
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Alejandro Jodorowsky's hands show his genius

Reading the hands of an exceptional and brilliant personality can makes one's heart skip a beat. One may not be lucky enough to meet these geniuses in real life, but there is the privilege of being able to delve into their minds. In a way, that can be more gratifying than meeting and shaking their hands.

Alejandro Jodorowsky is a well-known Chilean filmmaker who is also known as a spiritual guru. I had not heard of him until a reader requested me to read his hands. Unfortunately, with so few photographs of his hands available on the internet this proved to be a difficult task. However, I was persuaded to read with whatever little I had. This is a brief reading.

The most striking aspect of Jodorowsky’s character is his exceptional creative ability, fantastic imagination, quickness, mental agility, and a high degree of intelligence, musical ability, deep passion, love, and ambition.

There is some controversy regarding him. Apparently, he said many decades ago that he had raped an actress but when that old statement was dug out, he denied the rape, said he had never done the deed; that the statement was a publicity stunt at the time. Well, his hand shows that he is certainly capable of doing such a type of stunt because he is wilful and impulsive.

His hand has strong Mounts of Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury and a long, deep headline, on both hands. The heartline in comparison is shorter on his right, active hand, although it is darkly etched. The thumb is long and supple with a slightly long first phalange and it is low-set as well. 

The headline and the thumb are the main signs that reveal the direction of one's life, with the thumb being the most important indicator. The key to why a person wrecks his life or takes it to great heights can be found in the hand and most importantly, in the thumb. 

Check out some hand photographs of his here and here.

Jodorowsky’s hand shows that he has a strong will to control others and that he is quite headstrong as well. However, his basic nature is a good one, quite unselfish. He is the type who would want justice for others, as well as himself. He believes in freedom, and not just for himself. He is a good man, and incapable of rape, although he would want his way and is capable of bullying others. He is not the kind to want his way through deceit.

His hand reveals a very powerful personality and it is also a personality which wants to help others. With this kind of strong will, a person can achieve a lot, whichever direction he chooses and is liable to take his talent to its full potential. There is a direction in the life of a person with this kind of hand, almost a mission. There is strong drive in the personality, and this need to achieve is not to amass wealth. It is to do good in a larger context...something which an ordinary person may not always understand. It's to do with helping humanity and this is the main aspect of any character that distinguishes normal successful folk from spiritual leaders. Capability and hard work may make a man successful but few people have the bent of mind which turn them into spiritual icons.

One of Jodorowsky’s weaknesses is his impulsivity and that could get him in trouble, especially as he is also quite pushy and wants to impose his will. 

Jodorowsky's hand also shows executive ability, and the ability to get things done.

I was asked whether Jodorowsky deserves to be a “guru,” or whether he is just a “clever businessman.” Well, he does have a materialistic streak and he cannot be considered a "wise" man as such. Just the opposite in fact. But there is evidence of altruism. What is not in doubt is his genius.

Related Reading: Check out Steven Spielberg's hand analysis or Christopher Nolan's.

Or check out the hand readings of actor-directors like Hollywood's Marlon Brando and Bollywood's Aamir Khan or Tamil cinema's Kamal Hassan.
Or perhaps you might like to read the hand analysis of Spiritual Leaders from around the world.


  1. please log on to and read chapter 2 & 3 and one hand singn ! tell something about it nita !

  2. Anonymous, I do not know which hand you want me to read. You need to give me the name of the person and if the photos are available on the net, I will surely do so. I need several photos of a hand from different angles to give an accurate reading.

  3. I am asking in general, as i think of u to be very good at this,analyzing personalaties ...what do you think of people who are innocent . Does it have anything to do with intelligence, is it, they lack it Or just i would like to know what other traits that are likely be found in a innocent person.

  4. That is a very interesting question Anonymous. In fact I have been thinking of this for some time. My conclusion is that however "bad" or "corrupt" or "greedy" or "evil" the thinking of a person, it does not mean that he/she will actually do a bad thing/action. On the other hand however "good" or "saintly" or "truthful" or "honest" a person is, it does not mean he/she will never do a bad thing. This is the very basic of human psychology. The reason why seemingly good and honest people do bad things! That is why you will not always find "bad" traits in someone who does bad things and conversely you could find some "bad" traits is someone who is living a good exemplary life! Strange isn't it. What it boils down to is will-power and control.
    Take a simple issue of infidelity. A person will high sex drive is not "bad" but if he has only average will-power he will succumb to infidelity. On the other hand a person with very a very low sex drive may not be unfaithful to his partner, but that does not mean that he loves his partner more.
    Human behaviour is very complicated. Finally it depends on how much self-control he/she has and what are the values of the society he/she is living in.

  5. oops i find it a little confusing!! if a person who is "bad" ( the one who thinks bad but doesnt act on it as he has a strong will power) ,firstly it is difficult to imagine a person like him as why he wont act on it , if he has bad intentions he will always try to act on them without getting caught..that is what his focus will be , no matter what is the level of his will.
    For example an ambitious businessman who really wants to achieve, and doesnt care abt the means to his end, he is a strong willed person but someone who will most likely do wrong thing. as the only thing that matters to him is his win .
    However if he uses his will along to stop himself from doing anywrong and achieve his dreams in every right manner possible, than hes actually a good person.
    Im sorry im not being able to explain myself clearly but i think i have given you a hint of what im trying to say.

  6. That is because you are seeing people as black and white. That is precisely why I had put the terms "bad" and "good" inverted commas. There are hardly any purely bad people or good people although there are bad actions and good actions.

    If someone like a businessman is not tempted to take advantage of a few loopholes then he is certainly an exception and frankly in India his business would have closed down. I personally know people who came from the US with high intentions of never giving a bribe and it was when their business was almost closed down after 3 years, they started paying a bribe. This does not make them bad people.
    And for a person who wants to win, it is a great quality! But wanting to win at any cost means that this person will not exert his will power at all. Perhaps you are talking of people without a conscience. These are psychotic people and very few people are like that.
    I am sorry I cannot explain it further. The crux of the matter is that people are not black and white.


Your polite comments are welcome! And those who use the name "Anonymous" may not get their comments published because it becomes difficult to distinguish between different commentators. You don't have to use your real name but do use some name! Thanks.