
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Stars, Crosses, Symbols and Superstition in hand reading

Hand reading is not about superstition, but the shadow of superstition has stuck to hand and palm reading...well, at least to some extent. As a result, hand readers and palmists are seen as some sort of psychics or maybe even charlatans. Those who believe expect them to unravel the mystery of signs and symbols and tell the future with accuracy. Often some palmists oblige and either predict something dire for a sensationalist effect or are effusive with their praise and good tidings of the future. Gullible believers fall prey to this and I often get emails from confused and disturbed people asking whether a particular prediction will really come true. The predictions that people are given are about death, divorce, accidents, children dying, or some other drastic and unfortunate event. Needless to say, it's lies which have been dished out to them. 

Death and hand reading is a post which is a must-read for anyone who believes that the hand can predict death.

It's a commonly held belief that signs, shapes and symbols on the palm reveal significant events in the future, events which cannot be avoided. Whether it is triangles, circles, tridents or fish or animal signs, they are supposed to have significance. 

They don't. To begin with, shapes of animals or objects or even shapes like circles or triangles
have no meaning in hand reading, if such shapes exist at all. A pure trident (a line splitting upwards into three) is an uncommon sign, and when it is found it's usually the Sunline or the Fateline which has split at the end. The meaning depends on which line it is. A trident does not foretell an event and is not necessarily an indication of good fortune.

A triangle is usually not a proper triangle at all, but just a chance meeting of lines. These lines have to be read separately. 

Signs crosses symbols on the hand and palm
Image by Nita Jatar Kulkarni

Stars and crosses have significance if properly formed, and not part of the main line. They can reveal some aspect of the character, depending on where they are found. If found on or close to a main line (but not part of it), they can sometimes point to a type of past or future event (positive or negative), but there is no certainty of this event ever taking place. Lines disappear and new ones appear - along with changes in the person. 

You can check out an actual hand with perfectly formed crosses –Hitler's hand.

The future event may not take place if the person changes his/her behaviour. What is fascinating is that lines indicating the past can also change if one's perception of the past changes.

Hand readers can never predict the future with certainty because people's personalities do not remain static. Therefore to say that any line (leave alone imagined shapes and symbols) is a precursor to an event is quite a tenuous statement.

To be fair to the older hand readers and palmists from fifty years ago and more, it was easier to predict the future that many years ago because life held limited choices and there was some belief in fatalism. Also, people changed less because of fixed environments and fixed beliefs and did not live as long as they do today. Modern medicine had not been invented a century ago! Today, people with cancer live years after their disease is diagnosed, sometimes even a decade or so more. 

The lack of mobility, fewer career choices, less individualism and a reluctance to believe that the future could be changed meant that people changed less and their lives took predictable paths. Possibly that was why the predictions were often accurate.

The truth of the matter is that a hand reader is as capable of reading the future as a medical doctor is! A hundred years ago when a doctor said a person would die of a disease like cancer, there was an absolute certainty that he would. Yet, when a doctor predicts death, patients do not think of the doc as a psychic.

Today there are cures for a myriad of diseases. People know that they can improve their health if they change their lifestyle because there is more knowledge about these things. And people are also determined to prove the doc wrong. As long as actual changes are made (not by a superstitious belief in stones, gems etc) life can actually improve. 

If the person believes that a tragic event is 'fated' to happen, and does not attempt to change, he/she could well meet his 'fate' sooner than he/she thinks. On the other hand, at times faith helps in healing and changing one's destiny, particularly for mental issues.

If you want to know about the predictive aspect of Palmistry, there are other posts here you might also like to read: Can Palmistry predict future events? or How hard is it to change the future, or Why do you want to know your future or instead check out this collection of posts on the unreliability of predictive palmistry

You might also like The Myth of the Marriage Lines, or Love, Marriage and Relationships.

Or perhaps you want Palmistry Explained or find out more about How To Read Hands and if you want to get your own hands read, know more about What to expect from a private hand reading or just check out all the posts filed under the label Palmistry.

You can also check out the various Testimonial pages, starting with the first one.


  1. I know a lot of people who believe in destiny, but still they fight hard everyday, to change it! To a small extent, I am like that, as well. I feel that there is some fluidity, but there is also rigidity, in life's events. To what extent we are controlled by some force, is something I can't say. I can't refuse it, either.

    Destination Infinity

  2. why does the ring of solomon or jupiter appear on that mount i mean what inherent jupiterian quality does it signify...also a query about other rings appearing on the hand like the ring of they signify any kind of psychic ability
    also i have seen the ring of solomon on quiet a few hands i questioned showed a strong liking for occult almost a strong intuitive belief..but his beleifs lacked any strong reasoning..but i mostly conclude it to be a sign of a heightened sense of self.or ambition..check me on it..i get a sense u might have some of these signs in ur hand

  3. atlantis, I do not have any rings underneath Jupiter or Saturn although I do have a very faint diagonal line across across the jupiter mount but this is a partial line, not fully across the mount.
    For a heightened sense of awareness is the line of intuition which I have seen verified on several hands. Unfortunately I do not have the line of intuition either. :( I guess this is because I do not have any psychic ability or intuition as such, and work solely on reason.
    You have to remember that for any sign to have significant meaning it has to be well etched and complete.
    If there is a strong, well etched ring underneath Jupiter, it does not mean psychic ability or intuition unless accompanied by other signs. It could however mean an interest in the occult and also an interest in psychology. However as I do not read any sign in isolation please do not take this meaning as the true meaning. All this has to be counterbalanced by other signs on the hand.

