
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Hand Analysis of Nitin Gadkari, the BJP President

Nitin Gadkari Minister India
Three qualities are essential in a good politician, assuming average intelligence and capability. One – genuine love and compassion for his people, second – honesty and third – a love for his country. Hardly any Indian politicians whose hands I have analysed possess all of these three virtues. It confirms my belief that the wrong kind of people join politics in India.

Nitin Gadkari, the newly appointed head of the BJP, India's main opposition party, has
these qualities, well, relatively speaking. He sincerely believes that he is a good man and an examination of Gadkari’s hands reveals that the dominant mounts on his hand are those of Venus, Moon, Lower Mars and Jupiter. This is can be an excellent combination because Venus' charisma, sympathy and generosity are counterbalanced by the strong Mars qualities of energy, determination and aggression. 

His hand has slim fingers, with the first phalanges very slim. The third phalange of the Jupiter (index) finger is thick. The fingers are a little short, relative to the palm. He has a medium-set thumb, tapering with a good balance of its first and se second phalanges although the second is a bit thick. He has strong lines on his hand, particularly the lifeline, but the headline seems pale in comparison.
He may lack tact, and likes power, but Gadkari is well-meaning. He likes to strive for excellence and is hard-working. He is the kind of person who can grasp the whole picture and make quick decisions and he likes to get things done. However, the downside of this is that at times his decisions can be hasty ones. He is basically a doer, and action-oriented but this makes him a man in a hurry. He wants results. He can be very aggressive when he wants something done and could rub people the wrong way. He is fairly straightforward although he is controlling.

Gadkari's hand tells us of a restless person who loves music and could possibly be talented in this field. It also gives a refined and artistic appreciation to a person who is at heart a fighter. He can push to get things done.

He is not narrow-minded; in fact, he has a relatively broad outlook. His heart dominates his thinking, however, and this can make his outlook subjective. He understands people.

His hand shows idealism, and belief in a higher cause and this certainly makes him a benevolent man with the good of his people at heart. However, he stops short of being a visionary as his ideas are not really unconventional, or revolutionary. He is not likely to go off the beaten track and besides, his heart qualities are too strong which makes him less than objective.

He could thus falter on leadership. This is a weakness for any leader. He also needs to become more open and more amenable to another point of view. As a leader, he may have a good idea of what he wants to achieve, but carrying everyone with him is equally important. He does not have the towering or inspiring persona that great politicians have. One cannot be an inspiring leader by riding on one’s warmth and charisma, or even aggression. However, Gadkari's aggression, action-oriented nature and shrewdness can carry him a long way. 

He likes the pleasures of life. As his heart dominates, which means less impulse control, he needs to be careful that he does not go overboard.

In conclusion, one can say that Gadkari has a good hand for an Indian politician, although his hand shows weaknesses. His thinking ability is not the best but he is a good soldier, and his intentions are usually good, or at least he sincerely believes them to be good. The hand is, after all, a reflection of one's own self-perception.

Read posts about other Maharashtra politicians: Raj Thackeray's hand analysis or What do Suresh Kalmadi's hands tell us? or Bal Thackeray's hands tell us about his character or other Indian politicians like Shashi Tharoor and Subramaniam Swamy or Arvind Kejriwal. And you can also check out the scores of posts on this website analysing the hands of Politicians from all over the world.

(Free photo from the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, GODL-India via Wikimedia Commons)


  1. we still hasn't 'made the news' for anything yet :)

  2. True, not much is known about him and that's one of the reasons why I was curious about him. Lets see where he takes the BJP.


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