
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Beyoncé Knowles - hand reading

Beyonce’s hand looks beautiful from an aesthetic point of view. However, a beautiful hand does not necessarily translate into a great personality. The positive aspects of Beyonce’s hand are that she has fine lines, a good palmar texture and mounts which are not heavily developed. What this shows is that she is a refined, dignified, sensitive, diplomatic and sophisticated person who is
calm, and in control of herself. 
Beyonce Knowles smiling

This cultured part of her persona goes deep, influencing everything she does. Anything she deems crass or vulgar will be avoided. Also, unpleasantness and confrontation will be avoided. This does not mean that she lacks passion and feeling. On the contrary, she feels deeply and is very passionate.

Check out Beyonce's hand photo here. (The photo on the right is a free photo.)

Beyonce’s hand has a long palm and long tapering fingers with long second phalanges. The mounts of Jupiter and Moon are more prominent but overall, the mounts are not highly developed. The thumb is long, a little high-set with a good balance of the first and second phalanges and the second phalange is slim. The head and heart lines are both curved and the heartline seems a little darker. There is a slight gap between the head and lifelines.

Her hand shows sensitivity and idealism. She can in fact become so idealistic and romantic that she can land up living in a world of her own. She is not very people-oriented either and all this can make her have some unrealistic ideas which are difficult to execute. 

Beyonce sets high standards for herself and for others. Honour and high-mindedness are very much in her dictionary but she has to be careful not to become hypocritical. Her hands show that she has a 
a slightly selfish perspective which does not usually take the overall view into account. 

A study of both her right and left hands (the right hand shows her current state of mind as she writes with her right hand and the left shows her dormant or inherited qualities) shows that she has inherited her idealism.

There is a distinct difference between Beyonce’s left and right hands. This means that she changed. And as a result, changed her life and her destiny. Her talent and imagination have been enhanced significantly and developed through her own efforts. She has become more imaginative and creative even if less practical. Both hands show intelligence and focus, determination and a strong desire to excel. In fact, this quality of hers, the desire for perfection, and an energetic, concentrated approach to her goals is so deeply ingrained in her that this is what must have led her to work so hard and develop her talent.

She likes to plan her future moves, at times in fine detail. She does have a penchant for going into the details in any case, of anything. She is clever and although not exactly warm or friendly, can be adroit and clever in handling people. She is diplomatic and likes to avoid unpleasantness and hates confrontation. She is a private and sensitive person. 

(Beyoncé Knowles is an American recording artist, actress and fashion designer.) 

Related Reading: Michael Jackson's hands reveal his strengths and weaknesses or The hand analysis of music star Maddona or Kurt Cobain of Nirvana - hand readingRihanna's hand reading or check out Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears

Or check out the label "Music Stars" or the other labels below this post.

(The sketch of Beyonce has been done by me on Photoshop)


  1. Its a situation where she is idealistic, goes with all her passion to achieve her dreams in spite of knowing that its impossible. Sometimes, I like such combinations :)

    Destination Infinity

  2. Yeah, I know what you mean. Overall, I think she is an admirable person.

  3. hi there, is it possible if you could read jennifer hudson's hand?

  4. Sure, if her hand photos are available. will check.

  5. thanks, great job btw!

  6. it is she is always waving her hand lol


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