  4. how do u verify that the person concerned might have a heightened sense of awareness..does the intuition line always accompanies other signs suggesting that or go by your own gut also regarding ur reply my main question was why do u think does the ring appear at that mount of all the places on the hand..i know nobody knows this..but with ur experience in this field im sure u might have some answer...wht jupiterian chracteristic does it signify...wht the astrologers suggest is that jupiter is a strong significator of higher knowledge especially concerning the esoteric i know u dont believe in it..but u cant deny the coincidence.

  5. The Intuition line maybe called the Intuition line but it is far more than that. It is about a heightened sense of awareness, both mental and also of the senses, physical included. It is a very strong sign to have and therefore even by itself it suggests this without other signs if the line is clear and well etched. Why I said that the rest of the hand is important is because this line becomes useless in a hand with a poor headline and thumb and a misalignment of fingers.
    And yes you are right, I do not believe that Astrology has anything to do with Hand Reading. However as to why this ring is on the Mount of Jupiter I can only give you my own opinion. Jupiter stands for Self awareness, and self Identity - basically about our perception of ourselves in relation to the world. When I say Jupiter, I do not mean it in the astrological sense but am speaking of the Mount under the index finger. The index finger is the most important finger in my view, after the thumb. A ring enclosing it concentrates its strength. A strength that enhances the sense of self, and self awareness. In turn this enhances our perception of the world because we are tuned in to ourselves. But again an extra long index finger, and poor headline and thumb make the ring quite useless.

  6. Anita why Dont You Allow Us To Upload Our Palm So That you Can Tell Tell About It.and Respective Person give A Feed Back How much real This Is with The Person.

  7. Anita allow us to upload our palm image.take one Case Tell Brief About it.then We Give A Feedback How Much It is Will B Fun N Informative Too.

  8. The main issue here is of payment. As it is, I earn so little from this job that to do it for free is not a fair thing to ask me. It takes several days (a few hours work each day) to analyse each hand as I take measurements as well, and this is for the thorough and detailed reading that I do for clients. Even a brief reading takes several hours to do, like the type I do on this blog for famous people. I cannot and do not read hands in a few minutes. It takes immense concentration. I jot down the main points, and then come back to it and analyse it and this takes an hour or two. Then I come to it again, to ensure that it is correct, and make changes. To put that much mental effort into something which is simply "fun" for others is not the objective of this blog.
    In fact I am not comfortable associating "fun" with this serious palmistry blog.
    Reading the hands of famous people may be fun for others, but for me it is a serious exercise where I try to give the real picture of the famous person and I like to believe it is more than just fun. It is something that helps people see celebrities and famous people objectively.
    Lastly, whether it is for readings on this blog, or private readings, I do not hesitate to give the weaknesses seen on the hands. In many private readings the weaknesses are quite glaring. Naturally, because they are not famous or gifted people! However I firmly believe that my reading helps them improve and lead a better life. Therefore, if I tell someone that their hand shows that they are egoistic or selfish or dishonest, and that too in public, do you think this person will agree to it? Will he/she think it is fun? I highly doubt it.
    About half of the people whose hands I read are of people who are far from honest and straightforward. Do you think such a person will admit that I am right?
    Thankfully, those who come to me for private readings are not doing it for fun. They are serious about wanting to change their life, and wanting to improve on it and they are grateful to me for helping them see their weaknesses as well as their strengths.
    I hope this answers your query.

  9. Does a well-etched cross near a line always indicate a negative event? Everywhere I have read so far points to that.

  10. Yes, if it indeed it is a clear well etched cross it signifies some type of disappointment. It's position will indicate the type.

  11. I have a small cross right next to my fate line. I can't say I've had it in easy in my career because I've also had breaks on my fate line. The sad part is, it is a very obvious case of bad luck. I've always been lauded for my hard-work and mind but there have always been events that have just negated everything I've worked for. And to be honest, I don't know how long I can put up resistance. I'm almost positive there are people deliberately interfering in my career. I just have no idea how to keep them out.

  12. Crosses do signify obstacles and so do breaks if they are not repaired. However, if you are saying that you have bad luck repeatedly, then it cannot be considered bad luck. There has to be an underlying reason. Hard work and intelligence are not everything, Sometimes there are personality weaknesses like a lack of aggression, lack of confidence, lack of resistance, gullibility etc, which can come in the way of success. If you say people are deliberately interfering in your career, believe me this happens in everyone's career. The more successful you are, the more the interference, jealousy and enemies that one encounters. It is how it is handled that matters.
    Do a self evaluation and see where you can improve. You can make your life better.

