
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Bang Chan of Stray Kids is a born leader

Bang Chan leads a South Korean boy band, Stray Kids (SKZ), and is the lead vocalist, lead dancer and a rapper. They have their English and Japanese language albums as well.

Boy Band
Representative image generated by AI

Bang Chan's fingers are of medium length, with distinctly slim second phalanges. His Saturn (middle) finger seems a little short, not too much so. The Jupiter (index) finger appears to be dominant, as it is high-set and bent. Another distinguishable aspect of the fingers is that the first phalange of Mercury (pinky) finger is significantly long, although the other first phalanges of his fingers are good as well. The tips of the fingers are rounded, although the tip of the Mercury finger is more conic.

The lines on his palm are fine and long, and the unusual line is the

headline. This is because Bang Chan's hands show two headlines, and on both his hands! While the topmost headline is clearer, and starts from the mount of Jupiter (below the index finger), the second is fainter, set lower and bow-shaped. The stronger headline from Jupiter is more or less straight although it is sloping. 

And as for the mounts on his hand, it is not surprising that the Moon mount is the most developed as this is invariably spotted on the hands of musicians, singers, and creative people. On Bang Chan's hand, the Venus and Jupiter mounts are very well developed as well. The texture of the palm is fine and the shape of palm is broad.

You can check out Bang Chan's hand photo here.

It's amazing that studying people’s hands can help us know the person better than just sitting down for a chat with the person, because the hand hides nothing. A hand can reveal aspects of a person's inner self that even close friends may not know, and sometimes not even the person himself/herself. Introverted people are even harder to know! But Bang Chang is likely to be more open than most people, and he is not secretive or introverted. In fact, his hand shows that he is probably extroverted, and certainly is friendly, helpful, warm and talkative. That is clear from his hand.

The double headline is a very rare sign on any hand. A person famous for his double headline is Cheiro, whose hand has been studied on this blog. In Cheiro’s case, both the headlines were equally strong, which is not the case with the hands of Bang Chan. It is well-known that Cheiro led a double life, and he had another side to his personality, one which was quite distinct from the face he showed to the world. In the case of Bang Chan, his second headline is much fainter which means that his sensitive and introverted side is suppressed. He has it, but it lies dormant. He was born this way, with two aspects of his personality: a bold, ambitious and strong side and the more sensitive one...and the strong side of his personality will become more and more dominant as he grows older. All the while, he has to be careful to shelter himself from trauma, as he is very vulnerable and soft inside.

Bang Chan’s hands also show that he is articulate and has the ability to choose his words very well indeed. He is diplomatic and a people’s person and cares about others. He is a natural leader, a born leader. Talent and creativity he has in plenty along with high ambition. He can lead, and can be controlling, yes, but he is not selfish. He cares about his team and wants to do good by them, like a true friend and leader.

There is some cynicism present in is personality and he has to keep this aspect of himself in balance.

All in all, Bang Chan has a hand that fits that of a successful music star. He is talented, ambitious, hard-working and is someone who thrives on attention and celebrity.

Related Reading: Find out more about Jeon Jung-kook of the South Korean Boy band BTS, or read about the personalities of South Korean celebs like Lee Min Ho and Hyun Bin or check out the hand readings of all the celebrities from South Korea written about on this blog or about Music Stars from all over the world.

You can also see more posts on famous people from China and Japan.


  1. Thank you, Nita! I'm not sure what his personality is like but, I think the reading is very accurate. He is indeed our precious leader of skz!

    1. You are welcome Gauri. For me too, it was an interesting hand. I had never heard of Stray Kids but I am always eager to read hands of people from the far east as I know so little about them.


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