mukesh ambani's of the world.

  37. hi..i have been watching that most celebrities have longer thunbs which touches the last paraphalage of their jupiter finger..has it got to do anything..i noticed that in shahrukh's hand,salman's hand ,amir's hand but ya not in micheal jackson's hand,tom cruise hand. so what does longer thunm specifies? and yes would a thub be still considered longer if it comes in the middle of last paraphlage of their jupiter finger but doesn't exactly touches its line. does longer thumb which touches the paraphalage has anything to do with popularity ? actually somebody had told me but that person is more based on baseless observations and not real facts.what are real facets?

  38. HEY NITA ,PLZ PLZ ANSWER ME does having clubbed thumb indicAte that 1 hAS loww willpower n less logical there only -ve qualities in a person w/ clubbed thumbs(megan fox has these) n generally its said that there 2 phalages+ 1 mount of venus-3rd phalanges.but most cluubed thumb bearers hv 3 phalanges+ 1 venus mount= 4 phalanges wt does this mean???????plz answer

  39. sn, I am not sure whether you have a clubbed thumb because at times the top phalange of the thumb is thick but this does not mean that it is a clubbed thumb. A clubbed thumb is a very rare sign. It certainly does not mean low willpower. Willpower is shown by several signs of the hand - the length of the thumb in comparision to the fingers, the length of the first phalange in comparison to the second, the thickness of the first phalange of the thumb in comparison to the thickness of the second, the type of headline, the consistency of the hand, and which mounts are developed. In fact, no quality is seen by one sign, please remember that.
    Also I have a few photos of Megan Fox and she certainly does not have a clubbed thumb!!
    Also everyone has just 3 phalanges on their fingers (and as you said the mount of venus can be considered the third phalange of the thumb), and if there seems to be another phalange, it is to be considered a cross line, not a fourth phalange.
    Also, there is no connection between a cross line on a phalange and a clubbed thumb.

  40. to Nita
    THE PICS U HAVE MIGHT BE PHOTOSHOPPED(it's generally done 2 hide flaws
    ,but even in few of interviews she PROUDLY display her so
    called"FLAW" despite being OH SOO GORGEOUS ).even the thing of being
    photoshopped has been criticized by the international media.

    IN UR READINGS N posts can u please mention "how" u observe a trait
    like when u say observing phalanges u could see a desire for lavish
    life how do u say that . is it by the length(long )of the middle
    phalnges or smthing like that?????ALSO
    can u plzz read hands of SELENA GOMEZ ,MILEY CYRUS N TAYLOR SWIFT .PLZ

    BTW,,,,thanks again.ur posts r so gr8.

  41. I have no idea what you mean by google showing you clubbed thumbs? I have enclosed two image links:
    And there is no evidence of a clubbed thumb. As I mentioned it is a rare sign.
    Also as I mentioned no one sign can tell you something. The third phalanges of the fingers show this trait of a love of luxury, but one has to also look at the thickness of the fingers as a whole, the thickness of the hand, the length of the thumb, the consistency and softness of the hand, the flexibility of the fingers, the development of Jupiter and Venus and ofcourse the Headline. Look, one learns to read hands by years of practice. The interpretation is an art based on certain principles. It is much like a diagnosis after looking at certain signs, giving some signs more importance than others, and noting their intensity. It cannot be explained so easily.
    If you are interested you should read all the books you can, and then start by reading the hands of those whom you already know very well. That way you know which signs to go by and which not.
    About the suggested readings, I will try.

  42. I wanna know your inputs about my lifeline,it has overlapping lines,it started off with my head line then broke then a new line was formed from the head line again, then broke again, then another line was formed overlapping the previous line,also it ended with a trident then my fate line joined the end of my lifeline.My lifeline and fate line formed what seems to be like an M.

  43. Anonymous, I cannot visualise what you have said. Unless I see the hand it is not possible for me to give you any answers.

  44. Hey neeta can u read my palm..

  45. Pllllllzzzzzzzzzzz read my palm...... I will send u my hand's pic....

  46. Hello neeta this is bhavya and i am intersred in palmistry...... Wud u read my palm.....

  47. Hello ma'am me bhavya n i am intrested in palmistry.i want u to read my palm if you have time enough to read palm ,do tell me by mail.

  48. Anonymous, you are welcome to send me your hand pics and I will let you know the charges.

    Bhavya, I certainly have time to read your hands as that is my profession! However, I do not have your email id (blogger does not share the email ids of commentators) but you can write to the email id which is on the right hand side bar and I will let you know the charges. Thanks.