  13. I read many of your posts here. But I could not understand how you judge a person to be intelligent, as some of them did not have long and dark head lines. What factors do you consider while making a judgement about intelligence? My headline is sloping sharply nearly till wrist.What does that mean?

  14. A long and dark headline does not necessarily mean an intelligent person. You need to examine the shape of the hand, the length and the shape of the phalanges, and also the quality of the headline. At times the knots at the back of the hand and texture of the skin and fineness of the ridges can help confirm this.
    As to the headline sloping towards the wrist, I am not sure it is the headline as often the fateline and headline clash and it makes it difficult to know. In any case even if it was sloping all other signs on your hand like the shape of the fingers, hand, thumb, other lines etc has to be taken into consideration before making any judgment.

  15. I learned palm reading and face reading as part of my hobby and interest. I came across a comment on this blog where someone asked it for fun... to him and everyone, this is no fun by any means. If we read something and tell that to a person then most of the time that person tends to be like that or do that or become like that what we have told or use it as excuse for his acts. This is a very serious thing and should never be taken as joke or for fun.

  16. I wish to know how long does it take for a "Faint Star" to darken and give results, especially on a Good Hand.

    Also, does star gives sudden results or the effects will be know prior to happening?

    Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks

  17. Curious Guy, I wrote a post two years ago to answer the exact question you have. Please check it out:

  18. For one thing, it may not even be a cross. It may not touch the headline. Even if is a well formed cross touching the headline, it cannot mean death because death cannot be predicted. I suggest you read this post:

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Having trident on fateline followed by triangle with the interaction of fate and headline for a Simain,is it good or bad?

    1. I do not really get what you mean Ivan. In any case reading tridents and triangles is the superstitious aspect of palm reading. Besides, reading marks and signs in isolation is a bad idea and completely misleading.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yes true you have a double headline and I have explained it in your personality reading. I cannot write it here. However in a written report the co-relation of the lines and signs are not given with the corresponding meaning as that is a very long and exhausting process, as often each characteristic has several signs which point to it. Write to me privately and I will explain what the double headline in your case means. However, regarding the other signs you do not have them all of them. There are a lot of crossing lines on your hand, and the meaning of all the signs has been incorporated in your reading.

  22. What about Islands? Any significance?

    1. Yes, but it is not considered a sign but a defect in the line itself. A line splitting and then rejoining. It usually weakens the line, and significance depends on the length of it, the condition of the line afterwards,and on which line it is found.

  23. What does it mean to have a faint cross over marraige line

    1. I suggest you read this article:

  24. Mam what does it mean to have 2 big islands on upper middle part and is there anyway to time the line

    1. yes of course, it is possible to have a timeline, for all the major lines. Regarding the islands ensure that they are really islands, and not lines running parallel to each other, or formed by other lines. A true island is when a line splits (resulting in both sides of the line becoming thinner) and then rejoins.
      Islands on the lifeline usually indicate a health issue but it if is really an island, it is a temporary situation. As I said note if they are really islands. Islands on the lifeline are unusual.

    2. Mam according to your desciption of islands....they arenot island but very close parallel lines to the lifeline....but mam i want to ask u what about these parallel lines looking like these 2 islands means....i will be highly thankful to you for your reply

    3. How can I tell you what parallel lines mean randomly like this? I need to read the whole hand, which I can do if you are interested in a paid reading. In any case, these are nothing to worry about. So relax.

  25. What does swastika symbol on jupiter mount indicate

  26. Unbroken swastika? I have to see it to believe it.

  27. Mam i have a negligible cross on marraige line..does it have any effect

    1. I am assuming that you mean a faint cross. Well, it does not say anything definitely about your future. But one needs to see the whole hand before making any kind of final judgment.

  28. Mam it seems my marriage line is broken in between but I have a clear influence line joining my fate line which is also clear.. should I interpret it as obstacles? And what should I do to avoid such happenings..

    1. Dear Unknown, I have no idea why you think a broken "marriage" line and a clear influence and clear fateline = obstacles. In any case, I do not read marriage lines. You can read that post here:

  29. My pinkie finger leans towards the Apollo finger.
    My pinkie is larger than normal however is low set
    What does it imply
    Nita maam

    1. Hi Caanish, The hand needs to be read as a whole. Very often something shown on one place is contradicted by another sign in another place so finally it is a matter of judgement.

    2. Thank you for the feedback ma'am
      However if you could just tell or enlighten that what does this sign alone mean
      Thanking you

    3. Hi Caanish. I think you didn't get what I said. I said that these signs by themselves cannot be read and do not mean anything unless they are seen in context. Let me give you an example. A headache and cough could be signs of typhoid or it could also be Covid19. If you demand to know what the headache and cough means, the doctor will not tell you unless he examines you thoroughly.
      He will check for other symptoms first before telling you This applies to positive things too. The most dangerous thing is to read the hand by checking 1-2 signs. This is what gives palmistry a bad name.


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