
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Gordon Brown's hands tell us that he is a good man, but is he an effective leader?

As a human being, Gordon Brown does very well. His hands show him to be a sympathetic, generous and warm person. He likes people and can be a great friend and partner. Today he is the Prime Minister of Britain and one wonders whether he is an effective one. Whether he is a true leader. A look at the shape of his hands and fingers can give us a clue.
Brown certainly has leadership qualities. His thumb is long and supple, and his finger of Mercury (pinky finger) is long as well. The second phalanges of his fingers are long, except for that of the Jupiter (index) finger, which is also a little bent. The tips of his fingers are mostly rounded or square. The most developed mounts are that of Jupiter and Venus. The palm is broad, although not square and the fingers are on the shorter side. The lines on his palm are of medium length and more straight than curved.

The hands show a determined mind guided by the head, and of a stable mentality. Gordon Brown is a person who is eloquent and reasonable. It also tells us that these hands belong to a man who is honest and straightforward and is a straight talker to boot. Diplomacy is not a virtue with him though.

Check out a hand photograph of his here and here.

He has a warm and giving nature, and also a willingness to help and guide others. He can be generous, even if impulsive and being of a magnanimous nature, tends to attract people towards him. This is great for a politician, this love for people, and another politician whose hands I have read on this blog, Nicholas Sarkozy, has this too, although his personality is very different from Brown's. Unless you have an outward-looking persona, and are someone who likes people and cares for them, you cannot be a good politician. This makes networking easy and even easier for politicians to connect with voters as such people feel genuine compassion for others.

Not that strong a leader
He is an intelligent man with excellent analytical ability but he can get too critical. When it comes to action, Brown may falter. He does have a good command over people, some element of pushiness, a pragmatic mindset and he is a doer as well, but he can be reasonable to a fault. He can be pushed and is not a fighter. He is not keen on confrontation, and may not push through with his plans Perhaps that is why he tends to exercise his power by being controlling. These qualities cannot endear him to his team, and nor is it the best or the most effective method to get his way but a lot of politicians possess this quality, of being manipulative. His cautiousness before taking any firm actions can prevent him from being a doer, and make him more of a talker.

His own image matters to him, a little too much. There is some vanity present. In any case, he likes attention, fame and adulation. As most politicians do. 

Another drawback is that Brown prefers the tried and tested methods when it comes to doing things. He is not bold in his views either. This prevents him from being a leader of the future and a visionary. 

Brown in his personal life
As a person, he likes his comforts. He is active and likes to enjoy life. He is neat in his physical surroundings and careful about the way he appears. He would make a lively companion and be an excellent and loyal friend.

Overall Gordon Brown is a good-natured person and an honourable man, but his hand also has the stamp of ordinariness. There is nothing spectacular or notable about his hand.

Related Reading: David Cameron's hand reading and Boris Johnson's, or Rishi Sunak, who became the PM of Britain in 2022.
or check out The difference between Indira Gandhi and Margaret Thatcher 

Check out the hand readings of global Heads of State.

(Free photo from Unknown photographer, OGL 3, via Wikimedia Commons)

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