
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rafael Nadal - Hand and Finger Analysis

All great sportsmen are strategists. Some are better than others, and Rafael Nadal’s hands show that he is one of the better ones, even better than Roger Federer. True, he does not plan as much, nor does he go that much into detail, but Nadal’s hands show unusual shrewdness. More importantly, he can think and act quickly. He is flexible, takes instant decisions, and that too almost intuitively.

Rafael or Rafa as he is popularly known, like many successful sportspeople, has an excellent shape to his hand – broad palm and long fingers but not excessively long. His pinky or little finger is relatively very long and a little bent. His other fingers are fairly straight and the Jupiter or index finger is conically tipped and leaning outwards. He had a very good Apollo (ring) finger, excellent Venus and Jupiter mounts and Upper Mars and the Mercury mount are also fairly developed. In addition, he has a long, low-set thumb and dark, curved lines with the head and life joint for quite a bit.

His hand shows that he is not just mentally dexterous, he can be amazingly skilful, crafty, active and nimble and these are the qualities of people with a good
Mercury mount and finger. Intense activity is the hallmark.

Check out his hand photograph here and here. The one on the right is a free photo from Pixabay.

Nadal is a cautious person, sensitive, idealistic and not always hard-headed and logical. He can be a little secretive.

Rafael Nadal is different from Roger Federer in the sense that he is inwardly calm and strong and this enables him to make the right decisions with a cool head, all the while keeping his cards close to his chest. This also makes him a dangerous opponent.

As he is quick, both mentally and physically, thinking on his feet, it is not difficult for him to outwit his opponent. However, Rafa is not as aggressive as some other tennis players, certainly not as aggressive as Federer, but he doesn’t really need to be. He has his own game plan, which is usually flexible and often spontaneous.

A very decent guy
This is not to say that Rafael Nadal isn’t a gentleman. He is a refined person, kind-hearted, and probably witty and charming. He has a philanthropic heart and a very generous one. The hand cannot actually show actions of a philanthropic kind because even those without philanthropy in their hearts can do these actions. The hand just shows the heart and Nadal has a free-spirited, liberal and generous nature.

Individualistic and strong
He is an individualist thinker, partly because he tends to think out of the box and does not follow the herd. Moreover, he does what he likes, and at times breaks the rules of society. But he does what he feels is right.

Strong will power and determination, persistence and stubbornness is shown on his hand, far above average. He isn't the type to give up easily.

What is it that drives him? 
It's certainly not money. He is too idealistic, at times quite righteous which is not contradicted by any other sign. He wants to always do the right thing, and can be critical and judgmental of those whose behaviour he doesn't approve of. He has high moral standards and could become quite self-critical. He has to be careful that he doesn't become a hypocrite because it's not easy to reach these standards.

He values excellence. Although he has good self-esteem, he genuinely feels that to be the best he needs to keep learning. He has his heroes and looks up to them. He will be critical of himself because he wants to improve. He is far-sighted and prudent in this regard.

As much as he enjoys the comforts of life, money itself is not something he wants intensely.

Other qualities
His fingers show that he is not consumed with neatness in his physical surroundings and may not always take care of his appearance. He is too engrossed in his daily tasks and finds these aspects of life cumbersome. He is likely to be a fun-loving guy, who likes beautiful things.

Overall Rafa Nadal is not the kind of person you can take lightly. He always has something up his sleeve. And more than anything, he is likely to be a gem of a person in real life.

Related Reading: Find out what makes Roger Federer tick by reading his hand analysis. If you like football stars, you can read about Cristiano Ronaldo, and if you like cricket stars here is the hand analysis of Sachin Tendulkar and Saurav Ganguly.

Or perhaps you want to know if your favourite sportsperson is represented on this blog. For that check out the hand readings of all sports people on this blog: Sports Stars.


  1. I am a Nadal fan :) He is naturally right handed and plays left still- something which I always like trying...some how have always felt that he is different..and this confirms it :)

  2. Yeah,this guy is unique and a bit of a mystery as well. I have never seen him play as I don't watch tennis but I have not even heard much about him from some tennis fans who I know well. At least about Federer there is so much that people say!

  3. very interesting. so who would you prefer personally, roger federer or nadal?

  4. I can give you an objective opinion as I do not care for tennis and have not watched these people play. As people, I prefer Federer! Anyday! Federer is a real sweetheart, all soft and sweet inside, and I love people like that! Also Federer is more straightforward and I like people like that!

  5. His head and heart lines starting together show that he is a cautious person. His not being aggressive tallies with this but not him being his own man.

  6. Well, the lines together do not contradict the independent thinking. Yes if the lines are close together for a longish time they could show being protected in early life (needs to be collaborated by beginning of fate line) and therefore dependent thinking, but this reading does not hold in adulthood. Yes, they do show cautiousness but my reading is not from this sign but from the way he holds his fingers. The photograph that I may use here may not always show it, because I tend to check at least 25 photographs before making the judgment.
    Thanks, it's always great discussing these palmistry points with you!

  7. what does mean by long index finger than ring in male ... plzz cearfy
    regards robert

  8. Anonymous,the principles of palmistry apply in the same way to males and females. About the long index finger (as compared to the ring finger) there has been scientific research and here I am giving you a link to just one:
    However these studies do not go into the complexity of the issue. Each finger stands for certain personality characterstics and by this I mean a group of characteristics. If fingers are of normal length then the personality is in balance. If not, there is a slight imbalance which may not always be a bad thing. A long ring finger gives the person more of the characteristics of the ring finger but these have to be read in conjuction with the Mount under the finger, whether the apex is centred or leaning, whether the finger is straight, bent, leaning or twisted, on what kind of hand these characteristics are found (intellectual or labourer or business type for eg) and whether other signs collaborate the signs that the long index finger (as compared to the ring finger) signifies. You see, palmistry is a very complex thing and to be accurate you can never provide simplistic answers, which unfortunately research tends to do.

  9. Hi Nita,

    Thanks for your excellent palmistry..but i do have a request, if you could please publish a palmistry/palm reading of novak djokovic.. i am quite fascinated by him.
    thanks in advance


    1. Why not? If sufficient hand photos are available, will do so.


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