
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Michael Jackson's hands reveal his strengths and weaknesses

It's difficult for me to separate the work of a person with his/her persona and I had become disenchanted with Michael Jackson after reading what he had been accused of. Being a hand reader I knew I could always search the net for Michael’s hand and find out if he was really all that people said he was, but I didn’t want to. I liked his music too much and was afraid of what I would find.

I did it though. Reading Michael's hand helped clarify and confirm what he was all about and it also gave a clue to his poor health and the danger to his life in the future. This was something he could have rectified had he realised it.

The hand reading of Michael Jackson
At first glance, Michael’s hand does not look completely balanced. This despite the fact that he has good evenly placed fingers with either square or rounded tips and long lines. But his thumb is not long (unusual for a successful person) although the will phalange is quite long. The lower mount of Moon is prominent. Although the lines on his hand look deep and well etched in the cast of his hand available on the net, in photos it is clear that the lines are not that deep. All his fingers are even in length, but the Jupiter (index) finger appears to be bent. And of course, there is the matter of the double headline, a sign not visible on his left, passive hand. There is a girdle of Venus on his hand.

All these features of the hand tell us something about Michael's personality. He was an emotionally sensitive, imaginative person. He was not a leader, but he was probably
controlling and manipulative. He liked to have his own way, being quite insistent if he wanted something, almost pig-headed. Overall, the mounts are developed, particularly those of Venus, Moon and Jupiter.

The double headline shows that he had two different personalities, one for the world and another, shy, reserved one. Cheiro has this sign too. Double headlines always show great capability and as this sign is missing from the left, passive hand, it is clear that Jackson became who he was because of his environment and due to his own hard work. He was a self-made man. He was probably born with average talent but it came something brilliant later on.

Michael was right handed which means that his right hand showed his current thinking and his left hand his past, or rather what he had inherited. The difference between the two hands gives a clue to Michael’s inherited qualities and how they changed over the years.

Check out his right hand photo here and his left hand, here. The other photos published in this post are free photos.

Despite his brilliance, there were serious flaws in his personality. He would not always listen to reason and could be quite self-centred, not always listening to reason.

Stubbornness may be a personality characteristic which he inherited, but he never really got a chance to rectify this weakness in his character. Put a strong-headed person in an environment where he is bullied (which we know he was) and the quality of stubbornness is likely to increase.

Michael Jackson had a sensuous and passionate nature and he was the brooding, type. His imagination would very likely take him on a course that was unpleasant, even morbid and this tendency increased over the years. This could have fueled his negative feelings about people – the hatred and suspicion and also his tendency to imagine the worst. This trait would push him away from other people. And it could draw him to those who agreed with him.

Was he all that he was accused of?
People might ask, was he a child molester? Frankly, there is nothing in his hands
to say that he was, or even that he was not. He had a sensuous nature and was willful and he was self-centred and did not trust other people. One can surmise that he was lonely and it is not surprising that he preferred the company of children. The question is, what sort of love was there between him and the children?

Whatever it was, it is very clear is that Michael had a good heart and not the kind who would hurt any human being deliberately.

Michael had a lot of good qualities. He was quick on the uptake, had a curious inquiring mind, he was graceful, skilful and intuitive. There is the ring of Jupiter on the hand and although is not completely formed, it can show a liking for the occult.

He did not care too much for money. Rather, money to him was only what it could buy, not money for money’s sake.

Why the death from an overdose of drugs?
Probably the difficulty he had in listening to others, and his distrust of them, isolated him.

Was Micheal Jackson doomed from the start?
No one is ever doomed and nor was Michael. In fact, Michael had all the advantages that someone else may not have had. He had the intelligence to put his life back on the path, if he had really wanted to. If only he had managed to keep the right people about him. He needed the emotional support like any human being does. More than other human beings perhaps. He was also impressionable and this would make him susceptible to new influences.

Was his death shown on his hand?
As I have mentioned earlier, death cannot be predicted with any certainty but it can almost always be seen in the aftermath of it. Both of Michael's hands show a disturbance on his lifeline in middle age and his fateline is more or less gone too. It would have been possible to warn him about his health and career. This sign on his Life Line could have been on his hands for years before anything really happened. But then it is always difficult to help people who don’t want help.

One cannot help but admire Michael's mental and creative abilities and passion for his work. This is one man who could have kept audiences happy till he was 80 years old. His talent would never have died. He would have kept re-inventing himself, he was an ideas man. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

You might also like read about the relationship issues of Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley
Or find out what makes pop star Madonna tick! Or Ustad Zakir Hussain's hand analysis
Or check out the label "Music Stars" for hand readings of more famous singer celebrities like Kurt Cobain, Beyonce Knowles, or Rihanna or Jennifer Hudson or Jennifer Lopez.


  1. Ha that does add clarity to what I knew about him... probably the only song of which I really loved was heal the world :)

    Mamata must be interesting :D

  2. Excellent article! But his appearence in no way resembled a prescription addict in the latter years of his life. However,, I'm inclined to believe he never really recoved from his 1993 addiction. Which(in my opinion) climaxed once again around the turn of the Millenium.

    I firmly believe by the time of the trial, he straightened out his life and became free of drugs. The night of his death, Michael just asked for something to help him sleep and Dr. Murry(hired by AEG) foolishly shot him up with Benzodizapines(not reccomended for sleep). Then decides to put him under with an anasthetic.

    Here Michael wanted to go all-natural and this doctor screws up. Perhaps Michael had a small part in his death. But I really feel it was acidental(not stubburn carelessness).

  3. Vishesh, yeah I guess that was a great song. About Mamata, I am looking at her hand now, and not only is it interesting, it just shows how different politicians are from each other!

