
Friday, March 26, 2010

Mahatma Gandhi's hands tell us that he was a true spiritual leader

Mahatma Gandhi portrait

Mahatma Gandhi Painting at Gandhidham (copyrighted to me).

Expectedly, the overall shape of Mahatma Gandhi’s hand and fingers reveals his breadth of vision and altruism. People with such dispositions are never narrow-minded. They are unselfish, so much so that they tend not to think of their own problems, and tend to dwell on those of the world and of society. It is known that Mahatma Gandhi neglected his domestic life for the sake of India and the explanation for this lies in his hand. 

Besides, the broad shape, Gandhi's hand is also large. The Mercury (little) finger is long while the Jupiter (index) finger is short. The tips of the fingers are mostly conic. The thumb is long and low-set. The knots on the back of his fingers are developed – both first and second knots. Although the first phalanges of his fingers are not exceptionally long, they are of good length and the second phalanges are long.

The head and heart lines are not particularly long, but they are more than medium length and they are connected. A line is rising from the headline to join the heartline, on his right hand. The headline starts high, at the base of the Jupiter mount, which is well developed. The Moon mount is also high, as are the Mars mounts, Lower and Upper.

It has been reported that Mahatma Gandhi was left-handed, but there is no pictorial confirmation of this. All photos of him show him writing with his right hand. It is possible that he was ambidextrous, but there is no proof of this either. It is surprising that mainstream media have propagated the view that he was left-handed, without any proof.

Humility is written large on his hand, maybe even a lack of self-esteem. But that is not why Gandhi was a humble man although he was not a simple man. He was in fact, quite a complex personality, but what matters is that he was living a life outside of himself. The Self mattered less. His inner timidity also enhanced his humble nature.

Check out a photograph of his hand here and here and here.

Mahatma Gandhi likely had an issue with self-esteem. Two other well-known aspects of his character are clearly etched on his hand. He may not have been an intellectual, but he was intelligent, quite aggressive and a strong man, a fighter, however peaceful he appeared on the outside. His hand shows ambition but as his basic nature was altruistic, and thus the ambition must have been on these lines.

However, he was controlling, and there were times when he let his emotions get the better of him. He liked to have his way and could be stubborn. Seeing another point of view was not easy for him, not once his own mind was made up. It is likely that his idealism, impressionability and compassion must have made him receptive to people who were suffering and in need. This would soften his stubbornness to some extent. His hand shows that his stubbornness decreased as he grew older.

Despite the diffidence of personality, Gandhi was mentally strong, had a quiet, undeniable pushiness, and could resist any obstacle without losing his cool. He could dig his heels in. And mostly, it was his head that ruled his heart. There was a deep desire to help others and he was open, flexible and also impulsive and generous. There is some complexity in the personality because despite being of a very cool and calm disposition outwardly, there were times when he did things because he wanted to and because he was sure he was right. He would follow his emotions.

Besides, despite his diffidence, he had a way with people and an understanding of how to lead them. He could lead without seeming to. 

No doubt that he was a genuine spiritual leader. His lack of personal ambition, mental strength, presence of strong idealism and deep compassion for human beings is the reason. Yes, he had his personality weaknesses, he was not a saint...but finally one evaluates people on the actions they take, not what they are like inside. As I had written in this post – Can Palmistry predict behavior – the hand shows personality traits, but cannot actually predict behaviour. This is because a person can control his weaknesses and exhibit his or her best potential, thus acting in ways that can surprise people.

Personally, Mahatma Gandi would have been a little difficult to get along with, but he was an intelligent man and this would have helped.

The lack of good photographs of his hands means that it is difficult to write anything more. It is known that Mahatma Gandhi believed in non-violence (Ahimsa) and I am sure this is evident on his hand somewhere, but without a better hand photo, it is not possible to say.

Check out the hand analysis of Mother Teresa or a comparison of the modern spiritual leaders with the ancient or older ones as well as a comparison of the Shirdi Sai Baba with Sathya Sai Baba or the difference between Anna Hazare and Mahatma Gandhi.

Or check out the hand reading of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan 

Read about other Spiritual Leaders, like Ayatullah Khomeini of Iran, or Martin Luther King Jr. or others from different countries.

(This reading was done at the request of a reader and the photograph reproduced here has been taken by me at Gandhidham of a painting of MG)


  1. Nice post Nita. Coincidentally, I am reading a book on Swami Vivekananda who shares many traits with Gandhi. They shared the same characteristics - both 'sacrificed' their personal lives for the greater good of the Indian people.Both were spiritual leaders, kind, compassionate and idealistic. Hope you do a future post on Vivekananda - it will be great to see if their hand readings have some common traits.

  2. Thanks Padmini. It's always interesting to know how well the hands of public figures match what is already known about them! At times one finds out that they are not genuine. In MG's case ofcourse there is no doubt that he is genuine, but even then it was good to know that his hand matched his known traits. About Vivekananda, I would love to see a photograph of his hands and I have done a search but not a single photo of his full hand! A real pity.

  3. Hello Nita,

    It's a pity that you were not able to present the photo of Mahatma Gandhi's hands.

    But coincidently, two week ago I created a short tribute to the hands of Gandhi - including a few pictures of his hands!!

    You can find my tribute at:

    (And feel free to add some of those pictures to your story - for the one picture in your story hardly illustrates your analysis)

    Greetings from The Netherlands,

    Martijn van Mensvoort

    PS. Maybe you are interested to join the 'Global Palm Reader Network'? - You can do that via facebook at: , or via my own website at: . Please, feel free to contact me if you're interested in those projects.

  4. Martijn, I read MG's hands from the very photos you posted on your blog, but from another site. However I cannot post them here as I am a little wary of not owning the copyright. I usually use picapp free photos or tiny photos from the person's website.

  5. I am a devotee of the late famous sivananda of rishikesh . Could you check his hand and let me know your readings. He was one another considered by many to be truly genuine swami of his times.

  6. hps, if I find good photos of sivananda of rishikesh I shall surely do the hand analysis. If you have any photos, you can send them to me.

  7. hello Nita, seeing that you read Gandhi's hands, would you please read the hands of the late Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi? she was a twice Nobel Peace Prize nominee and founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. When she was a young girl, Mahatma Gandhi recognized her deep and special qualities, and she often stayed in his ashram.

  8. Thanks for the links which you sent. Will take a look at them and see if I can use some of the photos. I have Nirmala Devi on my list but so far have been unable to find suitable photos. I hope the ones you have referred me too can be of help. Thanks.

  9. dear Nita
    please kindly link the reading of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi here when its ready, i'm not sure how to navigate on your site, many many thanks :)

  10. Divya, you can either subscribe to my posts via email or like the page on facebook. This way you can keep track of the posts.
    I am not sure whether I can read Nirmala Devi's hands. I have not studied the photos but I am going to.


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