
Friday, December 4, 2009

Tiger Woods's hands reveal why he was unfaithful to his wife

The world is talking about star golfer Tiger Woods' infidelity, wondering why he was so bent on destroying his idyllic life by having one affair after another. What do his hands reveal? Do they explain the mystery of why he sabotaged his marriage and career?

Why should infidelity be "normal" for celebrities? We are all the same when it comes to relationships, and infidelity is an individual thing. When one cheats on one's partner, it shows certain aspects of his/her character, whether he/she is a star or not. Rich people, however, do seem to get more opportunities to cheat.

When it comes to infidelity there are certain factors which come into play. Firstly one’s values, secondly, one’s
sex drive, thirdly one’s self-control and fourthly whether one is selfish and self-serving, and lastly one’s love for one’s spouse – not necessarily in that order. Oh yes, there is also one more thing. Anyone who betrays his partner and is not in an "open" marriage, will find it difficult to keep it a secret. People who manage to keep their affairs hidden from a partner are fairly devious. Honest and straightforward people would find it difficult to keep their infidelity a secret from the person they live with, a person whom they possibly love.

Where does Tiger Woods stand on these qualities? What do his hands tell us?

Woods has a long, medium-set thumb, which could be a little high-set. It is conic at its tip, almost pointed, in fact, and very supple. This kind of thumb on an overall practical hand is an anomaly and increases its significance. The second phalange of the thumb is very slim, or what we can call waisted. However, the first and second phalanges of the thumb are balanced with each other, in the sense that neither is too long. The fingers are medium length on a squarish palm, with long first phalanges. The third phalanges of the fingers are short. The mounts of Moon and Venus are the most developed mounts, and Jupiter and Lower Mars mounts are developed too.

The lines on his hand are few and deep. The heartline is medium length, curving towards in between the first two fingers but not quite reaching there. The headline is slightly sloping and joined with the lifeline at the start.

Tiger's hand shows that he has above-average determination and his hand shows physical discipline as well. He is a clear and focused thinker, calm and yet aggressive. That Tiger Woods is a very determined person is not surprising, as, without this, success is elusive. The strong determination, however, can be used for both good and bad. So by itself, determination tells us nothing much about why he succumbed to temptation.

You can check out his hand photographs here and here.

Physical passion, warmth and a love for people are shown on his hand. He is likely to be an affable, friendly person. His hand shows idealism as well and if he was unfaithful it was because his hand shows impressionability and impulsivity in high amounts, possibly to an extreme. Impressionability can mean being carried beauty for example. He claimed in an interview that he had many affairs because he felt entitled because of his success...but he was probably fooling himself. He didn't do it because he felt entitled...he did it because he could not control himself. And because his hand shows some element of selfishness.

Tiger Woods is also highly individualistic, does not care about formality or the consequences and is also quite secretive! This means that he likes to do exactly what he wants and will ensure that he keeps it hidden because he is well aware that it is wrong. 

Sweet talk and diplomacy and charm are a part and parcel of his personality and this will enable him to keep his secrets safe.

Tiger Woods is far from heartless, however. He can make a very loyal friend indeed and is probably an affectionate, and good family man. 

(The sketch is made by me in photoshop and the other photograph is a free photograph from the web)

Related Reading on this palmistry blog: Find out Why Arnold Schwarzenegger is unfaithful or read about Why Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston did not get along or Why Leonardo DiCaprio is unmarried or read about the personality of Michael Jordan, the world-famous basketball player.


  1. Suppose you didn't know that Tiger Woods had had an affair, could you predict it?

  2. I would have said that this person could been drawn or tempted but whether he actually would I could not say. If I had to give him his hand reading in private I would warn him to beware of this. Hrithik's hand has a sign such as this, but his thumb is not so conic, Hrithik is not so sensual or with a such a high sex drive. Hrithik would therefore be more mentally swayed, while Tiger Woods would be swayed because of the physical thing.

  3. I guess when you are a celeb, your person characteristics are judged...and well second fellow from that gillete ad in trouble :P who's next I wonder

  4. yeah thats the price you pay for fame! Look at all the famous people I have analysed on this blog! Their private selves are on display here!

  5. Simply Awesome! It is a rare gift which you have honed to perfection. I wish you all the success in the world dear schoolmate!!

  6. Thanks for this fascinating analysis. I certainly hope he is thical enough to truly regret the damage he has done to the bond of trust between him and his wife, and make the required changes so he can establish that bond with her again.

  7. I think he does have good intentions, but the question is for how long.

  8. Thats interesting !!I am really impressed that you could analyse soo well from the pic here...

    when would we girls have a chance of letting our palm read ? ;)

  9. Thanks. And I am starting from January! :)

  10. hiya! what a great blog you have here!! so talented :)
    how would you consider reading Robert Pattinson's hands for us? :D


  11. Hullo there dunya. Thanks. :)
    And yeah sure can read Pattinson's hands. When I read your comment I drew a blank on his name but then I searched to see if I could get photographs of his hand on the internet. And I did found a few, not too many, but I am sure there are more as he seems to be a real hot star! It would be interesting to read his hand, and I will give it a shot!

  12. in tigers case also the heart line ends up below saturn finger making him shelfish i think

  13. As I mentioned in my answer to your previous comment, the heartline ending on or under saturn does not mean selfish. Character traits are seen on different parts of the hand, and several signs need to be examined before one can come to a conclusion. The traits are enhanced or reduced by different signs.
    Also, no one sign can be used to dub a person selfish.
    In any case the Heartline refers to a person's affections, and his emotional life, and thus selfishness as a character trait in general cannot be seen on the heartline.
    Yes, at times coldness can be seen on the heartline, if the line is very thin, weak and short (not reaching even the bottom of the saturn mount) but this has to be confirmed by the shape and size of the other mounts, particularly Venus, Mars and Jupiter.
    And most important, on Tiger Woods hand the heartline is strong, sweeping up in a curve to a place inbetween the first two fingers. It is not ending on Saturn.


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