  49. hey nita, could you tell me why SRK looks so charming on screen? does he have a nice venus mount?

  50. Samir, I am presuming you are referring to a personality trait, and I guess he would be charming in person because he is very shrewd, and yes his hand does show warmth of personality because of his developed Venus mount. However, his hand also shows some level of crudeness due to the heavy development.

  51. Hi Nita,
    i have read many of ur handanalysis...I must say u have a really good understanding abt personalities.
    I have a question...How intelligent do u think shahrukh is?
    I mean he looks intelligent but he seems not at all focused, and very careless in his thought process(contrary to what u have written abt him)..also its because his success has got little bit to his head. What do u think ?.... Just wanted to know.

  52. Shah Rukh's hand shows average intelligence, although a high capability. However when I say average I am comparing his intelligence to other educated people. Remember that everything is relative.
    As for focus, it depends what you mean by focus. Do you mean focus or concentration? Concentration may falter at times, either because of disinterest or moodiness (Shah Rukh is a moody person. But focus is something a person has towards a goal and that Shah Rukh has, far more than average. In fact his hand shows excellent concentration as well, but as I mentioned he is also moody. He would certainly concentrate on something he is focused on.

  53. Hi again Nita, thanx for answering :)
    Ur right abt the concentration part but u said His hand shows average intelligence but high capability,from what i can make out of it u mean thats not because hes not very educated. Pardon me, but
    what education has to do with intelligence.
    Also if u were to advice something to him , what would it be.

  54. I did not mean that uneducated people are not intelligent. Not at all. If that is what came through in my comment, that was not the intention.
    In fact intelligent people may not even be capable! All those words have different meanings.
    About advise, I cannot really say without looking at his hand in a proper way. :)

  55. Let me explain it a little more. Intelligence of different types. Academic intelligence, emotional intelligence, creative intelligence and so on. Those with high academic intelligence usually have a very good memory. When it comes to grasping power and fast understanding of concepts, this can be present in any type of intelligence, but the grasping power usually applies only to the type of intelligence the person has. Usually when we talk of grasping power, we mean academic and scientific concepts, but this need not be so. Therefore intelligence is multi-layered, clearly seen on the hand.

  56. Do u really think SRK is manipulative as he seems very truthful (may be at times hes manipualtive but never using it to harm any individual or take advantage of.).Also, I read in ur Rajnikanth analysis where u began by mentioning---"Hes not ur typical narcissit star " where u were obvisioly referring to SRK.,do u really think he is narcissit, i mean he seems obsessive which u have rightly pointed out...but then its not just with himself, its with everything he is attached it is his kids,wife or his team, or his other businesses.....I can be wrong, but it seems that he wants to be idealisitc and a guy who more believes in righteousness. Also in the drawbacks that u have mentioned abt him...u have stated that hes very shrewd and auspicious...i dont understand why u called them drawbacks. Also as asked above, knowing his personality traits what advice would u like to give him to be a better and happier human being.

  57. Anonymous, I am sure you are right because SRK's hands show him to be more shrewd than manipulative. However, some amount of manipulative ability is shown on his hand, but it is not as pronounced as his shrewdness.
    I have never said he is a narcissist.
    And as you said, being shrewd and suspicious need not be drawbacks, and in some professions they can be seen as necessary.
    About advise, let me repeat, I cannot advise anyone unless I see their whole hand in detail.

  58. He is okay. No strong feelings either way. :)

  59. Do you find any similarity between the love for women you wrote in rajesh khanna's hand writing and what SRK has his image as a romantic hero /lover boy. 2. dont you think SRK is still a little naive and immature. 3. How bright his future seems from now. 4. " Such a strong will can rub people the wrong way but Shah Rukh Khan compensates for this with adroitness and tact,", can u explain it a little more.

  60. Regarding the first question, no. The image you are talking about is entirely fictional, and fictional profiles are usually flat and underdeveloped, unlike real people who are very complex.In any case I have not seen many films of SRK.

    NaĂŻve and immature? I don’t see any signs of it. Perhaps a little crude and impulsive.

    About the third question, I do not have very clear pictures of his hand. I need several such to answer this question. Usually one can get hold of higher resolution pictures of people from foreign countries, but not India. If you have 3-4 pictures of Shah Rukh’s palm/hand which are of a high resolution and very clear, kindly send them across. If the picture is extremely clear and detailed, then 1-2 will do.

