
Friday, January 14, 2011

Kurt Cobain of Nirvana - hand reading

Kurt Cobain of NirvanaKurt Cobain’s hands point to a personality that was bitter and melancholy. I hesitate to use the word “suicidal” because not all people who think negative thoughts commit suicide. There is some controversy as to whether Kurt Cobain committed suicide or was murdered, and a study of his hand can offer us some clues.

The shape of his palm is large and square, his thumb tending to be low-set and long, his finger phalanges slim or waisted, and he has a fairly balanced headline, from what is visible of it. All these are excellent signs on any hand, and tell us of a person with an inclusive, broad perspective on life, very generous and compassionate, giving, and with above-average will-power and self-control. Certainly not the signs that are found on the hand of a suicidal person.
The tips of his fingers are square and spatulate and the first phalanges are long. The second phalanges of his fingers are average. The Saturn (middle) finger is bent as is his Jupiter (index) finger. The Apollo (ring) finger is dominant, as it is on the hands of many famous people. The Upper Moon and Lower Moon mount on his hand bulges out and the Jupiter mount is developed as well. 
Cobain's creativity and talent are boundless, and of an elevated nature. Money by itself is not that important to him but fame and name, yes, that was important. 

You can check out a photograph of his hand here or here and the left hand here. 

However, his hand also shows critical, negative thinking and extreme cynicism. This was inherited, but enhanced in his current personality. The passive hand shows the inherited characteristics and the active hand, which can be right or left, shows the current one. Combined with a morbid imagination, it paints a grim picture of his personality. He had control alright, and this means that if he committed suicide, it was a deliberate, well thought out act
It wasn't as if he wasn't prone to depression. It was just as that he would think too much.
He wouldn't be easy to live with and had a habit of tearing everything to pieces. He was probably dissatisfied with his fame as well! It wasn't enough and he was cynical about it. 
The general moroseness of personality tends to give rise to a desire for solitariness and a general shying away from society. The hand also shows a person who nurses wounds, possibly even basking in the state of solitariness and sadness and maybe there is sense of martydom of some type. There could be some self-esteem issues. Such people find it difficult to get along with others, even superficially. It's a vicious cycle really, because it makes them withdraw into themselves further. He was not the type for keeping loved ones around him. He never would make it easy for anyone to give him the support he needed. The negativity of his personality can, in fact, be infectious.
Cobain's hand shows low mental resistance and inconsistency of personality. This vulnerability adds to the other traits, creating a personality which could easily sink into “suicidal” and “depressive,” but actually he wasn’t like that. He always knew what he was doing, he was intelligent and had the clarity of mind and the willpower, to bring himself back from the brink. But he didn't want to. That was the crux of it. 

(Cobain is a music artist, known as Nirvana. The photo used is from the Wiki: (Julie Kramer / CC BY-SA [])

Related Personality readings: Music star MaddonaMichael Jackson; Lindsay Lohan; and also Amy Winehouse, a singer/songwriter who committed suicide
Or you can check out the character readings of other Music Stars


  1. very interesting...thank you

  2. thank you for this enlightening post.
    does his hand show anything about his musical creativity?

  3. Anonymous, welcome. :)

    Meghna, Ofcourse it does. He has genius level talent. I've mentioned it, although not in the exact words.

  4. First time I am reading this name! I guess people who are in creative pursuits are quite different from the worldly group!

    Destination Infinity

  5. DI, Cobain made a very different type of music, and he is unique in that sense. Not everyone enjoys that type of energetic music, that is so much Cobain's forte.

  6. wow. thank you for this reading.

  7. hi thanx for including him.he played guitar with his left would it be accurate to rely only on right hand.about his music there are no words.we don't see this type of music this days.

    1. Huge Nirvana fan here. I couldn't agree more. Rock music is dead. All that most people have listened to in the last 15-20 years is pop and EDM. I am so glad I was a teenager in the 90's.

      Kurt only played guitar lefty but did everything else with his right hand. So...

  8. what does that bending of top phalange of saturn finger towards ring finger denote?

  9. Nikhil, I agree with you about K Cobain. He is brilliant, and no one can compare with him! About the hand reading, there is ample evidence to show that Kurt Cobain was right handed, just as Sachin Tendulkar (although he bats right handed)is left handed. It is the hand you write with that counts. I never analyse a hand unless I see a photo of the person writing. That is in fact one of the reasons why I have not analysed many hands suggested to me by readers, because I do not have a picture of them writing.
    About the bending you mentioned I hesitate to write it here because no one sign can be taken into account before making a judgment. If I write that then people will come to the conclusion that that sign means such and such a thing. Far from it. It is a combination of signs that comfirms a particular quality. Also when it comes to any characteristic one can possess it from a scale of 1-10 in intensity and therefore this too has to be judged.

  10. The two things that jump out in this picture of his hand are his bent Saturn finger, pointing towards both creativity and depression. This same feature also showing the terrible digestive problems that he suffered from, which he listed as one of the reasons he used so much heroin, and when nothing helped he wanted to die. Also, the waisted lower phalanges of the fingers, showing an erosion of the personality, suggesting a lack of nurturing in childhood, are disturbing. But his eyes are the strangest!
    Thanx- Erin

  11. Awesome! He has a similar hand to mine. What finger is Jupiter and Saturn?

  12. Jupiter is the first finger, the index finger. Saturn is the middle finger.


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