
Saturday, February 27, 2010

What P. Chidambaram's hands tell us about him

P Chidambaran
Chidambaram’s hand should be very good, considering that he is a top-level government minister and presently holds the Home Portfolio. His hand is certainly that of a successful man, but there are certain negative aspects of his character which are clearly evident from his hand.

Let us first see the positive traits as revealed by his hand. His headline, shape of the hand and quadrangle show above-average intelligence, an intelligence of the kind which shows

a practical attitude and plenty of common sense. He is able to take a broad perspective on issues and will make a good foreign minister if he ever gets that portfolio.

Check out some hand photos of P Chidambaram here.

Effective leader
Chidambaram has a long thumb with a long first phalange which has a conic tip. The mounts on his hand which are developed are Mars, Moon and also the mount of Apollo (below the ring finger). His fingers are on the shorter side. The third phalanges of his fingers are a little thick. His hand seems flexible and the little (pinky) finger is bent. His heart and head lines are more or less straight and balanced in length with each other. He has a strong Apollo (ring) finger. 

These hand features show an aggressive and pushy person who is impatient to get things done, takes quick decisions and likes to see them executed. He has the ability to grasp problems quickly and has an analytical mind but at the same time does not like to waste time going into the details. When people come to him, he likes them to get to the point and likes problem solvers, not problem creators. He is interested in results. He has a strong work ethic.  
He is liable to be influenced and is at times impulsive. Yes, at times his decisions are hasty but his intention is to make a difference. His action-oriented nature is one of the best traits of his personality.

He can get along with people, reach out to them and network well. Good qualities for a politician to possess.

P Chidambaram photo
Chidambaram’s hand differs a great deal from that of his predecessor Shivraj Patil, who held the Home portfolio during Mumbai’s terror attacks. After seeing Patil’s hand one can understand why he was ineffective as a Home Minister. Patil's hand is that of a person who sees things from his own narrow perspective and he is consumed with how his decisions affect him rather than the country. He finds it difficult to see things in the long term and not surprisingly, selfishness is a strong trait with him. Oddly enough, Shivraj Patil’s hand shows that he is more intelligent than Chidambaram, but his intelligence is not that of a practical kind. He tends to live in his own subjective world.

Negative traits
There are some aspects of Chidambaram’s character (as shown by his hand) which are very disappointing. His hand shows a strong desire for wealth and fame, and these are more important to him than power. This is a rather dodgy ambition for a politician to have, and unusual too, as most politicians want power above all else. 

Chidambaram's hands show that he is a very shrewd person, to the point of being cunning perhaps. A person who is so smart that even if he does something he shouldn’t be doing, he is unlikely to be found out. His hand reveals that he is not entirely straightforward. He likes the good life and yes, there is some money-mindedness as well.

And unfortunately, the desire for wealth will always be a temptation to do something which is not above board, especially when one takes into account his other personality characteristics. 

Other qualities
Sure, Chidambaram has positive qualities like common sense, focus and pragmatism and these qualities should keep him in balance.

He would have been brilliantly successful as a lawyer (he started out as one and this change of career is also evident in his hand) as his hand shows not just a strong and vigorous reasoning ability and a calculative mind, but the argumentativeness of the lawyer kind! He has the ability to enable him to succeed as a politician as well, of course. Overall, he is capable, pragmatic and shrewd and likely to be successful in whichever career he would have chosen.

Temperamentally, he is more suited to the profession of Law, however. This is because successful lawyers like money and people find this trait quite normal among lawyers. We may condemn a doctor or a politician for liking money, or wanting to make it, but we respect this trait in a lawyer. Or at best, we accept it.

Read about the personalities of other Congress politicians like Shashi Tharoor and MJ Akbar or BJP's Nirmala Sitharaman.

Or read about the personalities in the Gandhi family like Indira Gandhi, Jawaharlal NehruRahul GandhiPriyanka GandhiRajiv Gandhi and more!

Find out more about Heads of State like Dr Manmohan Singh and Pranab Mukherjee, APJ Kalam, or Politicians, from all over the world.

Photo credit:World Economic Forum, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons and the second one is from his website.


  1. we see both the positive and negative of him right in front of us :)

  2. Vishesh, thanks for your comment. Whenever we see a public persona we tend to either believe the positive and the negative, depending on our own biases. No person is completely positive or negative although there are some who have more positive traits rather than negative. Also what people see as negative traits may differ too!

  3. I am from Delhi and How to meet Personally.

    My email Id is

    I am awaiting for your replu

  4. Thank you bindesh for your email. As of now I do not meet clients in person as I do not have an office and do not like to disturb other family members. The only hands I read at home are those of relatives or someone known to the family. My work is entirely on the web although one of these days I do plan to open up an office space.
    Also, there is nothing better than reading a hand from actual prints or good quality photos. This enables one to examine the lines minutely. Usually I take hours to check out one hand, and go back to it several times, and this becomes impossible in a personal reading. So from the point of view of accuracy I prefer the print/web method.


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