    About the fourth all I mean is that he is usually kind tactful and polite. I am not sure what you want me to explain.

    Also the term Anonymous is okay to use if you are commenting for the first time, but if this is the second time you are commenting then please use some name, even if it is a fake nickname. I need to know if the same person is commenting again. I can always turn off my Anonymous option but it's for people who come here for the first time.

  61. please analyse saif ali khans hands.

  62. Hi i am a big fan of saif ali khan... he is a talented actor but unfortunately doesnt enjoy as musch success as akshay kumar pr ajay devgan who are not in the least bit talented... would like to know why? also would like to know what saif's peronality and temperament is like....

  63. Anuja,
    I will try and collect some pictures of his hands and lets see, if I can get good enough pictures I will read his hand. When it comes to success though, there are many factors that are related to success, not just talent.

  64. We are born to work, not to search the causes.

  65. Nita ji,

    Do you do personalized hand readings? I would love to have my hand read.
    Please reply!

  66. Nitaji,

    Your hand readings are very strong. Will you please read my hand by email?
    please reply.
    Thank you!

  67. gochen, you need to write to me on my email id which is and I will let you know the different types of readings from which you can choose one. As I do not have your email id I cannot write to you.

  68. nita ji i want to know about my hand line how can possible plz give me ur mail id so m send my hand pic

  69. Please write to me at blog(dot)nita(at)gmail(dot)com and I will explain to you the different type of readings available and the charges for the same. Thanks.

  70. thanx nita , u r doing a great job. god bless

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Swati,
    The Sunline does not determine success, and certainly not by itself.
    No one sign should be read by itself. I have said this several times on this website. Palmistry is not superstition and is not about signs and marks. It is about reading the whole personality with its contradictions, the various shades of grey. For any kind of accuracy, even 80% accuracy the full hand needs to be considered.
    A long thumb indicates strength of character, but unfortunately by itself it has little meaning. Without intelligence and talent, and a balanced personality its of no use. People with small thumbs (if not abnormally small) can also be successful and whether they are not depends on their abilities and talents and motivation, and also whether they have a balanced personality.
    Please do not say that people with waisted thumbs are master manipulators. Where in the world did you read this?? It's is completely and utterly wrong. It gives the person diplomacy, that's all. In case the person is manipulative (which can be seen elsewhere) then diplomacy is an asset.
    Remember Swati that handreading is not about signs. It is about reading the full hand. Reading by signs is akin to a doctor seeing a pimple and immediately jumping to the conclusion that the person has measles or a venereal disease.

  74. I dont see the fame line on SRK's hand, isn't fame line very important for a person who's involved in work which has a public acclaim??? I've heard people without a fame line cant become popular like SRK has...

  75. raj, For one thing there is no line such as the fame line. I think you mean the Sunline. I know people with good Sunlines who are not famous at all for example so the presence or absence of the Sunline does not rule out or rule in fame. The Sunline can show personality characteristics and is also a reflection of one own self perception, the inner and deep feeling about oneself.
    At the same time, I am quite sure SRK has a Sunline although it may not be as strong as the other lines. I can see it faintly on the hand. Why it is not as strong as the other lines is a question that I can answer only after seeing a good hand photo of the lines of his hand (so clear as to see the ridges). Remember the Apollo line or the Sunline also reflects personality characteristics.

  76. hey, i m very much impressed by this article. i would like to know something about mine.i have long thin clear fate line starting from wrist and all the way upto middle of saturn and jupiter finger, more inclined to saturn. fate line joins heart line under saturn. lines from both head and heart goes to jupiter. i have three parallel short sun lines curved toward upper mars. life line goes parallel with fate line till head line. i have sign of M formed with four major lines. i have two clear centered stars right under the jupiter finger. there are many fine lines but these ones i just mentioned are bold. what can you tell me about my career n money inflow, my age is 24, i m B TECH. THNX.

  77. I have mentioned to several commentators that I cannot read hands from a description. Half the work for a hand reader is actually knowing which lines are which, whether stars are really stars etc. Also, the quality and colour of the lines is most important as well as their relative strength and whether they are chance lines or the main lines. This is the most difficult part of palmistry or hand reading and I cannot rely on a description.

