
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Kim Jong-il's hand reading

Kim Jong-il
It is widely believed that North Korea’s leader, Kim, Jong-il, had an eccentric character, to the point of being unstable. Well, his hand shows a coarse nature. The short hand with short, thick and slightly bent fingers, developed third phalanges, heavy mounts particularly those of Venus and Moon and Mars, the stiffness of the hand, the dark pink palmar colouring and the thick thumb all tell a story. A story of a personality governed by brute force, a person who could hold
extremist views. He is a person who does not like to do anything by halves and would ensure that his will is done. One cannot help but wonder how such people manage to get power because these traits are common with dictators who often rule a country for years together! 

This is what the BBC has said about him:

…analysts are undecided whether his eccentricities mask the cunning mind of a master manipulator or betray an irrational madman.

Kim, Jong-il's hand does show cunning and also there is a craving for fame. But Kim’s irrationality is not due to his inability to think. You can check out a hand photo of his here.

His mind is not an unintelligent mind. But any hand which reveals despotism and greed also needs self-control to contain it. 

Kim's lines are dark and clear and the headline is bow-shaped, while the heartline is shorter and straighter. The head and lifelines are joined considerably, and the palm is fleshy and long, and the fingers short and thick. The thumb is of average length with a strong first phalange, and the second phalange is thick. The mounts of Jupiter, Mars and Moon are highly developed, excessively so.

His hand shows above-average intelligence, but control is not shown. In fact, a short temper and a high level of aggression are a part and parcel of his personality – a kind of brute force. In fact, when his emotions were aroused (which is almost always as he was a volatile personality) he could become unreasonable and stubborn. This is what he ruled by, not true leadership ability. A person who lacks self-control and is crude and brutish, will not be able to garner love and affection from his followers.

Status symbols, comfort and luxury are what he loved. His hand also reveals a fairly simplistic nature. He was not a complex person; he was the kind of person who thought in black and white.

He wasn't a stupid man, in fact, he was shrewd, but he was unable to channel this into making good use of his mind.

What makes his persona more dangerous is idealism. He was not a pragmatic person and he had some ideas which he wanted to implement, no matter what the cost to others. 

Kim was eloquent as well and had the ability to manipulate people's emotions and beliefs and get across his message to the people. But brute force and ideals are a bad combination and in some ways, it reminds one of Adolf Hitler’s personality.

People like these always make a song and dance about their beliefs and ideals, but they don’t really care how they go about achieving them, which are mostly selfish in nature, for self-aggrandizement.

You might also like to read about how Adolf Hitler's hand reading shows him to be a poor specimen of humanity  or Idi Amin's hand reveals his lack of reasoning powers

Or find out about the inner workings of the minds of Dictators like Mao Zedong of China, Donald Trump of America, Vladimir Putin of Russia, or Saddam Hussein or Iraq or check out the personalities of Heads of State from all over the world.

Note: Kim Jong-il heads North Korea and is referred to as the "Supreme Leader."

(The sketch of Kim Jong-il has been made by me on Photoshop)


  1. When emotions are aroused, all of us become unreasonable and stubborn! I guess the thing here is, how many of us are able to control our emotions... Don't know much about this person, so can't comment.

    Destination Infinity

  2. I think it depends how strong the emotions are. Some people feel less strongly, and it is easier for them to control.

  3. Hi i enjoy reading your blog a lot!you actually made me stare at my palms for quite some time haha
    my heart line is not continuous its more like many small lines criss crossing each other..y so? and does the lenght of the line mean people say if u have a long fate line, it means you will be very successful

  4. Anonymous, I am happy that you enjoy reading the blog and I think it's great if it made you look carefully at your lines. However, I think it's best not to try and analyse the hand yourself, as recognizing lines for they are is not possible unless you are a palmist. In fact even palmists should avoid looking at their own hands, as one tends to become biased!
    And no, a long fate line does not necessarily mean success. People without fate lines can be very successful. And while the length of any line matters, what is more important is where it starts, where it ends, the quality of the line, the signs on it, and whether it is actually the line or whether it is a chance line.


Your polite comments are welcome! And those who use the name "Anonymous" may not get their comments published because it becomes difficult to distinguish between different commentators. You don't have to use your real name but do use some name! Thanks.