
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Vladimir Putin's hands give us a glimpse into his personality

Vladimir Putin Russian President
Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister of Russia who is now back as the President, and his personality is that of a man of action, and a quick thinker. His hands show a personality that is impatient, of a man who wants results, a man in a hurry. The only profession he is actually suited to is a managerial one, where he manages not just people, but events and changes. It is difficult to see this man's hand as a leader of people but that is what he is – Russia's leader! 

According to his hand, he was perhaps the right man to oversee the massive changes that Russia went through as he took over the reins as the President of Russia in 1999, mainly because of his ability to get things done. He is the kind who will want to push things through come what may.

There has been some criticism about his methods, with many believing that he is fascist, and there are fears that he might go back to some of the old ways. Once we interpret his hands we can find out if this criticism is justified.Vladimir Putin has a broad palm, short fingers, the typical "square" shape of the hand. His hand is thick, due to the highly developed mounts, particularly the mounts of Moon, Venus and Jupiter. Although his fingers are short, his Mercury (little) finger is long, relatively speaking and so is the Apollo (ring) finger. The Jupiter (index) and Mercury fingers are conic-tipped, along with the thumb. 

The thumb is not particularly long, and the second phalange is thick and that matches with the rest of the hand, with the lower part of it being quite thick. The top phalange of the thumb is also a little thick. His fingers overall are thick too. The heart and headlines though are well-balanced, and fine as compared to the thick, pink hand and are fairly long, although the headline is fainter at the end and goes deep into the Moon mount. The lines themselves are finely etched and the heartine is forked at the end. The quadrangle (the space between the heart and head lines) is a bit narrow. The hand seems stiff as well.
Check out a photo of his hand here and here.

These hand signs point to man who is a doer, a man with a good understanding of people, and of issues. He has warmth of personality as well and would be quite affectionate towards those he loves. However his hand also shows a coarseness in his nature and he would be someone who could roughshod over others. Diplomacy is definitely not in his nature and there is stubborn as well.

His hand shows that he has high ideals, and we can assume it these ideals have to do with a love for his country and its people. He is likely very patriotic, and certainly, his intention would be to see Russia become a leading nation. Although his hand does not show him to be evil or bad, it shows that he can be brutish if necessary. He is not the kind who would want to carry along his team. That is probably why he cannot be a true visionary or a true leader, but could have been if it weren't for some ingrained shortcomings.

Russian President Putin graphic

His cautiousness and conservatism, even narrow-mindedness, when it comes to his ideas is a great weakness. Even though he wants to get things done, he is too excitable and volatile a man to think things through and he is likely to see things in a narrow way, through rose-tinted glasses. He can in fact go into his own imaginary world. His hand also shows a great deal of conservatism and the inability to change, and yes, inflexibility. He is not an independent or revolutionary thinker.

He is basically down to earth, but as he also has the above qualities, this may not be of much help. He can't help himself. Besides, he lacks diplomacy and can be unreasonable and stubborn. But his ability to think is limited as he finds it difficult to see another point of view.

If there is something good about him as a leader, it is because he probably has the interest of his country at heart, and genuinely cares for his people and can be compassionate and helpful. Besides, he can be quite shrewd and clever. He has a sharp, adroit mind, and is articulate and intellectual as well, despite his bluntness and crude approach and behaviour.

He may not seem aggressive overtly but is actually very pushy and very tough mentally. 

Other qualities
His hand shows that he is not particularly a materialistic person but he does crave fame and name.

Restless he is, and also a bit of a loner. He has a very highly developed imagination however and this can lead him astray. 

Overall his hand tells us that he cannot be considered a world leader.

Related Reading: Volodymyr Zelensky or Heads of State from different parts of the world.

Check out the hand reading of another Russian: Maria Sharapova's hand reading Hand Analysis  or other Politicians from different parts of the world 

(Free photo by, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons). & the second photo credit: Image by Victoria Model from Pixabay 


  1. I do not know much about him, but whatever little I have seen of him and heard, makes me respect him.

  2. True, he has a good image in India. I too have respect for him, but somehow don't trust him entirely. However there was nothing shady as such in his hand.

  3. I find the most unusual thing about his hand is the extraordinary length of his Mercury finger. He is a talker- and his childish pride is dangerous. Love your site!

  4. He is the most corrupt politician and has jailed and killed critics. His level of corruption makes the Indian leaders look like Scandanevian politicians. Just google Black Sea palace video. Surprised none of this shows up on his hands. A modern Tsar with no regard for welfare of the common Russians is more apt.

    1. It cannot be said that that none of it shows up on his hands. I read his hands a long time ago, almost a dozen years back and it is possible that his hand has changed or I did a cursory job. But more likely, he doesn't think of himself as what you described. The hand is about self image. In certain countries and societies, certain type of behaviour is accepted. That is why a Putin or a Xi in India or America would be considered unacceptable. Violent behaviour or wife beating is also common in some societies and people who are like this are unlikely to think they are doing anything wrong. Even if there is a bit of guilt, or doubt, this shows up on the hand. I suggest you read this post:
      There is no behaviour which is universally accepted as correct even if we want it to be.

    2. Fair point, though inclined to think Putin is corrupt even by standards of an autocratic state. Might be interesting to do a hand reading of Stalin, and see whether his hands betray a mass murderer. Would be hard to make a point of societal acceptance for Stalin’s actions.

    3. Maybe corruption itself is not considered a sin in some countries. I think it was like that in India till some years ago. But I will relook at Putin's hand in any case sometime soon. I remember checking for Stalin's hand photos some years ago but didn't get enough. I need several photos so as to get a decent idea of the hand.

  5. Mam can a hand change over time . I a mean can there be new line after sometime which were never there before

    1. Yes of course. Sometimes lines can change within a month and the same line can disappear! For example, if one is expecting a life-changing event, and is almost sure of it, a new line can appear. If this event does not happen, the line can disappear. However, the keywords are "life-changing" and completely "unexpected" and "unforeseen". When lines change, the future changes.

  6. Re: Vladimir Putin of Russia - your words
    "Even though he wants to get things done, he is too excitable and volatile a man to think things through and he is likely to see things in a narrow way, through rose-tinted glasses."....
    I think a re-write is warranted, heh, heh. But then, what do I know...


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