  78. ma'am, i love your palmistry readings, i just had a question as "what is the meaning of the half moons on nails? is it a sign of good fortune or is it a sign telling the health of a person?"
    i have searched on internet and i did get any answers. i have seen in some people's hand. i would be really happy that you would give me some insight on it. thanking you.

  79. ma'am, i read all your palmistry readings. i had a question and that is "what does the half-moon on the nails of the thumb and fingers mean? is it a sign of good fortune or is it a sign related to the health?"
    i searched on net and i didn't get any answer, the sites on net are biased on the above two reasons. i would be really happy if you could give some insights on it. thank you.

  80. krishna, generally those with half moons on their nails have large broad nails and large broad nails are a sign of good health. If a half moon is found on a small narrow nail it does not show good health. As to good fortune, this is not shown by the nails.

    1. Thank you so much ma'am on the insight. I have my tip of saturn finger leaning towards sun finger. What does this indicate.

  81. The tip of a finger cannot lean towards another finger. The whole finger leans. Leaning and bent are two different things and mean very different things. If you are saying that the top part of your saturn finger is bent, well, I do not read hands by going by one sign only. One has to examine the shape of all fingers and palm and also the lines before coming to any conclusion.

  82. Oh well , May be i should be developing some diplomacy ;). After reading a bit and deconstructing my notions about this science:) , i completely understand what you mean.

    A comparative of Bill Clinton and Kennedy or Ayn Rand could be very interesting if you could find time.

    This isnt very clear though :) :)

  83. Ayn Rand is certainly an interesting character. Even if that photograph was clear, it is only of the left hand and therefore of not much use. I will certainly keep her in mind.
    And I always have time to read the hands of celebs! However at times the photos are simply not good enough, and at other times I see a regular and ordinary person in a celeb's hand, and do not feel inspired to write about him/her.
    I did not post last week as I was out of station. However I will be posting a reading soon, in a few days.

  84. I know he is dead but will you do Paul Walker's reading?? please

    Thank you :)

  85. It does not matter if he is dead! I have read the hands of many dead celebs on this blog. In fact, when it comes to paul walker the first thing I did when I heard he died was to search for this hand photos as I like to read the hands of those who are currently in the news. Unfortunately I have not seen any decent palm photos of his hands on the web. Thanks for sending the ones you did because they are useful, but only as confirmatory. For the main reading I need a hand photo of the palm where the hand is directly facing the camera because the main part of the reading is the relative length of the fingers and the shape of the finger and palm. These can only be seen properly and proportionately if the hand is directly facing the camera with the fingers not bent inwards in any way. However I will keep Walker in mind, and see if some other photos turn up on the web. Thanks for writing in.

  86. Please try Deepika , considering her fan base....

  87. Thanks for the links to Deepika's photos. I will read her hands shortly.

  88. Thank you Nita. I have been reading all your readings.So accurate , frank yet civilised, well balanced. Usually people get carried away by the fame of the film stars or they criticise them as though we have some right over them....I am sure your personality is amazing as well. God bless you :)

  89. Thank you Nita. I have been reading all your articles. It is amazing how you strike the balance without defaming them by revealing thier darkest side at the same time you are frank as well. Not many people can do that. Many get carried away by the aura of film stars that they become the voluntary advocates of them esp we indians.

    I am sure you are a very good person as well :)

  90. Yes, I pride myself on the fact that hand reading is objective. That is why I love this field. The hand never lies.

  91. I read in your comments that SRK has an average intelligence....but in the industryand even generally he is considered as one of the most intelligent persons as said by number of people including MR Bachan.....As far as education goes he is one of the most well read persons...u could make that out during his interviews & speeches.....he is the wittiest person i hv heard can u elaborate wat u mean by average intelligence???

  92. Sahil, if you have read the comments section, you already know the answer to this question.
    And its best that people read the post on shah rukh's hand which clearly explain his qualities.

  93. but even tough he is so succussful he doesnt have a long sun line ??? why?

  94. We do not know if he has a long sunline or not as clear pictures of his hand are not visible in any public photos. In fact the exact quality of his sunline cannot be determined. Therefore I would not like to comment on this aspect with regard to Shah Rukh's hand.

    1. see this for shah rukh khan:

      I'll send you mine, soon. : )

    2. Hi. That photographs is blurred and does not show the lines clearly.

  95. Hi Madam, could it be SRK's New Life Line starting at age 25-26 when he moved to Mumbai to start his film career? This was the most radical change for him in terms of thinking, life style, career all combined. And the life line shifting out meaning that he became more of a public image, outgoing etc. Would you consider this to be a possibility?

