
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hand analysis of Ayatollah Khomeini

Ayatollah Khomeini Supreme Leader of Iran
Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini (1902-1989), Iran’s first Supreme Leader, has an interesting hand, and one that corroborates his achievements and also tells us something about his personality. He was a holy man, but does his hand shows that he was a genuinely spiritual man?

One significant character trait quite noticeable in his hand is his charisma. He has been criticised by the non-Muslim world, but it is clear why people in Iran revere him even now, years after his death. He was a leader with a powerful and towering personality.

His hands have a long, narrow palms and either medium-length or long fingers. The development of the mount of Venus on his hand, along with the long thumb and the slight gap between his head and lifeline shows that he was bold, confident, and had a love for his people. He had great self-control and control over others although his hand shows bias. He was the kind of personality with a great will to implement his ideas, without bowing down to opposition. Strong and determined
as he was, his drawback was that he would not be amenable to listening to others and would be difficult to convince.

His will phalange is long, too long, and the thumb is held a little close to the hand, and high-set but with a squarish tip and a slightly thick second phalange. The fingers are mostly conic, particularly the Jupiter (index) finger (which is also low-set), with good first phalanges (especially that of the Mercury (little] finger), average second phalanges and thick third phalanges, especially that of Saturn (middle finger) and Apollo (ring finger). The heartline was medium in length and the headline longer and the lines overall seem to be well-etched. 

He also appears to have a stiff hand. Several of his mounts are developed, like that of Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and the Lower Mount of Moon

Check out a photo of the Ayatollah's hand here.

He was not an open personality, keeping his own counsel in matters of importance, and would not share even with those he considered the closest to him. There was a certain inflexibility of personality and as he was very idealistic, it can mean sticking to his ideals no matter what. The rigidness is present. If he managed to command the respect of his flock it was because of his integrity and ideals. Very idealistic, he was also fairly straightforward and could be very humble and yes, he had immense compassion, although it was not all-encompassing. And he was something of an intellectual as well.

However, if there was one word which could describe him, it would be idealism, and this is shown in a slightly extreme manner in his character, perhaps befitting a man who led a revolutionary movement. As he was not a compromising person, even if practical considerations demanded it, it could create problems.

His hand shows strong emotions as well and a person with a startlingly dark imagination and unfortunately, his hand shows selfishness. He was also the type who would be suspicious of others and their motives. This was what (probably) gave him a grimness of personality along with the qualities of Saturn. 

His hand also shows that he was particular about small things, and status symbols were likely important to him. Outward appearances mattered. He was not diplomatic.

The questions to ask are whether a person like this, would qualify for being a truly spiritual person is open to debate. Are ideals and beliefs everything? Above all else? And would a person this imbibed strong ideals and beliefs make a great political leader?  

Overall his hand is in keeping with that of a strong religious leader. Although there is one thing missing from it - that of someone who was open and human.

Note 1:
I have assumed that Khomeini is right-handed. Usually, I find this out by checking photographs of the subject writing, but in Khomeini’s case, I could not find such a picture. The right hand reveals the current state of mind if the subject is right-handed and the left hand the inherited or dormant qualities. 

Note 2:
I also checked for pictures of Iran’s current supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the successor to Ayatollah Khomeini. I could not find a photograph of him writing either, and neither did I find good photos of his right hand. His left hand shows that he lacks the charisma of Iran’s original Supreme Leader although he is more practical.

Read about the Heads of State from different countries. 

Or read about other Spirituals Leaders from different parts of the world like that of Syedna Mohammed BurhanuddinMahatma Gandhi or Pope Benedict XVI or Mother Theresa or Martin Luther King Jr

Or maybe you would like to know the difference between Sathya Sai Baba and Sai Baba of Shirdi or Jagdish Vasudev (Sadhguru) or a Comparison of Gurus Old and New

Or check out the hand reading of a modern guru like Deepak Chopra or the yogi, Bikram Choudhury.

(Photo published in this post is from: 1, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)


  1. interesting...could you do reading of Michel Platini

  2. yeah, why not. I'll check for his print. If they are available then in the next few weeks.

  3. Hi Nita,

    Good to see you continuing to write on this blog... Can you analyze Albert Einstein? I am not sure if his photos would be available, but he is one of my favourite personlalities...

    Destination Infinity

  4. Hmm, Albert Einstein sounds interesting. If the hand photos are available, definitely! :)


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