
Friday, October 25, 2013

Why Robert Mugabe is who he is

Robert Mugabe, the current President of Zimbabwe, is known to be a dictator who wants to hang on to power at all costs and has brought Zimbabwe to economic ruin. What is the reason behind his seemingly irrational behaviour that is evident in his personality? His hand explains it all too clearly.

Some aspects of his hand which stand out are the long rectangular palm, wavy, uneven lines on his palm, a broken, high-set headline set distinctly apart from the lifeline, a weak Jupiter (index finger), a long supple thumb – the type of hand which can send a chill up one’s spine! This combination

of hand, signs show an illogical and irrational personality, plenty of greed and ambition and also someone who is at heart insecure, strong-willed and very impulsive. 

Check out Robert Mugabe's right hand here and his left passive hand here and here.

This is the hand of a person who can be cold-hearted and controlling but at the same time at the mercy of his emotions and feelings, a person who will act before he thinks. That may sound contradictory. How can a person be cold-hearted and also a slave to his emotions? This is because this hand shows that one's own feelings are paramount. Everything is looked at subjectively, from rose-tinted spectacles. This does not mean that the person is deluding himself, or is lost in his own world...just the opposite. It is a person who deliberately chooses to see the world through his own lenses.

The worst aspect of his hand is that clarity of thinking is lacking. And also there is a determination not to follow advice but just do what he feels is the right thing to do! Add to that heady cocktail of personality traits - an inferiority complex, a very materialistic and ambitious mindset, and a strong will, and you have a personality that will go to any extent to alleviate those feelings of inadequacy. Such a person can do immense damage if given power.

One cannot help but wonder: How did such a man come to power?

The answer probably lies in the fact that Robert Mugabe did not start out being like this. His passive hand is better, and the passive hand shows inherited or subconscious qualities. One is not sure when the change started to happen, but it probably did after he got the power.

The lines are better on the passive hand, as compared to the right active hand. The left passive hand does not show such a  large gap between the head and lifelines, for example.

Possibly Robert Mugabe could have been a broadminded, and warm-hearted person. One can never know. What we know is that Mugabe alienated himself from the world, and also from a large section of his own people. Power they say corrupts, and this is true of Robert Mugabe. 

However, power does not corrupt everyone. The seeds of the weakness of personality were always present, and this can be seen on the left passive hand. Power simply enhanced them.

Related:- Hand Analysis of other African leaders like Salva Kiir Mayardit's hand reading or  Nelson Mandela's hand reading or Muammar Gaddafi Hand Reading or Idi Amin's hand reveals his lack of reasoning powers or Jacob Zuma's hand analysis or find out what the hands of Heads of State from all over the world tell you.

(Free image by Koen Suyk / Anefo, CC BY-SA 3.0 NL , via Wikimedia Commons) 


  1. It's difficult for people who are like this to 'hold on' to power. They'll probably have to work overtime in order to 'retain' all that power. 'Power' will suck all their energies out, sooner or later.

    Destination Infinity

  2. nice photos which you have uploaded ,able to see almost all the traits you have mentioned above .overall nice reading ! i liked it , but i never heard about him.

  3. I didn't know about Mugabe until I read your reading. He has been a lot in the news lately due to his passing. What do you mean by his fate line weakening on his active hand as opposed to his non-active one? Does it mean he lost his way?

    1. I haven't gone back to the hand to make sure what I meant but yes generally speaking it does mean that. Mugabe was before your time, that's probably why you hadn't heard of it. He was very much in the news about 15-20 years ago.


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