  96. If that is indeed a lifeline, yes it is a possibility, but I am not sure that it is a lifeline. It could also be a fateline. One which is ending in the late twenties. Another fateline is starting from the Moon Mount and this could probably be the film career. However it is difficult to know whether it is the fateline or the lifeline without a high resolution picture and without examining the left hand for confirmation. That is why I prefer not to read the lines unless I have very good pictures.

  97. Can it be said that all ambitious people are narcissitic.
    Do you think being in a profession like acting or singing people who were not may end up becoming a narcissist.
    What do you think is the greatest harm in being a narcissist.

  98. All ambitious people are certainly not narcissistic, but yes some psychological studies have shown that those in show biz tend to veer towards narcissism, specially actors. It is not easy for a person to be under the spotlight all the time, and unless it gives you some kind of pleasure the person will opt out. There are actors who are not narcissistic of course. It is all a matter of degree, the question being how much.
    People do change as they grow older, and it all depends on the environment and their life experiences. So yes, it is possible that those in show biz could change, as often narcissism is quality which would make them enjoy their work and life.
    The greatest harm to being narcissistic is that it affects personal relationships adversely.

  99. July 16 born by the combination of moon and Neptune you will be emotional artistic and imaginative with inspirational and psychic gifts of a higher order. You will have the great sense of in your tastes and ideal This planetary combination produces a philosophical nature with and deeply religious nature. Travel by sea or long journey is generally indicated. Absolute strangers suddenly brought to your life to take violent interest in your case and almost abandon them easily or just as suddenly. The very fate line ending in the mount of sun though with early difficulties ultimately gives richness, name and fame. With a head line separated indicates her dramatic nature in acting with a self confidence in acting.
    Some times she may enter into monastery under depression.
    Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar,astrogenetist

  100. Sankaravelyudhan, thank you for your interest in the post. As I am unfamiliar with Astrology and do not think it is connected to hand reading, I cannot answer your comments regarding Astrology.
    However, when it comes to hand reading, I assure you that any line which ends on the Mount of Sun cannot be considered a fateline. Also, the sunline or any line ending on the mount of sun does not automatically promise riches and name and fame. There are people with similar lines without fame and riches.
    The separation between head and lifelines does not show acting ability at all. I know several people with this sign with zero acting ability. I also know that some great actors do not have this sign.

  101. Interesting! Thank you for giving analysis of so many actors, and of course most thanks for this analysis of my most favorite Shah Rukh Khan! I also went through Aamir Khan, Amitabh, Kareena, Rani and other celeb analysis that you did.

    My daughter has worked with many of these stars in past 15 years as she works in PR and as we all know, bollywood is all about marketing and PR nowadays, She has spent a lot of time (in media as well as away from media glare) with Aamir, Salman, Shah Rukh, Amitabh, Hrithik, Kareena and even singers like Udit narayan, Abhijit, Shaan. It was interesting to hear stories from her of what happens behind the scenes with all of these celebs, as she used to go to their homes on parties and for story discussions and so she saw their personal face too. This is how she describes them-

    Aamir is the most ego filled person in reality, When the camera switches off,he gets into reality mode which is all about his own thoughts,his beliefs and everybody else can go to hell. One more interesting thing, my daughter said that his wife Kiran is actually the one who encourages him more to be like this. It is not like Aamir says, 'me, me, me' but in private their conversations are all about 'that time when Aamir said this' or that time when Aamir said that. They NEVER say good things about anybody else, EVER! and my daughter worked with them for about 6 months. They both also have a habit of making and dumping friends as per convenience. They actually used to say, 'aare yaar abhi ABC ki picture aane waali hai na, lagta hai achha business karegi, let's invite him over for dinner na..good to have friends like that..let's see'. It was shocking for my daughter to hear things like this and she lost all respect for Aamir after that.

  102. (continued) Salman, she said, is a good guy at heart. He talks about the bad things happening in the world, he does want to help people. BUT he is a big drunkard. BIG DRUNKARD, and has a foul mouth. Curses is what he speaks in. on a normal day, when he is not shooting, he starts drinking at 9 in the morning and goes on all day, and then he abuses everyone. When sober, he is a good guy, but otherwise he is simply hell to be around. And he does not respect women too. When drunk, he will not see around to see if women are there and will go ahead, make dirty jokes and then laugh loud too!

