
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Steve Jobs' hands speak to us about his inner self and his success

Businesspeople succeed for different reasons. Steve Jobs's hands remind us of exactly this. In Jobs’ case, his creativity and business sense were the major factors that catapulted him into the position which he reached. 

One of the first things that one notices from the overall shape of his hand is that he was

a deep and creative thinker. For this post, his left hand was studied (although the right passive hand was taken into account to check how he changed) as Steve Jobs was left-handed. 

He had a long palm with fingers that were long and slim, particularly his Mercury (pinky) and Apollo (ring) finger. The second phalanges of his Apollo and Saturn (middle) fingers were long, quite long, and these fingers also had square tips. The first phalanges of his fingers are good too, although not as prominent as the second, with the exception of the Mercury finger which has a long first phalange. The Jupiter finger had a conic tip and was slightly short (only on his right passive hand). The mounts on his palm seem more developed on his right, passive hand and the thumb is higher set. Overall, he has a long thumb held close to his palm but it is flexible. While the third phalanges of his fingers were not thick, the Saturn third phalange is long as is the Jupiter finger's third phalange. The Lower Moon mount is developed.

His palm had fine, long lines with a straight, sloping headline.

Jobs's hand (his left hand was read as he was a leftie) tells us that he had superior analytical as well as marketing ability and had a penchant for getting into the details. He had a curious inquiring mind, a mind usually in an investigative mode. He was mentally organised with a practical mindset. Discipline and control over his mind and body is also shown on his hand.

Check out Steve's left hand hand photo here.
Steve Jobs graphic

Restless and critical
His hand also shows a restless nature, a disposition always seeking something better, to the extent of being dissatisfied with the present state of affairs. He also had a critical and slightly suspicious bent of mind. Jobs also had a tendency to become serious to the point of becoming depressed and could easily see the negative side, although he was not a pessimist.

His hand shows that he was not obsessed with success of the material kind. It tells us of an idealist who seeks something high-minded. Simply amassing money through a business career would be quite repugnant to him. Building a huge empire would not be on his agenda. One could call him a visionary if one wishes, but what he was certainly not was a hardcore businessman although he had amazing business ability. However, he was not driven by money but perhaps, he was driven by success. Or maybe he was the type who wanted to be known for something meaningful.

Inner tension
He was very likely born with issues with self-esteem but this is not seen in his current hand. This means that he had a very positive upbringing as he became a proud and confident human being, a person who wanted not just to create, but also dominate and do things. He was also born with a selfish mindset but this too changed. However, inherited qualities often linger on in the teens and early twenties. He was possibly changeable, self-centred and critical during this time. But this is not who he is or rather, was, as an adult in his thirties and beyond.

If one has to pick one quality of his that enabled him to be tremendously successful in the business world, then it would be his intelligence and creativity and secondly, his business sense. His hand, however, does not reveal a very high understanding of money, like the kind that the hands of Bill Gates and Ratan Tata's show. One of the reasons for this could be that money-making is not on his mind most of the time.

He does have an excellent risk-taking ability, however, and all brilliant business people have this.

Interestingly, when it comes to executive ability, Jobs' hands show that it is not great. 

Other qualities
He has good powers of expression, sees things from a broad perspective, and is a refined and sensitive man who does not hold extreme views.

He is not easily approachable and tends to hold his cards close to his chest. He can be quite secretive.

(Note: Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs was the co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Jobs previously served as CEO of Pixar Animation Studios and was also a member of the Walt Disney Company's Board of Directors.)

(This post was edited in December 2022)

Related Reading: Who is Elon Musk really? Also, check out Warren Buffet's hand reading or Julian Assange's hands reveal that he is not a predator! or Hand Analysis of Bill Gates.

Hand readings of Indian businesspeople:  Ratan Tata's hand analysis 
or Vijay Mallya's hand analysis  or  Laxmi Mittal's Hand Reading or Indra Nooyi's hand analysis

(The graphic of Steve Jobs is a copyright-free photo)


  1. Nita, my daughter swears by Apple and does not use Microsoft. I've always thought of Steve Jobs and the Apple group as perfectionists and extremely creative folks since they lead the way for others to follow, including Microsoft. It's interesting that you mention creativity as part of his profile - I believe it shapes his overall personality and touches everything that he does. Nice post - keep them coming!

  2. Thanks Padmini. Steve Jobs is indeed quite an interesting character, specially as he does not have the hand of a typical businessman. He truly believes in creating the best. All the best to him!

  3. again, I wonder why he quit college :)

  4. Vishesh, hmm, he did that did he. Well, I guess he was too restless a person! Far too intelligent for a classroom, haha!


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