
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Roger Federer and Mirka - compatibility analysis from the shape of their hands

Roger Federer playing tennisRoger Federer and his wife Mirka (Miroslava Vavrinec) are great together. Both are analytical, thoughtful people. From
the analysis of their hands, it is clear why they were attracted to each other in the first place, and why they are still together. Their hands show that they are mentally and temperamentally compatible even though their relationship may not be a smooth one. No relationship is. The problems they could face are explained later on in the post.
The most important aspect of any relationship is getting along, and being good friends. For this, the couple needs to be on the same mental level and this is where Roger Federer and Mirka score. They both have long first phalanges for example and a similarity in the shape of their hands.

Check out the hand photos of Roger's here and here, and Mirka's here and here.

Roger Federer has a broad palm, medium-length fingers, a medium set, tapering thumb of average length, with a strong first phalange but it is not too long. The other fingers also have long first phalanges, but average second phalanges. The mounts which are prominent are the mounts of Moon, Venus and Lower Mars. His lines are not quite straight and long. Mirka has a similar shape of the hand, but it is more flexible and has longer second phalanges. The mounts that are developed on her hand are different. Her Venus is not that developed but her Moon mount is, particularly the Lower Moon mount and her Mars mounts are developed as well, although not so much Lower Mars. Her lines are stronger and straightish, similar to his actually. Roger's thumb is more conic-tipped than hers and he appears to have a very slightly bent Saturn (middle) finger. The top phalange of his Jupiter (index) finger is also a little bent.

Roger is consumed with his game and his work, but managing money or getting involved in the mundane organisational details of life are not that important to him in the sense that he would not like to spend time on these things. Mirka is more the manager type. Managing money would be important for Mirka and in this sense, they are very well-matched. She is more the doer of the practical things in life and has the executive ability to go ahead and do them. This way Roger does not have to bother with these things because she is taking care of it. 

Roger's hand also shows that he is more impressionable and a little idealistic as well. He could be a bit of a theorist, but his wife, Mirka, has her feet solidly on the ground.

Roger is a wilful character and can be quite aggressive, which is a great quality in competitive sports though not so great in one's personal life. But Mirka is no pushover. She too is wilful and strong, but luckily not as aggressive. She is the one with quiet strength and the kind who would stand her ground. A weaker and less confident person could have been overwhelmed by Roger. Besides, Mirka has more resistance and mental strength (as in difficult times she would be the stronger one) as compared to Roger and this means that she would be a source of support to him. He is more vulnerable.

Any friction?
Like in all relationships, this couple too has their conflicts. These would arise because (from Roger's point of view) Mirka is not very easy to persuade and could possibly possess a temper. Although her head is firmly on her shoulders, he may not always see it that way. Both are articulate and could argue a great deal which is a good thing as they would talk to each other. At heart both of them are not very complex people, especially not Roger. Mirka may not be overly aggressive but handling Roger would not be easy as he is a sensitive person who could withdraw into himself. He can be quite moody.

She is moody too although less sensitive, less idealistic and less impressionable. She does have a tendency to be more suspicious. He tends to be more solitary, more cynical, more negative, and worse, can get depressed which makes him more vulnerable than her.

In overall personality balance, Mirka wins. She is a strong woman who can hold her own. She does not get easily discouraged, sees the positive in life more easily, and is not as hard on herself as Roger is. She is also more flexible and is willing to change and adapt. She is straightforward and direct. Roger may not be overly dominating, but he can be controlling and aggressive.

In terms of sexuality, Roger has a higher sex drive and can be quite warm and passionate and he is more people-oriented than her.

These two are very lucky to have found each other. Not only are they on the same wavelength, but they also seem to be able to compensate for each other's flaws and would work well as a team. At one level they are similar - both thoughtful, imaginative people who are disciplined, controlled and focused. They are likely to be able to understand each other.

(This compatibility analysis is at the request of a reader)

(The photo published on this post is a free photo from Pixabay which has been altered by me)

Read Roger Federer's hand analysis and also that of other tennis players like Rafael Nadal, Maria Sharapovaand Venus and Serena Williams. There is also a post about why Novak Djokovic is less popular than Federer and Nadal.

There are other compatibility (by the hand) posts on this blog and you can find out how Tiger Woods's hands reveal why he was unfaithful to his wife or Why Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston did not get along or what the hands of Shoaib Malik and Sania Mirza tell us about their relationship.

Or check out the hand analysis of other Sports Stars from the field of Cricket and Football.


  1. nice :) She looks pretty as well :)

  2. Nita it seems that they are two different people,I don`t mean by analise their hands, it`s about how do they look like.even weight category?

  3. Vishesh, I too think she is very pretty and has a kind face too. Roger doesn't have a kind face. Something tells me he can be quite nasty. I saw it in his hand, but did not write it as I was not very sure.

    Arin, It is not surprising that they are different in the weight category. By nature Roger is more disciplined and controlled. She is not as much. Her lowest Mount of Jupiter is thicker than Roger's, her thumb is shorter, more high set, her will phalange shorter, and her mounts more developed. Roger is controlled enough to be like a machine almost! In this respect they are different.

  4. I just came across this.While I've never given much thought to palmistry this sounds interesting.
    I'm a huge Federer fan and have followed him since the beginning of his career.He's absolutely adorable.So sweet,so talented-and cries like a baby even when he wins.;).Watching him play is well worth one's time and money.Always comes across as incredibly nice.Has to be one of the most revered personalities in tennis.
    I can't say much about Mirka since I only see he on television and while she was a pro her carrer ended much earlier than she would've liked so I haven't really followed her as such.But this is certainly interesting .

  5. Anonymous, thanks for commenting. Always nice to intrigue roger fans.

  6. can u plz plz read the hands of SELENA GOMEZ N MILEY CYRUS.I also deeply rqst u to read megan fox's hands too just curious about the relations of her will,logic with her her clubbed thumbs .i too have clubbed thumbs which are def not inherited(not at all).i always read ur post and highly appreciate ur work.amazing work there

  7. sn, I shall certainly try to locate the photos of these two people. If I find them sufficient I will read their hands.


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