    Amitabh is a good guy in general. My daughter loves him and said, he is always a nice gentleman. very punctual, quite intelligent,nice to speak to, eats very little, humble...but some of my daughter's co-workers said that he has mellowed a lot with age and 20 years ago he used to be a bit different, he had a roving eye and his married life is not perfect. Jaya drinks a lot because of Amitabh's affairs in his youth. ANYWAY, according to as much time as my daughter spent working with him, she had nothing but only good things to say about him.

  103. (continued) Shah Rukh is her favorite hands down, not as an actor but as a person. She agreed he has a bit of an ego but not like aamir. He does not, when the camera switches off, go into 'me me me' mode. He is ALWAYS working. He is the most hard working guy and his brain never shuts off. He reads a lot, knows a lot. There were times he would talk about nuclear policy of different countries of the world with the team my daughter was working in-this was when Barack Obama was being re-elected and they were in Shah Rukh's office and he was reading a big book about nuclear development! NOBODY ELSE in the whole of bollywood reads as much as he does. He watches a lot of movies and always talks about what kind of movies bollywood should be presenting to the world. He is happy to see good movies and always talking about, we should make a movie like this -it will win an oscar, we should have action like that-he is a true visionary. In person, he can be moody. the most important thing is-HE RESPECTS HIS EMPLOYEES AND ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN THE MOST! my daughter was working till 2 at night before the release of My Name is Khan and Shah Rukh would personally ensure that every woman working late at his office was escorted home in air conditioned cars. Whenever he would meet them, he would make sure they ate on time, they were comfortable. He never flirts and is most dedicated to his family, he actually had his schedule written on a big whiteboard in his office about how much time had to give to his wife, his son, his daughter. AND he does not announce his charity work, he does more charity than salman khan but he makes it a point to not announce it. I remember there was a time when there were reports coming out that shah rukh is dancing for money in marriages and my daughter came home to say- this is frustrating, because Shah Rukh NEVER KEEPS ANY MONEY from these dance shows for himself, he takes cheques in name of various charities and donates all of it but he has made it mandatory for his staff to not talk about it. The only thing that goes against him is, he is proud of his success and he enjoys it. He likes being a celeb, he likes living a lavish life, and he enjoys being complimented. Even though he is not my daughter's favorite actor, he became her favorite human being after she worked with him.

    So it was interesting to read about the various hand analysis and see that we cannot really see everything about a person through this alone, humans are complex beings and palmistry shows some things, not all :)

  104. Thanks Asha. And of course you are right. Such details about events and behavior cannot be seen on the hand.

  105. what happens when a triangle is formed at intersection of sun line and heart line?please reply

  106. Mr Ravi Teja, I do not believe in triangles and other signs. You can take a look at this post here:

  107. what happens when there is a reverse trident on sun line?


  109. Thanks for encouraging words.

  110. say nita, if one has a strong fate line starting from mount of luna then what to expect from a person in terms of his success

  111. what type of fate line does steve jobs posseses does he have one

  112. Kidsuh, it depends on where the fateline ends, how strong it is as compared to the other lines, the quality of the line, any defects on the line and so on. If you are asking only about the starting point, again one has to take the whole hand into consideration. But if other signs confirm it, it points to an independent (from influence of family) career, often to do with people.

  113. Hi Jake, it is not possible to generalise. It depends how faint the lines are, where the crosses and grilles are. Each will have a different meaning. Success is also a relative thing. So yes, it is possible to be successful if one has crosses and grilles on the hand. It depends on the overall hand.

  114. Hello there! This post could not be written any better!
    Reading this post reminds me of my good old room
    mate! He always kept chatting about this. I will forward this
    post to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read.
    Thank you for sharing!

  115. Hi Nita .. can you please tell me what it means if someone has a clear swastik sign in the middle of his dominant palm (Right in this case) ..

  116. Hello Unknown. There is no such things as "signs" on the hand. The meanings of these are man made and people mistake chance lines for signs. I suggest you read this post:
    Also if you plan to comment again, please use a name, any name. It does not have to be your real name. Thanks.

  117. Hello mam...Himanshu here. Thanx for suggesting me the post that was an interesting read. But mam these signs of circles triangle cross etc. are quite common and even I dont think that they make any difference.However I am unable to come to the terms with the thing that how can a clear well formed auspicious sign of swastik in the middle of palm can have no meaning at all. It is not a deformed or accidently formed one which is made from some criss crossed line.. it is there for its own sake. But okk, thanx that you replied to my comment and I pay respect to your vast knowledge and experience in the field.