    Michael Jackson Beat, well, it's really difficult to say what was actually going on with his life. The very fact that he had a doctor give him some drug or the other to sleep means that he was certainly having some problems

  4. Michael Jackson's hands weren't always fleshy. That either happened with age or from the effects of prescription drugs. If you look at pictures from earlier eras, his hands are always slender and delicate in appearance. Their appearance starts deteriorating after his addiction. I don't know if that makes a difference in the reading.

    Also, I don't know if I agree with you about his having just an "average" talent. All his brothers were put through the rigors of hard work at an early age, yet he clearly outshone them all. His voice he had since he was a child, barely out of his diapers; it was something that he was just born with. Also, if you look at earlier footage of him with the Jackson 5 (before Motown), he has this precociousness about him now just in his soulful voice, but in his knowledge of how to work the crowd and really get it going. It's truly amazing.

    Anyway, thanks for reading. Enjoyed it. Cemented a lot of what I suspected. :)

  5. Anonymous, yes I noticed the change but according to me unless there is a swelling (which would not necessarily affect only his hands unless his hands were injured in some way) then the fleshiness of the hand is a palmistry indicator. I do not know of any medical condition where only the palm of the hand swells and that too certain mounts. The fleshiness is due to the increase in the size of the mounts.
    I know people whose thumbs have grown in adulthood!
    About what you said about Michael's talent, that was on my mind too. That is is the problem with reading hands of people whom one knows of and believes something about. However I saw it in his hand and so wrote it. I think the palm is right. You see, talent is relative, but I have not compared his talent to that of this brothers. I have compared it to his own talent at a later age. Relatively speaking he improved greatly on the talent that he was born with. It is perfectly possible that he was born with more talent than his brothers. In fact I am sure he was. I also suspect he was born with something more, his strong will and determination and his desire to succeed independently of his family.
    Thanks for ocmmenting Anonymous. I really enjoyed reading and answering your comment.

  6. Although I did recognize what enormous talent he had and how it impacted the music world, I was never a Micheal Jackson fan.

    I've never even read a book about palmistry but it's always been in the back of my mind to do so. I am delighted to find that you were and are a skilled practitioner. I'm also amazed by how much a skilled person like yourself can determine from examining a palm.

    U have enjoyed my visit to your fascinating blog so I'll be coming back to read more of what you publish here.


  7. Thank you TT. You are one of my favourite bloggers and it goes way back to three years ago when I just started blogging. :) I look forward to your visits here.
    And it's amazing isn't it, how much we can know from the hand. I think of our hands as a map of the brain, even our subsconscious mind writes here.

  8. i am sorry , i already asked to write a palmistry article for mj on other page, as i didnt know you have already written. but i dont mind much mentioned here in this article.
    as famous artist cheiro says having the ring of solomon (of jupiter) enables person to develope the skills that would be dazzling and astonishing to other people and it's a very good sign to have. no wonder mj had invented many dancing steps that nobody ever imagined before and his singing style was also unique. and cheiro also says that having two head lines means two dual personalities + great riches through your brain work. this completely goes with mj as he was like a wild animal full of masculine energy on the stage and off the stage he was pretty feminine and modest. he had a deep cross on his sun line indicating the phase of infamy which he obviously dealt with. though what i dont understant is his sun line stops at the heart line and doestn go beyond that it means he is entilted to have fame and name quite latter in his life almost after 50 but he was famous since the age of 9. is it due to his solomon ring.
    and i dont think the images available on youtube of mj's hand are not good. you can type 'michael jackson hand palmisty' and you get 12 videos on it showing every possible closeups of his hand.
    by the way , good work, keep up.

  9. Krunal, I don't follow Cheiro (although I do admire his work and the fame he brought to palmistry) and in fact do not agree with a lot of his analysis.
    Also I do not believe that the solomon ring denotes fame.
    And yes I have seen a fair amount of close ups of MJ's hand and in them its pretty clear that his Sun Line does not stop at the heart line although there seems to be a break around the age of 45.
    Thanks for your visit and response Krunal.

  10. well, i want to get into palmistry and dont know which palmist i should follow. though i have read a book by cheiro and i was pretty much impressed. i just want to ask u a couple of que.
    1. he says that a good fate line unaccompanied by a sun line just simply means that the person might not make any name or fame, his life would just be ordinary. he will have enough money and resources but not fame.

    2. how do you decide ages on heart lines and sunline. what kind of sunline denotes early success and fame? (i know the age concept for life line and head line)

    3. what does a line stemming from fate line heading toward the mount of mercury which cuts the line of head (and in some cases the line of heart as well) mean.?

    4.cheiro said that having a fate line without any branches on it, which traces it's lonely path towards the mount of saturn must never be oonsidered a good fate line. (emphasis on branches)
    thanks in advance, good work, keep up.

  11. Krunal, I do not agree with cheiro in your point 1.
    About point 2, if (and this is where you need practice to decide) the heart and head lines are normally placed then the place where the fate and sun lines touch the head line is around 30 and where they touch the heart line is around 45. Cheiro does not say this though. A normal Heart Line starts at the base of the finger and that is age 1. This is somewhere near the jupiter finger.
    About point 3 I cannot answer as I already mentioned to you in an email I do not read signs in isolation. The whole hand has to be taken into consideration.
    About point 4 I think what Cheiro said is not true.
    I read hands from my own experiences of 30 years and there are many things which Cheiro said which I think are inaccurate.

  12. Prince recently passed, could you do a reading of him? Thanks!

    1. yes of course I will keep him in mind. Need to get hand photos...I need at least a dozen palm and hand photos before I can proceed.


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