
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rajiv Gandhi's hands show that he was shy

Rajiv Gandhi’s hands show some qualities of a leader, but they also show that he lacked boldness, independence and self-confidence. Cautiousness, sensitiveness and diffidence were a part of him. He inherited a shy nature (shown by the left hand which in his case is the dormant hand) which was enhanced due to his environment.

It is generally believed that he had charisma. He was good-looking but he was too shy a man possess charisma, at least in
his younger days. The word charisma is often used loosely and here is what the word actually means:
A rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm...personal magnetism or charm
A lot of Rajiv's "popular" support happened due to his family name. Without the Gandhi name, he would not have been so popular. Charisma is a rare personality trait and very few politicians have it. Mahatma Gandhi had it to some extent.

Rajiv Gandhi has a rectangular palm, a long, low-set thumb, long lines and a lifeline stuck to the headline for quite a while, although later it does sweep around the Venus mount. The headline is fairly straight too. The Jupiter (index) finger seems a little low-set, and his fingers are a good length with long first phalanges. The mounts on his hand are not very well developed, except perhaps the mount of Venus. Lower Moon is a little developed.

You can check out a hand photograph of his here and here.

rajiv gandhi sketch of hand waving
As mentioned earlier Rajiv's hand shows intense shyness which started to alleviate as he entered his thirties. It is likely that a quiet charm (not charisma) came to the fore. His hand shows him to be a sweet, humble person and also a kind man and an intelligent one. These qualities would have given him a pleasant disposition. If he had lived beyond the age of 50, perhaps he would have conquered his shyness to a large extent but his untimely death made sure that we would never know.

It is true however that he had already started reaching out to people quite a bit, something which his political job must have forced him to do. His wife's (Sonia Gandhi) support would have helped. Her hands show her to be stronger than him. She is a woman with inner grit and that would have given Rajiv the moral support he needed, although she too is a reserved person.

This does not mean that Rajiv Gandhi was weak. He had willpower and determination, and also stubbornness, and he was smart as well, which would have enabled him to do anything he set his mind to. He also had an intellectual mindset and a practical one as well! He may not have been born with the personality ideal for a politician, but he could have become a good one. He liked to do things which were useful and his policies would have reflected reality.

Rajiv's hands show that he had a tendency to brood, a quality enhanced by the shyness inherent in his personality. Interestingly, his grandfather, Jawaharlal Nehru did not possess Rajiv’s shyness.

Rajiv Gandhi could also have been a little naive. He was a straightforward person with a humanitarian outlook with compassion for the underdog. He would have the interest of people at heart.

Rajiv and Rahul
Rahul Gandhi has some of Rajiv’s pragmatism and some of his shyness as well. However, Rahul is not hindered by the intense shyness and diffidence that troubled Rajiv Gandhi in his younger days. There have been accusations that Rahul does not have the charisma of his father Rajiv. Rahul is probably less shy, but Rahul lacks charisma and he also lacks is Rajiv’s strong will and determination (although Rahul is more aggressive) and intelligence. Strong determination and Will are part and parcel of a person's charisma, and Rahul loses out.

(Note: The sketch of his hand has been made by me on photoshop.)

(Rajiv Gandhi was the ex-Prime Minister of India who entered politics when his mother Indira Gandhi was assassinated when she was Prime Minister. Tragically, Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated at the age of 46.)

Related Reading: The hand reading of Jawaharlal Nehru.
Also, find out what Sonia Gandhi's hands say about her and also that of her son Rahul Gandhi and his sister Priyanka Gandhi.

Or check out the hands of Heads of State from around the world.


  1. Rajiv Gandhi and politics - definitely a mismatch. However, once in the thick of things, he tried to do his job as best as he could, given his shy personality. His story is a little like Micheal Corleone in 'The Godfather' who initially moves away to escape the family legacy but has to return to be part of it.What I find interesting is how people usually adjust to any career even though they are not really suited to it and may even excel despite the mismatch. However, by the same token, would people who love doing what they are doing reach greater heights than if they had been doing something that they're not suited to? Definitely YES.Had Rajiv been doing something that suited his personality, his shyness or lack of charisma would not have been part of the equation. I wish more people would try to find careers that match their passion for doing something. Unfortunately, in today's rat race, it's not very common.

  2. Thanks Padmini for that insightful comment. It is sad about Rajiv because I am quite sure he did not enjoy being in the public eye. Successful politicians usually have a need for attention and glory and this means that they enjoy their jobs for the power and attention. Rajiv was a private person and therefore for him this was just a job that he had to do. However he didn't have to tried hard to get to the top. He was handed the top job on a plate even though he was not experienced in politics. I guess for him success came easy.

  3. I wonder if we choose our leaders just for the name..who are the next gen. of politicians in this country?

  4. Rahul I guess! Or perhaps Priyanka. Or perhaps the sons and daughters of other prominent politicians. In our country even our public votes because of the name, not merit. So that is why the system perpetuates itself.

    1. Does Rajiv's palm show an assasination and abrupt end to his life?

      Also, it would be good to see an analysis of Akhilesh Yadav's hand since youve done for other dynastic heirs like Rahul, Vaerun too.

  5. Smita, I am a hundred percent sure that Rajiv's palm shows the danger to his life at the point. I am sure of it even though I have not seen his hand, because I have that much faith in hand reading. His hand photos are very few on the net.
    When it comes to Akhilesh Yadav, there are some good pictures of his hand on the net. Let me see when I can do his hand.


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