
Friday, December 24, 2010

Julian Assange's hands reveal that he is not a predator!

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks has said he is a gentleman, not a predator. I assume he means sexual predator, something he has been accused of. Does his hand corroborate his claim? Well, certain features of his hand like the underdeveloped Plain of Mars, the refined palmar skin, the slightly waisted thumb, the shape and length of his phalanges and sensitive tips do suggest that he is the gentleman he says he is. 

The other signs on his hand a developed mounts of Venus, Moon and Jupiter and also Upper Mars. The heartline is very slightly curved, not too much, and with a small fork at the end. The headline is more or less straight, slightly wavy and joined with the lifeline at the start. Even if it is long, it seems fainter at the end. Overall, the lines on his hand are very fine. The Apollo (ring) finger is dominant and the Jupiter finger is a little curved with a conic tip. The Saturn (middle) finger appears to have a spatulate tip.

Nothing on his hand suggests that he has either high passions or is crude or violent. If anything, there is some sensuality but without the predator-type of personality, it is unlikely that Assange will make unwanted advances to any woman. Also, his hand does not show that he is suicidal, although he could be prone to depression. However, this does not mean that the hand can predict behaviour. Some people are suicidal by nature, but even people who are not can kill themselves in certain circumstances.

Another question people ask about Julian Assange is: What are his motives for founding WikiLeaks? Does he really have altruistic motives as he claims? We are on sticky ground here. A person’s motives are usually quite complex, and so it is with Assange. Humans may have one or two major drivers that keep their personality humming along on a certain path, but other personality characteristics go a long way in making them comfortable with the choices made.

Julian Assange poster

Check his hand photo out here. The photo published above is a free photo.

Assange’s hand shows a desire for fame and attention, no doubt so this is certainly one of the reasons he did what he did. And his hand shows that he can be manipulative and very shrewd and clever. He has an understanding of people and situations and knows what to say at the right time to take advantage of it for his own gain. His hand does not show altruism as such but nor does it show that he is a bad guy. He is just a normal guy, certainly very intelligent.

He has a fairly broad perspective on life, and yes, there is a desire to help others. There is also a great sensitiveness of personality, and a desire not to hurt others, but this does not necessarily translate into altruism. Yes, his hand shows a streak of high-mindedness as well, and a desire to control others and convince them of his way of thinking. There is vanity present as well.

What this means is that while his motives may be noble, but he also loves the attention, maybe even if it is negative. It gives him a sense of power and power is important to him. To his credit, he is an independent thinker and in fact, a very original one. His mind is such that he could have done something else entirely to become famous and not gone to jail for it. He has the brains to do it, do something revolutionary, and do it in a completely legal way. 

He has a creative mind, but his imagination is likely to be excessive. He could in fact easily believe the worst of people. This would bolster his belief that his actions, however unsavoury, are right, and that the bad guys need to be exposed. His idealistic, and has an uncompromising disposition and would has the ability to stick to his point of view come what may. This is a kind of mental strength which will enable him to get through hard times better than anyone else. 

He is mentally agile, has a curious inquiring mind. He can be quite tactful when necessary, though not necessarily articulate. He is also something of a loner, restless and at times diffident, and has a tendency to be changeable and not always reliable. In fact, his hand shows that his views can change over time, even his deepest values. 

Related Reading: Check out the hand reading of another social activist with extreme views: Richard Stallman's psychological make-up
Or The Hand Analysis of Bill Gates or Warren Buffet's hand reading or Steve Jobs' hands tell us about his inner self 

Hand readings of Indian businesspeople:  Ratan Tata's hand analysis 


  1. Any Government should not say things (in official documents or otherwise) which cannot be shared with the people. After all, the Government was supposed to exist for the people!! Imagine, if in our office, we do certain things and inform our boss otherwise. Won't we get fired in no time? But when the Govt officials do it, and some one exposes them, how is it that there is no uproar from people? And that too in 'developed nations'? This goes to show the kind of double standards that democracy has been encouraging.

    Destination Infinity

  2. I guess I am enjoying the wikileaks too. :) I agree that politicians are taking the people for a ride, in the name of democracy. Makes me feel that true democracy does not exist.

  3. this is very interesting. the complaints the two women had on assange wasn't rape but something culpable to that i.e by not using a condom even when explicitly asked to do so. this seems to suggest a kind of arrogance and diffidence that you say he possesses.

  4. Anonymous, I think if he was accused of not using a condom it could mean that he did it because of the strong desire that he had, desire he could not control. His hand does not show arrogance, but it does show a person who has very strong physical desires. Even though he has will power, the will is a strange thing! It works only when one wants it too!

  5. Don't know much about this fellow personally but often people start with good motives and then they start liking the power a little too much! You have explained it beautifully!

  6. i would like to correct the anonymous here....he was accused for not stopping at a point when the condom by chance came out......
    on a different note i think these can be some charges which are being forced upon just make a case against him......

  7. Hey guys why not take a nickname so I can distinguish between two people who call themselves anonymous? It gets difficult for me to relate to the commentators with just the anonymous tag. What do you say? What are your reasons for not taking a nickaname? You don't have to give your real name.

    TN, thanks

  8. Thanks Nita for this interesting post. :)

  9. The problem with Julian's over inflamed sex drive is seen clearly in the distended, red, and protruding mount of Luna. You can see it in this picture on his right hand. Right is the male side and shows he has an issue with aggression, too.I love what he's done with Wikileaks but his downfall is through his sexuality. Thanks for the post. Erin


Your polite comments are welcome! And those who use the name "Anonymous" may not get their comments published because it becomes difficult to distinguish between different commentators. You don't have to use your real name but do use some name! Thanks.