    1. Himanshu, look at it this way, regarding the swastika sign. If it appears on the hands of a foreigner, what happens? Will he think of it as something auspicious? He might even think of it as related to a nazi symbol! We are all human beings first, and the lines and signs on a hand do not distinguish between religious beliefs. It is the same for all humans.

  118. Mam Himanshu here,Yes mam well said surely all these signs may not distinguish or represent any religious beliefs. But only thing is this,some will consider it as swastik some as Nazi signs and some people don't care about any lines on hand and don't believe in palmistry,but still if palmistry is a real thing it will work in the same way for believers and non believers.. So I am thinking even if we don't identify them with any religious signs but still if they have some meaning then it would have same effect on all the people whether Nazi boy or swastika's. Okk mam but that was all my curiosity so I asked thank u.. And perhaps even Mr. Pranav mukharjee also have a swastikas sign in his hand.. So I was just curious.

    1. All lines have meaning and they have similar meanings for all. However, these have to be seen in the context of the line and where it is found. By context I mean the shape of the hand and palm. Therefore it cannot mean exactly for each person. That said, regarding lines, the smaller and lighter lines have less meaning, naturally. Signs like what you call swastika are usually a combination of small, light lines and therefore they have less meaning. They swastika itself has no meaning at all, but the lines do.

  119. Himashu here..okk mam thank you for replying me so patiently.. Regards.

  120. Mam that would be great if you can put a post on Dwayne "the rock" Johnson's hand reading. Right now he is highest paid movie star in the whole world. Waiting for your response.. Thank u

    1. I have heard of him and will definitely read his hands on this blog although it might have to wait for a month or so as my current post is ready and will be posted soon.

  121. Okk mam thank u very much... Looking forward to your subsequent posts..

    and by the way, plz do have a look on this pic of his hand I think surely its one of the finest available on net.

  123. Hmm. Ya know, in de USSR we watch lot of Hindi filum and I like SHahrokh Khan alot. He has an interesting face and aura, almost like a mystical energy. But yeah we also feel here he represents too much just a star and doesn't expand. We like his films because they make us feel good an a romantic but his acting is not so great in most film. Is this how a most indiens feel....????

    1. He is not known to be a great actor here as he tends to overact at times. However, he has charisma and energy and brings to life any role he takes on. I guess that is why he has become so popular.

  124. Can psychopathy be seen in a palm , and do you think srk is one, no offense to him

    1. If you mean psychotic, no, Shah Rukh Khan's hand does not show this. And yes, if one is mentally unbalanced in some manner, it can be seen on the hand.

  125. So, is srk an introvert?, he seems to outwardly focused to be one

    1. Vaibhav, I have not written anywhere that he is introvert. Possibly he was shy in his earlier days, before he became an actor. Some shy people become actors as it is a way for them to express themselves in a way so that they can hide their real selves. Also being introspective and being introverted are two different things. However, I would not call him outwardly focussed. He is very much an introspective type, with the ability to delve deep into himself. This is not to say he is not outwardly focussed. I am sure that when it is necessary, he is so. But if it about who SRK is, then intrinsically, no.

  126. His palms hare big and protruding at the base. And they are very fleshy. Specially at the base with mount of moon and venus being almost being like a balloon or inflated. Is having fleshy palms a good thing. Since I have seen fat palms on a lot of people.

    1. You can have fleshy palms and still be a good person. Broadly speaking, this usually shows an emotional nature, at times excitable, at times volatile, depending on fleshy the palm is and which mounts are most developed. This does not make a person bad but if he is, then this sign is not at all good. Any mount developed in excess is something that throws a personality out of balance as it enhances the qualities of that mount, at times to an extreme. It needs immense self-control to contain it. Some people have this and can channelise these strong feelings.

    2. So in Srk's case what does that base of the palm which is so fleshy shows?

    3. As mentioned in the reading, SRK has immense willpower and this helps. He has also managed to channelise his inner energy into something productive...his style of acting is a very energetic type. He is probably moody though. All mentioned in the reading. But if you are asking whether he is out of control, the answer is no, not really. But I am sure therea slightly crude side, but mostly he is very controlled and mentally strong.


Your polite comments are welcome! And those who use the name "Anonymous" may not get their comments published because it becomes difficult to distinguish between different commentators. You don't have to use your real name but do use some name! Thanks.