
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sachin Tendulkar's hands tell us who he is

Sachin Tendulkar and Cristiano Ronaldo are two successful sportsmen, both stars in their own right, but their temperaments couldn’t be more different. True, both men are simple at heart, but Sachin is more so.

It is interesting to see how the hand corroborates Sachin's “known” character traits, although this post might reveal some additional aspects of his persona. It could also explain why Sachin is the way he is. In other words, what makes him tick.

A few days ago on television, Sachin said something he has said several times in the past. That money is not that important to him, that it is his passion for the game and love for India which drives him. But we will still examine his hand to check whether a love for money is shown on his hand.

Check out hand photos of his here and here.

Sachin Tendulkar hand's show a broad palm with very pronounced mounts of lower Mars, Venus and upper Moon. The upper Mars and Jupiter mounts are also developed. The lines visible on his hand are the main lines only – that of Life, Head, Heart and Fate and the latter is not very clear from the photographs. Not too many minor lines are seen on the hand. The main lines are not very long, and the headline is fairly straight, although it is sloping on the left hand, but it does not go across the hand. The fingers, with rounded tips, are an interesting bunch. Only the Apollo (ring) and Saturn (middle) fingers seem to be normal. By normal I mean, normally set (neither too high-set or low-set) and of a good length. The first phalanges are good and the second a little short. The thumb is good too, low-set and a decent length, and it is supple as well.

It's quite clear that being rich is not what drives Sachin. Money does matter to him, but his beliefs and ideals matter more. Besides, money-making ability is not seen on his hand, in the sense, that he does not have business ability. If he has made money, it is by the sheer force of his talent. Interestingly, his hand shows a very high level of mental talent. Clearly, his mind always played a huge part in his success. Sachin is not just about physical skill. The limited length and thickness of his lower phalanges overall show a person who has simple tastes and can lead a frugal life, if he wishes to.

The shape of his hand shows a practical, down to earth person, and this means that money would be important to a certain extent, but only as much as would be required for a comfortable life and secure future. Greed doesn't figure in his hand.

Sachin has played consistently over twenty years in international cricket and has now made it clear that his intention is to play for India in the World Cup in 2011. Some people might feel he is too old, being in the late thirties by then. Looking at it objectively, from the point of view of a palmist, I would say that if anyone can do it, it’s Sachin Tendulkar. It is not for nothing that he has lasted for so long. His hand shows resilience and resistance, a good amount of resistance to adversity, and also a mental strength and calmness that enables him to remain steadfast and gives him the ability to stand his ground. This is a quality essential for long-term success because talent is never enough. Sure, Sachin is talented, but what is important is that he able to sustain himself, unlike a lot of other talented superstars. This quality is what makes any star eternal. Aggression is also pronounced on his hand, a great sign on a sportsman's hand. Aggression, a superior talent and staying power – qualities that very sportsman needs to succeed. Sachin Tendulkar has all of these. 

Determination is also present, and this adds to the strength of his personality. This is probably what makes him disciplined. Although he has all these qualities, reasoning abilities and a pragmatic attitude are an asset and can help him get over any weaknesses that he perceives in himself. And that brings us to another aspect of his personality. He is not egoistic and is likely to be aware of his own faults. He would take a practical view of them and try to improve himself. In fact, some insecurities about himself are present although it is difficult to see why he should not be supremely confident about himself. Perhaps this insecurity is what pushes him to achieve greatness. He inherited this quality. Luckily, despite the insecurities, failure is not a stumbling block for him. He has the ability to push on and is not the type to get easily discouraged.

He could be a little too aggressive and impulsive on occasion, and he could have some difficulty in trusting people. At heart, he is a cautious person but impulsiveness is present. His hand shows that aggressiveness is a quality that he has kept in check, and it is seen as reduced on his active hand.

One wonders why he gave up his captaincy when it was handed over to him on a platter. Although Sachin has the ambition to lead, it is not an overriding desire. Like he said, he is more interested in perfecting his talent (his game), and besides, there is the issue of diffidence which can come in the way of what he sees as "lording" it over others. He may not feel confident about his leadership skills, although he is a compassionate person who wants to do good by others. He is not a selfish man. But he is not such a great judge of character and this would come in the way of his leadership ability.

Communication ability is average although it has improved over the years, to some extent. Although Sachin can be shrewd and is not as straightforward as he appears, he lacks the ability to manipulate and control others.

If Sachin had decided early on that this is what he wanted, being India’s best Captain, he could have done it. If he had wanted the power and the money he would have worked towards it. He has the mental strength and flexibility to adapt, and he has the ability to push himself. In fact, his hands show that many of his fixed ideas have changed over time. But his goal has always been his game. The mental aspect of it. That dominates.

