
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Angelina Jolie's hand shows that she is fun to be with though she isn't serious enough!

Angelina, the famous Hollywood actress, can be a little too casual about life and can lose focus. It’s almost as if an important cog in the serious business of life and living, needs a little tightening. This gives her personality an undesirable tilt and lack of balance. But she has other personality characteristics which have earned her fame and name. She has a certain force to her personality, she is a go-getter. Ambitious, daring and dominating, she is an independent thinker who likes to follow through with action.
She has strong fingers of Jupiter (index) and Apollo (ring), although the Saturn (middle) finger is a little wanting. The lines on her palm are more or less straight and not very long. They seem to be nothing exceptional, although she has a good thumb with a conic tip and a slim, waisted second phalange. The mounts on her hand are not very well developed, except perhaps the Moon mount, relatively speaking. It is disappointing to see the limited Venus mount. The fingers are of a good length, with good knots and very good second phalanges, and the palm is rectangular, more long than broad. She very possibly has a Girdle of Venus and the third phalanges are long. The palm and fingers are both long.

No doubt her hand shows ambition and determination. She may not possess oodles of acting talent, but she does have an original way of approaching her work. When she decides on something she acts on it and follows it through. However, her determination can have a downside. Angelina tends to do what her mind and heart tell her to do, without thinking too much about what others or society thinks, and what the consequences are. She is a thinker, and a rebel, and there is a certain boldness to her personality and fear of restrictions and disregard for societal norms. 

Besides, although she is emotionally sensitive, can be hyper emotionally, and has a good heart. She is not emotionally volatile. This means she can control her emotions and does not have the kind of ups and downs in her emotional life that make people depressed. She can be a little cold and distant, and cannot be said to be a people person. She is more likely to nurture hurts and can be suspicious of others. When it comes to the crunch, she can take hard decisions.

She is left-handed and it is her left hand which has been studied to get an idea of her current self. (The image above is a free image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay.)

She has a sense of discipline and also great diplomacy to the point of being very smooth and not really straightforward. She can accomplish her desires without being distracted by pandering to sensual and physical pleasures, be it eating, drinking or anything else. She can rough it out and put her body through a lot of strain. And she can get around people, even if she is not really a warm person. She is shrewd and smart, with good powers of expression, persuasive and very tactful, with an almost uncanny ability to get her way without being aggressive at all. She will not like to be pushed at all although she can be, by an aggressive person. If that happens, she will withdraw into herself. 

She has an ability to plan in advance and her analytical thinking and you have a list of formidable qualities! Carefree as she is, she is not careless when it comes to planning her projects. She has good reasoning powers as well.

There is a strong sense of adventure in her personality, although she is a thoughtful person. She has the ability to have fun, let go, and would be ready for something new. Such people are usually very sporting and understanding in a general way.

In her personal life, she is likely to be quite dominating, and controlling, more so as she likes to do what she pleases. But she is basically a happy person and not as tough as she appears. She can buckle under pressure and can be surprisingly flexible. She is not that strong a person from the inside and can feel discouraged. In fact, in her heart of hearts, this woman is very vulnerable and not at all as mentally strong as she appears. She is the kind who needs emotional support and she probably knows this. She is a little self-centred as well and tends to see the world through her own rose-tinted glasses. This does not mean she is removed from reality – not at all. She can be quite pragmatic.

Being so vulnerable and sensitive, she needs a strong person who will pamper her a bit, and let her have her way. She needs this kind of stability but anyone who pushes her will drive her away. If she feels hemmed in, or out of control, the relationship is in trouble.

Angelina desires and wants love and devotion, not money, and nor is she a status-seeking person. In fact, she is not at all materialistic but this quality can at times go to an extreme because she can become careless about the future and spend too much.

Jolie has a sharp mind and can be a mentally stimulating companion.

If one has to write a conclusion to this character sketch one can say that though Angelina tends to go overboard at times, and can be arrogant and egoistic and careless, she can bend.

(Angelina Jolie's left hand was read as she is left-handed)

Related: Find out about the personalities of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston and also what the hands tell us about Brad and Angelina's relationship or perhaps you want to know why Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston did not get along.

Read about actor-directors like Hollywood's Marlon Brando or Bradley Cooper or about other filmmakers.


  1. Thats a nice analysis Nita... I dont know much about AJ and this gives me a nice insight into her character...
    Is it possible to read the hands of people who are dead Nita? I am curious to know about our late leaders who are really honest and in which way our current politicians lag behind...
    Its really great to know you are going the read the hand of us... I am really interested to know whether whatever I thought about me is true :)

  2. Kanagu, thanks. Yes it is possible to read the hands of great leaders. In fact I have the hand print of the late Radhakrishnan, who was an intellectual as my father (from whom I have learnt a lot of my palmistry) actually met. One of these days I will do an analysis of our late leaders, like Indira Gandhi and so on. The only thing one requires are hand prints or photos. It might be difficult to get those of some leaders.
    And its always fun to get one's hand read! However much one thinks one knows oneself, the truth is that we always tend to gloss over our faults, or at least downplay them! And seeing us the way we are helps us a lot in our future, because character is destiny.

  3. Interesting post. I had watched an interview on tv where she had mentioned that she used to cut herself when she was a teen. I wonder if it's possible to check this against her hand?

  4. purpler, as she is well into her thirties now, this could show a trait in her character in her teens, which would probably be an inherited quality. What her inherited quality shows is a seriousness and intenseness which is not present now. But overall, it is difficult to read a hand in much detail without seeing the lines properly. In fact it is a challenge most times!

  5. I am discovering such a nice blog!
    The Blog header is too good... so many palms!
    I have subscribed to your blog

  6. hi!nice explanasion!!
    but what about her life it long??I wish it is and be able to live her life in peace for many years more...(I saw a photo recently in wich her life line showed like it stoped in the middle her palm..:( )

  7. hi!nice analysis!!
    what about her life line??I saw in a recent photo of hers waving that her life line stops in the middle of her hand..or so it appears in the photo :((
    have you seen this?

    please answer to my email

  8. Hullo Marina. Angelina Jolie is left handed and it is her left hand which shows her reality today. As far as I could see from photos of her left hand the line line is long and clear. Not that it necessarily means that she will have a long life. The length of life is not related to the length of the life line, although health issues can be seen from the life line.

    As to her right hand,which will show her inherited tendencies, I could not get a good enough photo of her right hand (which showed the lines) although it is possible she has a long life line here too. Even if it is short it does not mean she will have a short life.

    Whether on the right hand or the left hand, the length of the life line does not denote length of life.

  9. Left hand shows hereditary tendencies nd right is what you are going yo make up in your future life.take the case of Oscar wild.This is applicable for woman also.
    Oscar wild during his dinner party when his hands were put through the hole screen Cheiro was able to say that left is the hand of a King ,but the right says he who will send himself into exile since fate line was broken for him the the peak his fame he produced 'A woaman of no Importance" but lefy the hall in a depressed mood.He never corrected himself and was sent to jail as a fraud,Destiny by nature can not be cheated,
    Sankaravelauyudhan Nandakumar.


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