Sachin Tendulkar is also quite the serious guy, but he has the ability to enjoy himself and is basically a happy person. He has good taste but he prefers useful things around him rather than just “arty” stuff.

Overall Sachin is a reserved person and not arrogant or egoistic. He would make a good, thoughtful husband. He has warmth of personality but he is not an over-emotional type of person.

Note: Primarily, it was Sachin Tendulkar’s left hand which was taken into consideration for the hand reading as his left hand shows his current state of mind as he writes with his left hand.

Read about other famous Indian cricketers like :
Saurav Ganguly or Virat Kohli or Pakistan's Imran Khan, or Australia's Shane Warne
And also check out the hand readings of other Sports Stars from around the world.

(The photo is from Bollywoodsargam which has free images of Sachin)


  1. Nita, you are bang on. I agree with all that you have said and it is borne out by my knowledge of Sachin Tendulkar by a reading of his talks and batting!

  2. I remember how it used to be when I was a kid..I think I even did a fancy dress as him..

    When I used to go for cricket coaching, we had a chance on tele, to comment on various players' performance and I remember I was the only who criticized him..and well the next match he scored 242(in Aus)..Well those were days, when I was a cricket fan..

    But I did read his interview in sports star(mainly because it was a special edition about him)..And yes he confirms most of what you say..

    All I can say it is amazing..and inspiring for anyone(whether cricketer/cricket fan or not)..20 years is no joke..and to still have the quality...There are a few in Football too and it is their fitness and character which stands out along with their game...

  3. Sudhir, good to know that. Some things about Sachin are well known but it was fun to try and see whether his hand matched what was known about him.

    Vishesh, I agree that to last so long needs something more than just talent. It takes not just a lot of hard work, but also a certain temperament because there are ups and downs in everyone's career.

  4. hi nita
    didn't know you were a palmist. woww this is great man !! let me know when you start reading palms of general public... i sure would want to enroll.
    and your note about "What palmistry cannot do" was pretty interesting. however it makes me wonder as to how so many palmists claim to tell all of it from the palm. what a fraud !!


  5. Hi Minal, good to see you here! Glad to know that you are interesed. I will soon start reading palms of the general public, maybe in a few months. I want to first have a good number of readings of people on this blog, at least 10 in each category so that I get good traffic from search engines. Then I shall start reading the palms of say you! :)
    And yeah, I find that many palmist mislead people. Sad!

  6. this really wonderful Nita... Always liked Sachin and watched him closely in matches... and what you have said is really true..

    a good captain needs to make bowling changes well.. but I have never seen Sachin done that.. that is because his jumping into decisions soon.. which he might have regretted later..

    and I myself want my palm to be read.. hope you start reading general public's palm soon :)

    and I like you to read Ganguly's palm because he is exact opposite to Sachin.. aggressive as captain and more than that I am a great fan of him :)

  7. kanagu, thanks. I will read ganguly's palm. Thanks for the suggestion! He is an interesting character isn't he! I always wondered though whether he is as bad as the media painted him out to be. His hands will reveal it!

  8. Don't you think this seems to be closer to an ideal hand - I mean, he has his disadvantages, but it doesn't really affect him - Captaincy for example. Still, you say that if he was determined enough, he could have become the best captain of India! But I think he is more selfish than what is portrayed of him - he seems to look at every thing only from his point of view. One more thing is he may not be able to take or digest failure. Sure, this is a good thing and drives people to be successful and in his case its made him super-successful, but maybe because of that he is not able to think or even consider a life outside playing in cricket? How long can he keep playing? Do you think he can manage his 'post retirement' period?

    Destination Infinity

    Destination Infinity

  9. I think his mental strength is to be admired and the focus as well. However he does not have leadership ability and nor is philanthropy shown on his hand. However his hand does not show selfishness or seeing things from his own point of view, even if that is the perception about him. He just lacks strong leadership ability, but he is very good in a team and is known to be sort of a mentor to the younger ones. Selfish people are not team players. In fact Sachin's hand shows broadmindedness and unselfishness. However I do not think of this as an ideal hand. To my mind an ideal hand is one which encompasses humanity as a whole and that is a very rare trait.

    1. Have you ever come across such a palm which is whole and perfect! Whose is it? Please tell.

    2. Perfection is very subjective. Some people might think that a non-materialistic wise and spiritual person is perfect, another might think that a brilliant, talented person is perfect, and another might think someone with great business sense and a go-getter-type mentality is perfect or another might think that a philanthropist mentality is perfect. No one has all these qualities. Thus, no one is perfect in everyone's eyes. If you ask me, I think perfection lies in the eyes of the beholder.

  10. Hey Nita,

    One question: In palmistry, how do you determine whether your partner would be younger or older than you?

  11. Anonymous, there is no way you can make that out. I am wondering why you think this can be done. It is absolutely impossible to tell this.


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